The fire within

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Requested by Anonymous!
"Hey did you set the popcorn out yet?" I rounded the corner of the room to see Derek sitting on the couch
"It's still in the microwave but I am just about to get it out." He nodded
"Awesome. Lydia said she is bringing some other chips and then Allison said she was coordinating some sweets with Scott, so that should be that. Drinks are still in the fridge but in about ten minutes we should take them out and set them."
"Okay." He agreed. My phone dinged reminding me the group chat was having a riveting conversation.
I'm serious. Buy some chocolate
We don't need chocolate, Stiles.
Yes we do.
Chocolate isn't a movie flavor. You want some movie candy? Buy fruit flavored anything.
Ew Liam. You're gross. Fruit flavored?!
I sent back a snarky text and listened as the phone dinged immediately in response. I decided to step away from the conversation and turn back to my boyfriend. I looked over and he hadn't moved from the couch.
"Derek? You getting the popcorn?"
He snapped his eyes to me and stood quickly.
"Right yeah. I'm going." He seemed on edge. Usually when he walked he flexed, and his muscles would ripple causing me to swoon, like normal but now he seemed really tense. I watched as his body moved stiffly to the kitchen. Derek was a broad man who's muscles sometimes made him look like a brick wall but he was still very agile. His body moved like a rock through water, aggressive but effortless. Today he was different, right now he was different. He looked like he was straining. When he flexed his muscles quaked. I walked behind him into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around his waist. He jumped and that's when I knew something was off.
"Are you okay? Der, look at me." He turned to face me and his eyes were hazy. "Woah. What's wrong?"
"I saw the movie we are watching tonight."
"Yeah. The Towering inferno. Looks good huh?"
"Uh huh. It's just that... I haven't seen fire since..."
He didn't have to say anything more and I was holding him.
"Oh my god Derek I didn't even think. I'm so sorry. I should have known."
"Don't apologize."
"No I should. I should have been an advocate for you." I released his waist and pulled out my phone.
"I'll text the group and have them pick something else."
"No." He protested
"Yes Derek. It's not fair to you."
"And it's not fair to them that they all have to change plans because of me."
"I'm still texting them." Derek yanked my phone and held it up. "Der please! Please!"
"No. I'll be fine."
"No you won't. You're gonna suffer the entire time."
"I'll be fine. I've been through a lot."
"Derek! It's trauma! It's not something you can just shoo off." I stopped trying to grab the phone and looked him in the eyes. He looked back at me with a sort of softness. I sighed knowing I wasn't going to change his mind. I gave up and rested my forehead on his chest. He leaned back so his lower back hit the counter. He was slouched over so we were at a better eye level. I looked at him again with sad eyes and he placed his large hand on my jaw.
"I love you. And I'm so so happy that you're willing to speak up for me. But I am a lot stronger than you think. I will be fine."
He leaned down and captured my lips with his as a form of reassurance, sealing the deal of him watching the movie. By now I had forgotten about the sadness I felt for him and was overcome by the feeling to giggle I had in my stomach while kissing him. We had kissed every day since we started dating and we had been dating for a while but I never left the honeymoon stage. Every kiss was still exciting, every romantic moment was like bliss.
I let go of him and he smiled at me.
"It works every time," he whispered to me. I smacked his chest knowing he kissed me as an advantage along with the reassurance.
"You're a jerk." I joked.
The metal door rattled open, letting us know everyone was here. I pulled the drinks out of the fridge and walked them to the table. Derek set down the large bowl of popcorn and took the nest of other large bowls and spread them around the table for chips that Lydia was bringing.
"Wow guys! It looks great in here!" Scott complimented my work.
"Thank you much! I was the planner of it all."
"Although I actually did all the work." Derek groaned
"He was my little helper." I laughed
"Well it looks wonderful Derek." Hayden smiled.
"Thank you."
The three couples along with the couple of the house all gathered around the tv. Stiles grabbed the DVD off the couch and popped it into the player.
Derek grabbed my hand as the movie started and he started to sweat. I squeezed his hand and rubbed his knuckles with my thumb letting him know I was there.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now