Sing a song little birdy pt 3

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My room was starting to get lost in my mess. The week had gotten away from me and it was starting to show. It was a good day if I even got around to cleaning. It was a good day if I didn't see Derek so today was absolutely horrible because we just so happened to get paired up with each other for this plan.
We were walking through the woods in hopes to stumble upon someone looking to play a part in the hunting of us. We were told to act as if we were unsuspecting of hunters. Derek kept his ears and eyes sharp but he seemed to be straining.
"Are you okay?" I asked him as his face wavered with worry
"I'm fine."
"You don't look fine. You look scared. And I know we don't get along very well but if you're scared then I'm absolutely terrified."
"I said I'm fine!"
"Damn... okay." I grumbled backing off of the conversation
Somewhere to the left of us a tree branch groaned.
"What was that?" We both whipped our heads to see a hunter pointing a bow at us. I saw a small red light dance across my chest and knew I was the target.
"Get down!" Derek shouted and pushed my shoulder making me topple. Life became slow and I watched as an arrow whizzed past my shoulder as I made my way to the ground.
When I finally collided with the dirt it snapped me out of my daze.
"-Get out of here! Come on! Let's go!" I scrambled to my feet and broke into a run. Derek seemed to trail behind me. We booked it for his car and scrambled in when we got there.
"Hang on!" Derek screeched out of the road and floored it back to his house.
I rested my head on the seat and gasped for air.
"Oh my god. I don't think I've run like that since high school. Ugghh... am I dying? Is my heart supposed to be beating this fast?"
"It's called exercise."
"Ew... I hate it." I gasped for more air and looked over at Derek who was also breathing slightly heavier than usual
"Why are you breathing heavy? You look like someone who works out all the time."
"I don't know. I just feel more tired than usual."
Oh my god. He's losing his abilities.
"It makes so much sense." I snorted
"You're losing your abilities."
"What? How do you know that?"
"Earlier. You were scared because you couldn't see or hear anything like you normally would. That hunter was right by us and you couldn't even sense him. And then the running. Your abilities are diminishing. Is it because of the whole tomb thing?"
"What are you a psychic?"
"No I'm just good at solving puzzles." I turned to face him more "why haven't you told anyone?"
"Because I don't need their pity."
"It's not pity it's being a good friend. Why do you hate it so much when people care about you?"
"Because everyone I care about dies."
I finally saw it. The reason he was such an asshole. He was scared. He was traumatized.
"I get it." I turned back to watch the road
"Get what?"
"I get the reason you're such a dick now."
"Hey!" He snapped
"No no! I'm just saying I understand why you hate everyone and everything."
"You're not making your case any better." He gripped the wheel tighter
"You're just scared Derek."
"I will literally throw you out of this car." He was in denial of me trying to help him.
"Derek let me help you!"
"I don't need your help!"
"Yes you do you just don't want it!"
"I DONT WANT IT BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO WANT YOU!" He slammed the break, pulled into a ditch,  and put the car in park. I was quiet. Mostly out of shock but somewhat out of fear. He may be losing his abilities but he was still a very strong man.
He sighed and leaned back onto the seat.
"I don't like wanting people. I don't like needing people to be happy. I am perfectly fine with being alone."
"You don't have to be scared of losing people. Especially those in your pack. We are strong people. We are people who can defend ourselves. And it seems like you might need some help defending yourself right now."
Derek clenched his jaw and looked out the window.
"Derek. I don't want to hate you. I don't want you to hate me. And regardless of how we feel, we are in the same pack now and we have to make it work. For everyone's sake. I know I'm new. I get it. You're scared of what I might do. But look at me." He turned to look at me "you don't even need wolfy powers to know I'm not lying when I say I'm 100% committed to this pack. Liam is my family. He's my best friend. And I would do anything for him. If that means I have to join this pack and fight and die for everyone, I will."
Derek flickered his eyes back and forth between mine and he knew that I wasn't lying. His body relaxed and he turned back to the wheel.
"If you die..." he said quietly "I will literally bring you back from the dead and kill you."
"Fair." I agreed.
He nodded and turned the car back on. The gravity of the situation was settling in and I realized he actually might care for me. I didn't know how to feel about that. We had bantered and I actually enjoyed it. I don't think that will end even if we don't hate each other anymore.
"Derek." I whispered
"Did you ever hate me?" I looked at him to study his face
"Maybe a little. When I first met you. I just didn't trust you and you seemed too good to be true. Liam just shows up with a witch and you're a good person? It seemed suspicious. And then you just never wavered and it made me hate you."
"Because... you were good... all the time" he almost chuckled "you never wanted to hurt anyone and never betrayed anyone. The only time I saw you not be an angel was around me. Part of me wondered if you only didn't like me. Or if I did something wrong."
"You did. You never gave me a chance. I wanted you to like me but when I realized you wouldn't give me a chance no matter what I just realized you were always gonna see me as... well as a witch" Derek couldn't help but smirk at that "so I just acted like one. I didn't want us to not like each other but it didn't seem like I had any other choice. That's just how we were." I shrugged and he glanced at me
"I'm sorry I pushed you away. I know that's not a great move to make a new friend."
"Definitely not." I laughed quietly

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now