Oh you little one

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I'm dying just writing this. I can't keep it together. So you're welcome to join me.

"Shh. It's okay." I cooed at the small girl in my arms. She wailed as something seemed to be wrong again for the fourth time tonight. I bounced her up and down trying to get her to calm down. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was more tired than she was.
"Hey, everything okay in here?"
"She's not getting to sleep." I complained. I felt my eyes water in frustration.
"Here, let me try." Derek walked over and grabbed the small child from my arms.
I pulled myself together as the screaming traveled from me to him.
"Shh." He cooed as he held her in his arms. He laid her on his chest and bounced her around.
She started to stop crying, only hiccups were breaking the silence of the house.
"How are you doing that?"
"I think she likes it when I purr." I walked up to him and heard that he was in fact purring. She was laying close to his throat so she could hear the low vibrations.
"She just loves you." I laughed.
"She's my little girl. Of course she does."
"I guess that's fair."
She had finally calmed down and her eyes closed slowly as she fell asleep.
Derek stood around and walked while holding her. He wanted to make sure she was really asleep before he put her back in the small black crib.
"Go back to bed honey. I can put her back down."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. You need some sleep."
"Okay." I nodded and kissed my baby's forehead before walking out of the room.
I headed to our shared bedroom and laid back down. My head hit the pillow and I was asleep.

Dereks POV
I held the little girl in my arms while I waited for her to fall to deep sleep. Sending my wife back to bed, I finally got a moment alone with my baby.
"You really need to give momma some credit." I whispered to the small being in my grasp "Shes always up with you, listening to your complaints, cherishing you when you're finally calm for the one hour a day." The baby stirred but I cradled her head and shushed her off to sleep again
"Stay asleep for me now." I looked down at her, her finger just laying inside her mouth. Her hands were so tiny. She was tiny. But she meant more to me than the world. Her ten pound body could crush my soul when she screamed and cried. Every day more and more she reminds me of y/n and my mom. The way her face contorts is just like my mom but the sass she gives is just like y/n. My wife who fell asleep moments ago doesn't know how much of her I see in our baby girl.
"Oh you little one. You make me crazy. You just smile and eat yet you seem nothing but brilliant to me." I laughed at my own coddling i do for her.
It had been almost ten minutes since she had last closed her eyes so I decided to put her back down.
I gently lowered her into the crib and walked way quietly. I closed the door with the most tender love and care hoping to not disturb the human alarm clock.

Third POV
Derek made his way back to his shared room with his wife but cringed when the floor creaked.
Shhhh he wanted to say, scolding the floor for its possible disturbance of the girls he cared so much about. He growled softly at the floor and then made his feet comfortable on the carpet in their room.
He slipped himself in on the other side of the bed.
He felt his wife shift and grumble.
"Shhh. It's okay. Stay asleep."
"How's the baby?" She asked
"She's fine. She went back to sleep really fast."
"Good. Now let's just hope she'll stay asleep."
"I hope so. I'm tired." Derek yawned and thee who's head down on the pillow. He turned to his wife and watched her sleeping face. "You're so pretty." He whispered with a kiss to her forehead.
"Thank you Derek." She whispered back, a small smirk now creeping onto her face.
"Go back to sleep you dork." He chuckled which made y/n let out a loud laugh.
Y/n turned over, her back now to her husband. Derek pulled her back to his chest and threw his arm around her waist. She let out her tension with a heavy breath and nuzzled her face into the pillow.

Dereks POV
I couldn't sleep. I just watched y/n as she fell into sleep like our daughter did. Y/n and our daughter had similar sleeping habits. Just another reason she's like her mom.
I pulled her hair back from her neck and face to between us. My other hand rested above her head on the pillow. I pushed my face into the back of her head and breathed in her freshly washed hair. She always smelled good. It was different a lot, but it was always good.
"Oh momma." He whispered to his wife "you amaze me. Never give up on our little girl. It will get easier. I love you pup."
Derek hadn't called his wife the nickname since they got married. They had fallen out of the more romantic nicknames and into the more casual ones since they had a baby. But Derek missed his usual pet names for her. He came to the conclusion he would continue to call her pup. Even when their little girl wasn't so little anymore. Even when y/n was mad at him. Even when they were old and grey. Y/n would always be Dereks puppy. He could laugh at the thought. She was always just like... a dog. Happy and loyal. Derek loved her and thought the nickname was perfect.
He wanted to continue using it.
"Get some sleep pup. Another day with the baby tomorrow."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now