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It was the time of year where y/n thrived. Where her fangs would stick out from her lips. Where her aspirations go hand in hand with the weather. It was fall, and more importantly, it was the month of Halloween.

"Woooo!" She cheered as her feet tackled the forest floor which was colored in orange red and yellow.
"Slow down little bat!" Derek shouted as she took off into the trees. She jumped and her shape turned to a small little black bat. She flapped violently back to where Derek had parked.
Derek ripped her out of the sky and into his pocket.
"Stay with me. You're gonna get lost."
The little rat with wings looked up at the wolf as she gripped the pocket of his jacket with her claws.
Derek pulled her out of his coat and she hug from his index finger. She looked at him again, this time for confirmation that she could fly.
"Go on." He shook her off. She took to the sky, zipping through the trees and flying over the cliff.
She took a nose dive but pulled up before hitting the ground. She soared and flew back to Derek. She perched herself on Dereks shoulder before he peeled her off and put her on the ground.
"Human, now." A cloud of smoke formed around her. A small figure grew more limbs and a taller frame.
"This is awesome!"
"It's another Tuesday."
"It's beautiful out."
"It's 65 and cloudy."
"It's perfect."
"Whatever you say little bat." Dereks eyes had rolled to the back of his head.
"I love you so much Derek." She bounced up and down on her toes.
"Yeah yeah."
"It even smells good outside today."
"This is when you thrive. You're a hallows eve creature."
"That's ironic coming from you, wolf boy." She poked his hard pectoral which earned her a bitter stare
"I am a year round creature."
"You are a weird creature is what you are." She stuck her tongue out at him and jumped before she transformed back into her small form and flew off.

"So where is she?" Stiles rubbed his hands together
"The vampire girl! The one you always ta-"
Derek elbowed stiles in the stomach
"She's upstairs." Stiles took for the loft stairs "Shes sleeping."
Derek crushes stiles dreams.
"She'll be down in a little bit. Just give her some time. Technically she should be fast asleep by now." Scott reassured stiles who was now throwing a fit on Dereks blue satin couch.
Stiles let out a big groan of annoyance and flopped himself over onto the floor.
A minute or two later the girl slouched down the stairs, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
Stiles stood quickly, tripping over the carpet.
"Hi. Im stiles stilinski. I heard you're a vampire. Can I see what you can do?"
Y/n looked at him blankly. Her brain was still trying to wake up.
"Stiles can you give her a minute. She just woke up."
"Oh right." Stiles sat back down on the couch and y/n walked over to the fridge.
"So do you eat normal food or just blood?"
She jumped as stiles stood over her. Her shoulders tensed as she was starting to get annoyed. She gripped the water bottle she kept in the fridge.
"Is that blood? How often do you drink? Blood I mean. Or is that a myth? Do you prefer certain types of blood?"
Her eyes started to flash as she felt the anger bubble up in her. Her skin started to crawl as she felt the urge just to bite him out of spite.
"Do different types of blood taste different? Are you in competition with mosquitoes?"
She hissed and turned to bite his hand that was in her face.
"Ow! What the hell?!" Stiles squeaked.
"Okay! Come on! Back up." Derek broke distance between the two and pulled y/n away.
"Y/n you can't do that."
"He was annoying!"
"I know but you have to learn how to suck it up. You know how many times I wanted to bite him?"
"You should have. Maybe it would have shut him up."
Derek huffed and then cupped her face with his hands.
"You can't bite. Promise me you won't bite anyone anymore."
"Fine." She hissed. She shoved her straw in her mouth and sucked up the red liquid in between her lips.
"That's still so nasty."
"And i think eating lettuce is nasty and yet you do it every day. You're not a tortoise."
"Fair point."
"Hey y/n..." a small voice asked "I am sorry about invading your space."
"It's okay Stiles. And I'm sorry I bit you."
"It's okay. I deserved it.
But I have to ask..." he started. He pointed to my drink
"Yes stiles, it's blood. Human blood." His face went pale. "It's okay. I get it perfectly morally. I have a friend who's a nurse who takes blood donations from volunteers. They are people who do know what it's going to. They choose to be donors in order to keep us from having to get blood immorally."
"Okay." He nodded. "Do you know any donors?"
"I am." Derek stepped forward.
"But you're not human." Scott retorted
"Human enough." He shrugged
"Have you ever... ya know... drank from him directly?" Stiles gulped
"Only once. I almost died because I hadn't drank in a while, Derek only did it because he had to. And I would never ask him to even if I was dying."
"Derek did it voluntarily?!"
"Yes." Derek seethed with anger.
"Derek isn't a regular donor but he does sometimes give blood."
"So... what tastes the best?" Stiles started to get curious
"Human blood. Pure human blood."
"What's the worst?"
"Any type of small animal."
"What about big animals?"
"They are okay."
"Why are we discussing this?!" Scott's face looked disgusted.
"Because it's interesting! Have you ever met a vampire before?!" Stiles waggled his arms around
"No but it's still weird!"
"It wouldn't be weird if I asked you your favorite food!"
"I guess."
"Stiles is right. Seems a little hypocritical if you ask me." Derek nodded with his arms crossed.
"Right, sorry y/n."
"It's okay. No offense taken."
"You should be offended." Stiles instigated.
"Stiles!" Scott and Derek shouted
"Come on y/n. Let's go somewhere else. How about we go get lunch or something?"
"So you eat regular food?" Stiles inquired
"Stiles! If you ask one more question I swear I will hang you up by your scalp." Dereks eyes flashed blue and his teeth gleamed
Derek put one hand on my back and led me out of the apartment. I looked back to see what stiles and Scott were doing but they just stood there

"Thanks for dinner Derek." I smiled up at him.
"You're very welcome." He nodded as he shoved his wallet in his back pocket.
I looked around the small area we had stopped for a meal and noticed a small light pink shop that seemed to look cold inside.
There was a sign that read Ice cream
"Derek. What's ice cream?"
"You've never had ice cream before?"
I shook my head and he grabbed my hand to take me to the shop. It was indeed cold inside.
"What flavor can I get you two?" The girl behind the counter in the funky white hat and a pink striped apron stared at me. I looked up at Derek and he stepped in.
"One vanilla with sprinkles and one... rocky road."
"Sounds good."
She shovelled scoops of ice cream into cups and then handed them to us.
Derek handed her some cash and grabbed a spoon for me.
"Thank you." I delicately took it from his big hand and shoved it into the scoop.
"It's too hard to scoop Derek!" I laughed as I pushed on the handle.
"Here. Try this." Derek handed me his ice cream which was in a... brittle cup?
"It's called a waffle cone." He saw me looking at it.
"Do you eat it?"
"Yeah. When your ice cream gets down you start eating the cone."
"Can I have the spoon?"
"You don't need it for this. You just use your mouth."
I pulled out my fangs and was ready to bite it. I sank my teeth in but they stung.
"Agh! Cold!"
"Yeah yeah don't do that! That's how you get a brain freeze! Just lick it."
I licked his and it tasted pretty good.
"I like that!"
He handed me back mine but I was able to scoop out bites now.
"What did you do?"
"Nothing I just waited for it to melt some."
"Oh... well I like yours more." I laughed
"Of course you do." He laughed as well. He handed me the cone "want it?"
"Oh no, it's yours. I don't want to take it. I'll eat mine."
"That's new." Derek whispered
"What's new?"
"That you don't want to take my food. It's just a thing that girlfriends always take their boyfriends food." Derek realized what he said "not that I'm saying your my girlfriend or anything. And i know it's kinda a stupid generalisation."
I noticed his nervousness and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.
"I would be your girlfriend."
"Yeah. I like you. You're hella attractive too."
Dereks face turned bright pink. He didn't know how to respond to her compliment
"Do you wanna do this again sometime? But as a date?"
"I'd love to."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now