Cold rollers and conversations

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I feel like it's canon Derek has no clue about things to help his mental health so he's gonna learn today
"Where are you going?" Derek called as his girlfriend stepped to the door
"I'm not feeling very well so I'm going to my meditation class."
Derek stood up and walked to her with concern. He grabbed her arms and looked her up and down.
"You don't seem sick. I can't even smell anything."
"Not that kind of sick. I'm not feeling good up here." She pointed to her head and he understood.
"I'm surprised that stuff actually works."
"It really does. Especially when I pair it with my other things I do. Makes me feel a lot better. Alright I've gotta go. I'll be home after. Bye love you." She kissed his cheek and he hummed a goodbye. When the door was closed he felt a sense of confusion. He wondered what else she did when she was feeling down or stressed. He walked back up to their room and looked around. He noticed the smell of lavender coming from their bathroom. When he walked in the room was warm. He assumed she must have taken a shower before leaving.
"Lavender?" He hummed taking a mental note of it and moving on. He walked around to her side of the bed and found a journal sitting on the bedside. He opened it just for a second to see she had written about her day in it.
"I'm not reading that." He grumbled and put it back exactly how he found it. "What else does she do?"
He moved on from the book and looked around the room but couldn't find much else. He found himself to be curious at what time she'd be home so he checked her calendar and saw she'd be gone for another hour. He suddenly realized he was pretty bored without her and walked into the bathroom. He saw her shower items on the counter and decided to look through them.
"Face mask?" He opened the jar and took a small smell of it. "Hmm that's where she gets that smell from." He read the label that said it was to help relax.
He contemplated putting some on to see what would happen. He was in fact a little stressed right now but he couldn't get himself to do these frivolous things. A deep part of him wanted to see if it would work but most of him refused to stoop that low.
He couldn't think of what else to do while she was gone so he sat on the couch and closed his eyes. In moments he was asleep.

Derek awoke when y/n came home and closed the door. He sat up and she sucked in a breath through her teeth.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up."
"It's okay. I was just waiting for you to get home anyway."
"Aww. How sweet." She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him and tucked her head into his body. He hugged her back with less enthusiasm but she knew it was the most he could do.
"How was your class?" He asked
"Good. I definitely feel better."
"That's good..." he hesitated for a second "hey what's with all the bottles and jars in the bathroom?"
"Oh that's all my self care stuff. I can clean it up."
"No it's okay. I was just curious."
"Did you wanna try some of the stuff?"
"Not really. Just wondering if and why those things work. Like how does putting a goop on your face make you relax?"
Y/n laughed really thinking about it.
"It's not really the face mask that makes you feel better. It's more of that when you do the face mask you're taking time for yourself and centring yourself. Helps you get out of your head. You can try it. Are you feeling stressed?"
Derek didn't want to admit that it did sound nice and there was a part of him that wanted to say yes.
"I guess. It seems like you want me to."
"I think you'll enjoy it."
Derek gave in and followed her to the bathroom being pulled by his wrist.
"Okay so this we can put under your eyes to help with your dark circles." She held up a package and ripped the top off. When she placed the slimy half circles under Derek's eyes he cringed into himself.
"Ew those are gross. Why are they like that?"
Y/n laughed and explained what they were and how to use them.
"Go lay on the couch. I'll bring all my facial stuff and give you a facial."
Derek nodded and walked back to the couch with his face tipped up so the eye patches didn't slip.

Derek's eyes were closed as his head rested on his girlfriend's lap. After about ten different face products, y/n placed cold rollers on his forehead.
"Oh, thats cold."
"That's the point." She giggled
"This is actually kinda nice."
"And I have been kinda stressed."
"Yeah? Wanna talk about it?"
"No. I'm okay. But I appreciate you asking."
"Hmm. No problem."
She removed the cold rollers from his face and his eyes fluttered open.
"Hi handsome." She smiled down at him.
"You have such pretty eyes." She fawned
"Thanks." He was trying to receive the compliment with grace but he was struggling.
She leaned over and pressed her lips to his, mimicking the infamous Spider-Man kiss, hoping to turn the soft moment into something he could digest more comfortably. Derek was weird like that. He could easily kiss her all day but the second she complimented him or when he wanted to compliment her, he seemed to choke on it. So y/n usually decided to turn those choking moments into something he could swallow.
He sat up and patted his face dry.
"Feel better?"
"I do actually. Now I understand why you have a million products."
"It's all to keep me mentally sane. This and therapy. Which I still think you should try."
"Absolutely not."
Y/n cursed to herself at another failed attempt to get Derek to talk to someone about his life. She truly believed Derek would feel a little better if he did. But he just couldn't get himself to do that. One day she would get him to go. One day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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