Go little rockstar

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Not a shipping x reader
Dad!derek x daughter!reader
Okay I know this is a little strange but for all intents and purposes, Derek is going to be a lot older, around mid to late 30s because you will be Dereks adopted daughter!
Requested by MarvelxObsession
"Bro I can't do this." I looked at stiles as I clutched the lacrosse stick.
"You'll do fine. Can't be worse than me."
I bummed in nervousness and tapped my foot.
"What if I mess up? Like really bad." I chewed on my lip as I waited in line at try outs.
"Well Scott has. I have."
"We were pretty heavily bullied for a couple months then someone got murdered and that became more important."
"So I have to rely on someone dying in order to be safe?"
"Pretty much." He nodded
"Fuck me." I mumbled turning back to the front. I felt sweat drip down my back, half because of nerves and the other half because it was roasting outside.
Stiles looked at me with wide eyes
"R-really?" He stuttered.
"What?" I asked. He leaned into me but I backed away causing him to tumble over. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
He didn't respond, just fumbled getting up and grabbing his lacrosse stick with both hands.
"L/n! You're up!" Coach shouted after blowing his whistle.
I turned back and clutched my stick.
The goalie slapped his stick which fired me up.
Our objective was to get a shot passed the goalie. Liam... Lima Dunbar. The best lacrosse player since beacon hills was founded. My hands started to collect sweat between my skin and the metal.
I tapped the ball which made it fly into the air. It bounced into the net and I started to pick up my feet. I smiled as I saw two goons run toward me. I saw their bodies and knew what they were going to do.
I ran around them, dodged one and tripped the other. I laughed as I saw him go down like a skyscraper.
I ran to the goal and juked the goalie so I could take a shot without him being able to catch it.
The ball thwacked into the net and I jumped up and down.
"YEAH!" Stiles shouted and clapped. I looked back at the line and everyone was stunned .
"How the hell did she do that?" Greenberg asked Danny.
Danny just shook his head.
"That was... AWESOME!" Stiles flailed and wrapped his arms around me.
"Thanks." I chuckled.
"You! The girl!" Coach shouted and pointed at me "what kinda DRUGS are you SNORTING"
I froze for a second I knew I was in trouble. I tried to get out some words but he cut me off
"I need you on my team. How about it?"
"Absolutely!" I immediately answered without even thinking.
"Good good." He nodded and mumbled to himself "every team is going to cry when they compete."
"I just got onto the lacrosse team!" I looked at stiles and squealed. I jumped up and down while my hands were on his shoulders. I stopped bouncing when I realized what I said "I'm on the lacrosse team. Dads gonna kill me." I rested my forehead on his chest.
"Derek isn't going to kill you."
"Yes he will."
"You're on the lacrosse team, not pregnant."
"That's just as bad to him."
"He's not going to kill you."
"You'll never see me again. I'm gonna die." I gripped his cold hands and choked up some tears.
"You're the most overdramatic person I've ever seen. And I've seen myself."
"Y/n!" A familiar voice shouted sending shivers down my spine.
"Hi dad." I smiled wide as I turned on my toes.
"What are you doing?" He asked pointing between me and stiles.
"Celebrating... me... making the... lacrosse team?" I knew my death was near.
"You what?"
"I made the lacrosse team!"
"You're not... playing."
"Why not?" I stomped.
"Because... you just aren't."
"Oh come on Derek! Let her play. She's good! Really good!"
"She's not playing!"
"She's so good!"
"How do you know that?"
"Because I watch her! I've seen her play! Have you?!" Stiles snapped "have you even tried to support her?"
"Now I don't know why you're taking that type of tone with me, but say something like that to me again boy and I will never let you see my daughter again."
"DAD!" I screamed.
"I'm not joking. You're not playing. End of."
Dad shook his head and walked off.
I threw my stick down and kicked it.
"Ugh! He's so annoying!" I looked at stiles and he saw my eyes start to tear up.
"Done cry. Don't cry." He pulled me into his chest and my tears wet his jersey.
He rubbed my back and I cried into his left pec.

Dereks pov
Stiles was right. I have never seen her play. For all I know she could be better than Liam. I had gotten to the car when I realized I needed to apologize to her. She was my daughter and I loved her more than anything. She needed to do something she enjoyed. Just because I was nervous doesn't mean I get to dictate her life.
I turned on my toes and walked back to the field. I walked toward the field when I saw her huddled into stiles.
Was she okay? I saw her shoulders jump and knew she was crying. Stiles threw his arms around her softly and hugged her closer.
I never really understood why she liked stiles. He was so annoying. He jumped and ran everywhere, he was loud and constantly did things before thinking. He was sporadic and loud and I didn't like it. He seemed to say something to her so I listened in.
"It's okay y/n. You'll be fine. It always blows over." She seemed to slow down and catch her breath. "He loves you. He just wants you to be safe."
"I know. It just hurts my feelings that he won't let me do anything."
"He's seen a lot of shit. He chose you for his life. You're everything to him. You're his soul reason for living. He's probably just paranoid. Why don't you sit and talk to him about why this is so important to you. Clearly you really want to and he wants you to be happy."
This was not the stiles I was familiar with. He has never said anything so poetic in his life. But I knew I'd have to have a talk with her. I never knew she wanted to play so bad.
"Dad?" Her voice called pulling me back to her. She looked over and knew I was listening to her. "Please let me play. You can come to all my games and watch me like a hawk. You can do the awkward cheering and obsessive worrying all you want. Please."
I started to walk closer to her and I opened my arms. She ran to me and threw her face into my chest.
"I just want you to be safe little one. That's all I want. And I know I worry a lot. I can't help it."
"I know dad."
"This is going to be a lot for me but if it makes you happy.."
"I can play?" She looked up at me with hazzy eyes.
"Yes you can."
"OH MY GOD THANK YOU!" She shrieked
I flinched and rubbed my ear
"Ouch! I can hear you! I'm not a dog. You don't need to whistle me."
"Sorry dad." She apologized.
"Hey stiles." I looked over at him. He straightened up and looked at me with a worried look "Thanks. For teaching her not to give up. I may have not liked you in the beginning but I see you really value her. You're a good kid."
"Thank you Derek."
I nodded at him and turned on my feet.
"But if I see you touching my daughter I'll stake your head on our front lawn." I warned.

Third pov
Stiles gulped and felt himself starting to sweat. Y/n looked at stiles with a smirk and laughed a little.
"He's not gonna kill you." She whispered
"YES I WILL." Derek shouted from the top of the hill
"Shit." Stiles mumbled "I'm gonna die."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now