Tail as old as time

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Please comment here what mythical creatures you want me to write the reader as! It is spooky month so I'm trying to push out a lot of content! Please please comment on what you'd like to see!
Also! I just read that this book has over 8 hours of read time? Wtf? That seems really long for the content I have produced but I guess! 😂
Finally, the time of day I love the most. Night. When I could relax and have a moment to myself. I always loved taking a bath at the end of the day. I would sit down with my bubbles and my snack while I watched a show.
"Y/n! Have you seen my tennis shoes?" Derek shouted through the door.
"You know you can just come in!" I shouted back. He opened the door and asked me the question again.
"No. I haven't seen your shoes." I slapped my tail down to get more comfortable.
"Doesn't that get annoying?" He asked
"No, it's just heavy."
"How much do you think it weighs?"
"More than half my body weight."
"Maybe I could just lift you instead of my weights."
"You'd have to if you wanted me to get out of the bath right now."
"Well maybe I do."
"Derek! You lift me out of this bath, I remove your eyelids."
"Come on baby."
He walked closer and tried to lean down. I whisped my hand and a bolt of water hit him in the face. He spit some water out And I laughed as his hair.
"You look like a wet dog." I ruffled his hair.
"Stop it." He shook out his hair and glared at me.
"Oh." I cooed "come on wolfy. Don't be so grumpy. You're a dog, not a cat." I kissed his cheek and he leaned in for a kiss on the lips.
"Nope. I'm taking my bath. No distractions from relaxation."
"Then I'll just get in with you."
"That's still a distraction of my bath."
"Now it's our bath."
"I thought you were going on a run?"
"My run can wait." He started to pull off his shirt.
"No! Get out of my bathroom!"
"Excuse you! This is my bathroom."
"I am currently in use of the bathroom so leave!"
"Nope. My bath now." Derek unbuckled his belt and took it off but didn't remove his pants.
He got in behind me and pulled me to his chest.
"Derek! You're still wearing your clothes!"
"I know! I'm not gonna make you that uncomfortable."
I leaned back on his chest, my hair sticking to his torso.
"Is this a mermaid thing that your hair is actually the most glorious thing ever?" He laughed
"I don't know! Probably."
I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.
My show which was blasting from my phone, scared me as a slam of a door crashed.
"How did that scare you?"
"I'm easily startled!"
"It's not like your life isn't full of this."
"It's not! I'm not being chased by an axe welding murderer!"
"You literally live with a murderer. You're dating a murderer."
"Now that's not fair." I softly spoke, looking him in the eyes.
"I have killed people before."
"Peter deserved it!" I reminded him
"Did Paige deserve it?" His face was soft in sadness.
"Derek..." I started "that's not fair either. She was suffering. You spared her. You helped her."
"By killing her?"
"By giving her peace." I snapped. I had realised how I said that and took it back "Sorry. I shouldn't have yelled."
"No, don't be. It just gets to me sometimes. I can't forgive myself for it."
"And you don't have to. But you do have to be okay with moving on. What you did, you did it with only the best intentions. You didn't want to hurt her but you had to in order to make her feel better. She would have hurt more if you let her suffer."
"I know."
I cupped his cheek with my hand and kissed him on the forehead. I rested back on him and he nuzzled his face into my hair.
Dereks foot hit my fin and I slapped him lightly.
"Space!" I chuckled after a moment to of silence.
"Ow! That thing hurts!"
I laughed and he gave a small smirk.
"It's hard isn't it?!" I inquired
"Yeah it is!" He grumbled.
"Oh come on Derek! Don't be such a puppy." I rubbed my nose on his neck.
"No. I'm mad." He turned his head away from me.
"Derek..." I pouted "I love you."
"Whatever fishy."
"Hey! I told you not to call me that! I will hit you with my tail!"
"Sorry sorry." He smiled

The bath had run cold and Derek was over the sopping wet cuddles I was giving. He got out of the bath and I sat and waited to dry before getting out.
I made my way out of the bathroom and to the bedroom to pick out an outfit. I threw on one of Dereks t shirts and a pair of leggings from my drawer. I picked up my shell necklace tied together by a cyan string and put it back on.
"That necklace is your lifeblood huh?"
"Practically, it's all I have of my fish faced mom who never took care of me."
Derek tsked and hugged me.
"You don't need her to be happy. You've got me, and your dad, and the rest of the pack! And Melissa has basically been a fill in mom since you arrived! She's helped a lot."
"She's great. I love her."
"See? Youre doing great. Don't let an absent person take up so much of your life. Don't let an absent person take up more space than they would if they were here."
I nodded to him and kissed him quickly.
"Can we get dinner?" I asked
"Sure. Can we get sushi?"
I glared at him.
"I'm kidding! I'm kidding." He put a hand on my back and lead me out the door. "We will just grab something quick."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now