Old friends

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Inspired by the stranger things scene
"You looked so..."
It had taken me by surprise to see this town again. Beacon Hills. The minefield of my teenage memories. The home of my angst.
My old run down car trucked into town and my hands gripped the wheel tighter than I anticipated. I watched the town go by and remembered what was still standing and what had been replaced. The town was far different since I had been in high school. The early 2000s was a different time and called for different shops, entertainment and the like. The diner from down the street of beacon hills high school still stood, no doubt being solely funded by tired high school kids too lazy to cook at home or drive any further than the diner to eat.
I found myself smiling remembering my high school memories despite hating every second of those days. No friends, wasn't popular, wasn't particularly smart either. I just ran along somewhere in the nowhere crowd. I had worked at a small shop that was now replaced with an animal clinic. I drove into the parking lot and decided to go inside on a whim.
I was a lover of all animals so it wasn't a totally weird idea. I just hoped anyone who worked there didn't find me weird for walking in with no pet in hand.
The door clinked a bell that alerted a worker. A teenage boy who couldn't have been more than 17.
"Hi, are you here to pick up an animal?"
"Uh, no. Sorry. Um... this is going to sound weird but I used to live here, in Beacon hills, a long time ago and this used to be a technology repair shop. I just wanted to come in and see what it's like now."
"Oh, well I can see if my boss will let you look around." The employee said. He gave me a stare for a minute "I'm sorry, you just look so familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it."
"Oh, well, I'm sorry but I don't think I know you."
"Must just have a friendly face then." The boy complimented as he filed some papers.
"Well than you... um..."
"Scott." He replied seemingly reading my mind.
"Thank you Scott. Im y/n, by the way."
"Nice to meet you. Let me go get my boss."
I just nodded and looked around while I waited. The clinic was pretty bare of people, most likely because it was noon on a Tuesday and I'm sure most owners are at work right now.
"Hi, are you y/n?" A different voice spoke. I turned to see a man who had a familiar face.
"Yes I am." I shook his hand and tilted my head "I feel like I know you. What's your name?"
"Im doctor deaton."
"Holy shit. Alan Deaton." I laughed
"Yeah. Thats me. Im sorry am I supposed to know you?"
"Oh uh, no I suppose not. We met a long time ago and only once but I never really forgot you. I was with someone you used to work for, can't quite remember who, and you had helped me when I fell off a slide on the playground. I remember you bandaging up my knee."
He just smiled, still not quite remembering but he ultimately understood that I wasn't lying.
"What can i help you with?"
"Oh nothing really! I just used to work here when this place was a repair shop."
"Oh you must have known Chris Johnson then."
"Yes he was my boss."
"Great man! He was so helpful when I bought this place from him."
"Yeah. I wonder how he's doing now. It feels like it's been forever."
"Oh, I'm sorry to tell you but he passed away a year ago. He had cancer."
"Oh my god. That's horrible. I can't imagine how his wife is doing. Shes such a very sensitive and frail woman."
"She's doing alright as far as I know. She moved in with her daughter not too long after." He sighed and then reversed back to the original conversation "so Scott here tells me you'd like to take a tour of the place?"
"Oh it's not a huge deal."
"No no. You seem very reliable and since you knew Chris I feel inclined to show you around."
"Well thank you."
Deaton toured me around. I saw where the old benches were now operating tables. The cabinets had seen so many different objects and the walls were painted a white in stark contrast to the dark blue we had before.
"Everything here is so different. I mean the only thing that looks the same is Charlie's Diner." I laughed
"That diner will never go out of business. I mean they had the right idea putting a hopping place of food by a high school. Kids these days eat like they can't get enough."
"I heard that." Scott laughed
"You're my prime example." Deaton sassed back.
"Well thank you for showing me around but I should probably get to my house and start unloading some stuff." I checked my watch and saw it was getting late.
"It was no problem. And if you ever need anything, feel free to come back."
"Will do. Thank you. And thanks for helping me out Scott."
"No problem." Scott waved as I walked out the door, clanking the same bell.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now