For the sick and injured

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Requested by Emmapopsie6
"What's this for?" Y/n asked holding up a pill which she didn't recognise.
"It's for people like you." Derek muttered as he wrapped a bandage around her thigh. The blood started to soak through almost instantly. Derek cursed at the sight of the stain and shook his head.
"You're bleeding way too much. I thought I could get away with not stitching it but I'm going to have to."
"What? No! You can't do that!"
"It's okay, I'm a doctor."
"I don't even know your name and you wanna shove a needle through me?!"
"I think I've gained your trust enough by saving your life."
"You haven't earned anything because all you've said is that I could die and try to shove a mysterious pull down my throat." Y/n pinched the pill and waved it in his face.
"It's not a mysterious pill! Just take it before I shove this needle through your leg, please."
"I'm not letting you!"
"And what are you going to do? Run away? I don't think you have those capabilities right now." Derek reached into his pocket and violently felt around. He pulled out his wallet and flashed his license at her.
"See? I'm a doctor. I know what I'm doing."
"You still haven't explained what this is!" She held the pill.
He sighed and unbandaged her thigh wound.
"It's a painkiller but it's modified... for the supernatural." Y/n flinched and her eyes went wide.
"How... h-how did you know?"
Derek flashed his eyes and laughed
"I can smell it on you." He turned to grab something from his bag and opened up a sterile needle package.
"So what exactly are you?" He asked her looking back
"I'm uh... a witch."
"Magic, huh? Got any cool spells?" He opened a pack of antiseptic wipes and wiped down the surrounding area.
"Ummm... i can float... a little."
"That's awesome. Okay take that pill for me please. It might make you feel a little fuzzy but it'll be strong enough to work. Supernatural creatures have a hard time being affected by modern medicine so we have to improvise."
She leaned her head back and tried to swallow the pill. It felt like it got stuck for a moment but after another swallow it went down.
It only took a moment or two for her fingers and toes to start to tingle. It soon traveled up her arms and calves, into the trunk of her body.
"Wow this is the hardest drug I've ever taken." She chuckled as she leaned her head back onto the tree behind her."
"Okay, im going to start now. You should t feel anything. If you do let me know."
It felt like this moment took forever but in reality it was only a minute or two before he started sewing.
"Feel anything?" He asked looking up at her with just his eyes.
She looked down at him and shook her head silently. She didn't even know anything was happening.
Her breath was heavy and her body felt weird. She couldn't do much but just lay there and accept defeat.
"Okay you're done." He wiped her down one more time and pulled out some clean bandages. He wrapped it and was as proud of his work as he could be of a stitch job in the middle of the woods on the dirt.
"We should probably get you to the hospital so you can get some antibiotics. They'll also regulate you for infection and check if you have a concussion or anything else."
"I don't like hospitals." She shook her head still stealing air from the world in large amounts
"Well I don't think you have a choice at this point." Derek sighed.
"I don't even think I can walk."
"That's okay."
Derek shuffled closer and placed one arm under her armpits and the other under her knees. He pushed up and threw her against him.
"I can carry you don't worry." He whispered.
Y/n was too tired to complain. Even just the thought of fighting back made her nauseous of fatigue.
She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. He was quite warm. For the middle of the summer, the nights were a little chilly and she had forgotten a jacket on her run. He also smelled quite good. It made her wonder if he wore cologne everyday or if it disturbed his senses. Either way she started to get tired from thinking too much and she decided to stop. She just let him carry her to his car.
She had become tired enough to not care if she was getting kidnapped at this point. She supposed he earned her trust by now and her tired body brushed off all the things that could indicate otherwise.
"I'm really sleepy." She mumbled as he made it to the car.
"It's okay. Just sleep. We are on our way."
He set her down in the back seat, clicking her seatbelt and closing her door. He rushed into the drivers seat and sped off.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now