Brothers best friend

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"No!! B/n!!"
I cried out as I saw a werewolf slice through my brothers chest. He screamed out in pain and I couldn't help but have my heart break in two. I tried to run to his dying body but someone held me back. I thrashed to get away from the force but it didn't work. I went limp as the figure picked me up.
I looked over to see Derek holding me tight.
I couldn't believe that my brother just got killed and his best friend was running away. I looked back at his cold body. His face was now lifeless and his breathing had stopped. My vision faded into black and the pain had stopped.

I opened my eyes and shot up in a cold sweat. I looked around to see myself in Derek's apartment. I'd been having the same nightmare for the past two weeks. Ever since b/n died I haven't been settled.
I pushed back my hair and got out of bed. I huffed in confusion, sadness and tiredness. I grabbed a water from the fridge and went back to the couch. I peered over at the staircase, tempted to ask derek if I could sleep with him like I usually did, but then I remembered why I was down here in the first place.
Derek said it was like sleep separation training for little kids from their parents. The more they sleep away from them, the easier it gets.
Derek said it would be natural for me to have nightmares because I'm sleeping in a different, less safe environment.
There was just something about sleeping with someone else that was so comfortable... or maybe it was just sleeping with Derek that was so comfortable.
I mean, he's strong and he's older and not to mention the fact that he's a werewolf who could literally slice someone in a split second, who wouldn't want to sleep with him?
not like that...
I mean... like...
like as in just the same bed
Not like... that.
I snapped my own self out of my thoughts and got back onto the couch.
I tried to sleep as I laid there on the couch looking up at the ceiling but I couldn't.
I sighed and knew that I would never get back to sleep if i was without Derek.
I realized that Derek was kind of like my safety blanket. If anything went wrong, it was Derek there to protect me. If I couldn't sleep, Derek would cuddle me. If I was feeling threatened, Derek would beat someone.
It was always Derek
I sighed as I creeped up the stairs to the loft.
I peered around and Derek was still awake with the lamp on. He was sitting in bed reading a book... shirtless. Yes I've seen him shirtless before but what can you expect? I'm a young woman who just happens to currently be single and willing to date anyone with a six pack.
Actually I take that back...
I'd date Derek if I could.
I don't know why I had feelings for him, I just did.
He was different from every other buff meathead.
Maybe it was the fact he was a werewolf, or maybe it was the fact that he has known me since I was a toddler.
"Derek." I lightly called.
He looked over, not setting his book down or moving any muscle under his neck.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Umm... nightmare again. The same one. Like always." I scoffed lightly as I rubbed my arm.
He sighed and put his book down.
"One day you'll make it all night without coming back here."
"I'm sorry Derek. I just can't help it."
"I know little pup. Just... get in."
My mood perked up when he let me get in bed with him.
I hopped in and I turned on my side to face him.
He turned on his side, still sitting up and he peered down at me.
"You are lucky you're cute." He smirked.
"What can I say? Comes in the l/n's genes!"
Derek rolled his eyes and I giggled.
"Go to sleep you absolute nut case."
I giggled and buried my face in more to the pillow. I furrowed my brows with my eyes closed and then opened them.
"Derek?" I asked.
He hummed in response and looked at me.
"Why did you leave b/n when he died?"
Derek breathed out heavily and looked at me.
"Because he told me to keep you safe. A little while before the fight he told me to always protect you and keep you comfortable, even when he wasn't there anymore. He loved you with all of his heart. You were all he had left."
"And you listened to him? Even when you knew he'd die?"
"I had to. He was my best friend. And I wanted nothing more then to respect his wishes."
I shot up and wrapped myself around his bare chest.
"I love you derek."
I said I loved him because I did. Maybe not in a way that would make me want him lustfully, but I definitely loved him. I wanted to be around him, I wanted to be held by him. I wanted to laugh and cry and rage by him. He was the only person I had left and he was what I needed. He's everything I need.
He wrapped his arms around me hesitantly and stuttered back.
"I-I love you too."
He let go of me when I pulled back and he looked at me.
Within a second he swooped down and pressed his lips to mine.
He held it there for a second and pulled away.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that." He backed away.
He turned on his side away from me and turned out the light.
I sat there for a minute and thought.
Is that what I wanted? Do I like him like that? I think I do. Should I just try it and if it doesn't work I'll tell him? I mean, he's my best friend, he'd understand right?
I decided to experiment a little.
I scooted closer to him and pressed myself against his bare back. I breathed slowly for a while before I felt the bed move. I opened my eyes and Derek was turning to face me.
"I never meant to put you on the spot like that." He half whispered.
I leaned in and pressed my lips against his as I cupped his face. His brows crunched together as he felt my lips against his and moved his hands. He put one on the small of my back and one behind my head. He kissed me back and grabbed me. He engulfed me in him as he continued to kiss me.
I pulled away from his lips and he looked saddened by the sudden disconnection.
"You didn't put me on the spot. It's okay." I whispered on his lips as I didn't want to part very far.
He smirked as he shifted his gaze from my eyes to my lips.
"Wanna kiss me again?" I asked as I looked into his green orbs.
"Maybe a little." He smirked as he whispered back.
He leaned in and I sealed the kiss again.
He held me close as we kissed under the moonlight rays.
I felt so tight in his grasp which made my muscles relax.
I knew that under his protection, not even a fly could hurt me.
We separated after a minute and I buried my face into his chest.
"You know Derek, I don't know how I love you right now, but I will say that I do definitely, 100 percent, have feelings for you. I'm not gonna promise they'll stay but I am willing to promise that they are here now." I said into his chest.
"That's enough for me." He replied breathlessly. He kissed the top of my head and whispered as he rubbed my forearm "I love you pup."
"I love you too Derek."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now