Im here

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Requested by unknownLDXxx
School, work, relationships, life, death and pretty much anything else you can think about was stressing me out.
And I wasn't a sissy, I could take a stone or two breaking my back and I'd still run a marathon. Normally these things would never kill me.
But I don't even think I know what normal is anymore. After Derek introduced me to his pack and then supernatural world, I couldn't find the ground again. I always felt on edge and ready to flee at any second.
I grew up hearing fables and fiction of werewolves and demons but that's all they were... fiction... until Derek.
Derek was kind. Well... sort of kind. He never denied anything about me. He just... didn't care honestly. And it's not like he didn't care about my well being, because he very much did and he couldn't hide it from me if he wanted to, but because he knew that I was capable. He knew it would be alright in the end.
Derek knew of my anxiety and he knew of my tendencies when those feelings arose. Mostly I started to clean or get snippy. Derek would know when it was time to back down or when it was time to help.

"Derek!" I snapped and picked up a grey tank top from the floor. "Please just pick up your shit."
"It's one shirt y/n." He sighed
"Yeah just one, until there's another 'just one' and another 'just one'. You're a grown man. Pick up your shit."
"Are you okay? You seem tense."
"IM NOT TENSE!" I shouted. I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath. "Sorry... I'm sorry" I shook my head
"It's okay. Just... don't explode over something I need to take care of. Don't stress yourself out over more than you need to."
"I know. I just can't help it."
"Wanna tell me what's happening?"
"No I'm okay. Just need to finish cleaning up and then I'll be okay."
"O-okay." Derek nodded and slowly backed out of the room.

I sighed and put my hand on my stomach. The tingling feeling started to bubble in my stomach as I picked up clothes.
"Not right now." I felt my chest get tighter and I rubbed a fist over my sternum. "Please just go away." My soft voice quivered.
My breath staggered and my eyes welled with tears.
"No no please go away." I begged and it started to get worse. I couldn't stop my breathing from growing faster. My hands started to tingle and go numb. My legs felt wobbly which caused me to aggressively grasp the table behind me. A couple bottles on the table toppled over onto the floor. I winced at the sound and found myself making my way to the floor. I plopped down with my hand scratching my chest.
"Stop! Just stop!"

Third pov
The clunking of the bottles alerted Derek who was anxiously sitting downstairs. He made his way up to the room and when he heard the heavy breathing from behind the door he barged in.
He saw her clutching her heart as she sat on the floor and thought the worst.
"Y/n?! Are you okay?" He knelt down and after a debriefing of werewolf senses over her body he deduced that she was having a panic attack.
"Y/n," he cupped her face with his hands "I need you to look at me."
She dragged her gaze to his eyes and gripped his wrists that were by her face.
"Y/n. I need you to look at me and tell me what color my eyes are."
"Th-th-they... are... green." She tried through hyperventilating breaths.
Derek flashed his eyes
"What about now?"
"B-blue." She sobbed in between her responses
"Still blue."
"Back to green."
This went on for a minute or two. She felt her chest start to unclench and her breathing became more normal.
"Touch my hands." He removed them from her face and looked down at them. "Count how many fingers I have."
"One... two... th-three..." she hiccuped a sob "four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten."
"Good." He smiled at her with his brows knitted together. "Good job."
He grabbed her hands in his and tried to steady them. He counted her fingers while she watched and he held them gently.
"See? You're alright. You're right here. In our room. On our floor. See? Touch the carpet."
He slowly pulled her hand down to the soft carpet and he dragged her hands around it.
She watched as their connected hands rubbed the tan carpet and she stopped feeling lightheaded. The sensation came back to her fingers and the pit in her stomach faded. She felt okay again.
She slowly sat up and moved herself around derek. Her arms slung over his shoulders and his hands pressed her weak core to his chest.
"Thank you." She mumbled into his shoulder
"Its not a problem. Have you had any others since your last one?"
"No... this is first time since the one you had seen."
"Okay. I dont want to miss anything."
"You never miss anything. Its kinda your thing."
"Im so sorry." He apologised pressing his head further into her neck.
"For what?"
"For making you feel like this. I shouldnt have yelled."
"Its not your fault."
"Maybe not, but i was a contributing factor. I shouldnt have picked such a stupid fight. Not when it comes to your health."
"Thank you." She accepted and wiped her eyes as she pulled away from his shoulder to see his face.
"Next time ill be a little bit more careful." He whispered and helped wipe her tears. "You're gonna be just fine, pup. Youll always be okay when im here to help."
"I know." She nodded. She leaned forward and rested her head on his chest. He kisses her hair and stroked her locks for a minute before folding and pulling her whole body into his.
"I promise ill be a better boyfriend."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now