Shes not growling

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Derek's pov
Y/n had fallen asleep on my chest after we finished a movie. It was dark except for the tv Illumination and it was quiet except for the end credits and the cars passing by and the crickets outside.
I stroked her hair as I let her sleep in the crook of my neck. I soon calmed my breathing and listened to hear a low gurgling in her voice.
Was she having a nightmare? Is she okay?
She still didn't move but continued to stay in dreamland. Her gurgling continued and I assumed it was growling. She was supernatural like me but we still hadn't figured out what sort. She was a shapeshifter and was defiantly agile for how clumsy her human self was.
I sighed and decided to call the pack and Deaton.
They all showed up later. They let themselves in as I was pretty held down at the moment.
The pack walked in and looked at me holding y/n. Lydia had quietly squealed with Kira and the cuteness as they called it.
Scott, stiles and Deaton just rolled their eyes and walked over.
"So what's the problem?" Deaton asked.
"Well it seems like she's growling but she doesn't seem to be having a nightmare."
"Is she allergic to anything?" Scott asks.
"No she's just a little lactose intolerant." I say.
"Well how much dairy has she had today?"
"Just a glass of milk and a string cheese."
"What about any certain spices? Can't that disrupt supernatural senses?" Stiles asked.
"Yes it can. This could also explain why her throat is reverberating."
"She's had tacos."
"Maybe there is something in it to trigger that?" Stiles asked.
Deaton nodded and pulled out a couple charts and sheets to fill out as he gathered more data.
"What soaps does she use? Anything against the laws of the supernatural?"
"No she stopped using them ever since she started dating me. I couldn't handle them so she switched. She hasn't used them in months!"
"And what about her diet? Is she eating differently from how she normally does?"
"No pretty normal."
"Well it's hard to identify what could be the cause because we don't know what she is. It could be a new condition or it could be just something that we are completely missing." Deaton shrugged.
I questioned how y/n was still asleep on me with all of this movement but I guess she was just out from today. A lot did happen.
The lights were still dim and half the pack had left after they knew it wasn't completely hazardous.
Deaton was still pondering the cause of the gurgling in her throat but she seemed to be okay.
Deaton soon left with the rest of the pack and I was stuck falling asleep to her noises.
As I was about to drift off to sleep I got a call. The vibration on the table set my adrenaline high. I picked up the phone and answered it.
"Hello?" I asked the other end.
"Hey Derek. It's Deaton. I was thinking about y/n and I think I might have your answer for two questions."
"Okay and what are they?" I asked impatiently.
"Well I think she might be a werecat. She seems to have improved agility, intense hunger, a distaste for dairy and she sleeps more then usual correct?"
It clicked in my brain.
That was happening. And that also explains why she slept through everyone's talking tonight.
"Of course! Why didn't I think of it?"
"Because you didn't go to college for animal biology and lifestyle like I did." Deaton laughed on the other end.
"And as for what was causing the gurgling tonight" he started.
"What was it?" I grasped.
"Derek, she wasn't growling in defense. In fact she was doing the opposite." He spoke.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I growled.
"Derek, she wasn't growling. She was purring."
My face heated up.
"She must have felt content sleeping on you and so she subconsciously started purring. It would make sense if she was a werecat."
"Okay thank you Deaton. I appreciate it."
"Alrighty, get some sleep. Goodnight Derek."
I hung up the phone and looked down at her.
You were purring. Purring because of me? Oh god you're so cute. You're a werecat and you're purring because you're sleeping on me.
I couldn't help but feel my wolf long for her. I loved her, thats for sure but my wolf wanted her to return that affection. But I just snuggled her and held her close. I soon fell asleep to the sweet sound of her purring close to my ear.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now