Youre a... werewolf?

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I always wondered where Derek was going during the day when I was at work. He didn't have a job and he worked out in the apartment so I really had no clue what he was doing all the time. Although I didn't very much mind. He was a grown man who probably just did whatever he could to not be at home all the time.

I had been let out of work early, the company was slow that day and my job wasn't very important. I didn't really need the money. Since I lived with Derek I didn't have rent, I'm looking to sell my car so I can use one of Derek's three cars that he owns already, and I had no medical bills as of now. I had saved for a while and since I was no longer in college I didn't have much to worry about paying for. Most of my college was funded by my parents and scholarships for my incredible grades and volunteer work. There was just a little left to pay for which was coming out of my pocket in increments already planned in my budget.
So whenever I got to go home early, I would.

I got out of Derek's black car that he let me take to work today to impress my coworkers. I sighed and stretched before closing the door and locking the car. I made my way through the lobby where the doorman greeted me and asked if I needed any help. I politely declined and wished him a good day. He opened the elevator for me and waved me off as it closed. When I got to the apartment I chucked off my shoes and placed my keys down.
"Derek? You home? I got off early."
There were quiet but strong footsteps pattering out to the living room.
"Hey. They let you go an hour early today." He slightly smiled and put his book down.
"Yeah. It's been pretty slow recently."
He hummed and kissed my forehead before heading into the kitchen.
"So are we going to do anything with my extra hour?" I asked and smiled in his direction.
"Like what?"
"I don't know." I shrugged but delivered him a smile of temptation.
"Oh I think you know."
"I really don't." I smirked.
"I appreciate your want for me but I actually have to meet up with Scott."
"Scott? Again? Isn't he supposed to be in school?"
"Uh... yeah. He-"
The front door groaned and started to bend. I whipped my head around to see a lump where the door had been manipulated.
"Someone is breaking in." I gasped. Derek pushed himself in front of me. There was a low growl in front of me. And for a minute I couldn't determine if it was the door crying from the tension someone was putting on it or if it was coming from my protector.
The growl rumbled again and I knew it was from Derek. I could hear it in his chest through his back.
"Derek what is it? What's happening?"
"Nothing good." He grumbled and the door cracked open.
As if in slow motion, an intruder thumped into the apartment and lunged for Derek. I turned to run but a force grabbed me and threw me back.
I let out a choking cry as they grabbed for my neck and slammed me onto the concrete floor.
I felt the air leave my body and I couldn't get it back. My eyes burned with tears and I looked over to see Derek gripping someone by the shirt and lifting them into the air. I coughed and felt my lungs fill with air. I gripped the floor and tried to turn myself over. I watched as Derek immobilised one of the intruders and moved on to the other one. It must have been the man who attacked me that he moved on to. The fight was short after Derek hit him in the jaw making him go down. I pushed myself up and found myself stumbling to the familiar figure of Derek. He reached out and grabbed onto my waist.
"What the hell was that? Who are they?"
"Um... well... they are werewolves."
"Im sorry, they are what?"
This was the first time I had actually looked at Dereks face. His brow was thicker and covered the top portion of his eyes. His hair and grown down to wirey sideburns and his eyes were bright red.
For a second I stumbled out of shock but was still in Dereks grasp so I didn't get far.
"Oh my god. You're like them aren't you? Youre a werewolf."
My head felt light but I was also still deep in fear of the two motionless bodies on our floor.
"Can we please get these two out of here?"
"Yeah." Derek slung both of their bodies over his shoulders, with his werewolf strength I assumed. He left the apartment and moved them somewhere i didnt know. When he entered the apartment again I awkwardly stood and stared at him. His face was back to normal and he looked at me for a reaction. I was unsure of what to say or how to react to his secret. Mostly i was just unsure of how i dint notice or question what he was doing more often.
"Wait! So is this why you hang out with teenagers all the time? Because they are all werewolves?"
"Well not all of them are. Lydia is a banshee, Kira is a kitsune, and stiles is... well stiles."
"I cant believe i never figured it out." I scoffed
"To be fair, it is a wild assumption."
There was a silence before Derek came closer and grabbed my hand.
"I hope I'm not scaring you off."
"Youre not. Im just trying to process everything. I mean so many times where I didnt understand something now makes sense. I mean, the mercenary? The person who robed your vault? The time you talked to that teacher and then you said she disappeared?"
"I know. And I should have told you sooner."
"It's alright. Im sure you had your reasons."
"I did. I promise you I did." I just nodded in consolidation.
"So what does this mean for you? What does being a werewolf mean?"
"Im sensitive to sounds and smells. I cant get sick. I heal incredibly fast."
"Is that why you dont have anxiety like i feel you should?"
"I just feel like with your history, you should have anxiety or depression or PTSD or all of the above."
"Maybe. Or maybe that's just me. Scott seems to have a lot of anxiety."
"But is it like clinical or just situational?"
"Not sure."
"These are questions you should be asking. If all illnesses cant happen when youre a werewolf, then I wonder if that includes mental illness."
"That is a good question."
"Maybe I need to be a werewolf." I whispered to myself
"That's not going to happen." Derek scolded me.
"You heard that?"
"I hear everything."
My eyes widened as I remembered all the things I have mumbled, not wanting him to hear.
"Everything?" I gulped
"Yes y/n, everything."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now