Dereks jacket pt 2

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I wasn't really planning on doing a part 2 to this but I started to have ideas for a second part so here you go!
School was all of entirely awkward. Seeing the pack stare at my jacket like it was an anomaly was nothing short of embarrassing. The way the black covered my body like a shadow seemed to stand out more than it used to. I was now starting to become self conscious about it.

"I still can't believe Derek gave up his jacket." Scott sighed
"But there would be no way Derek would give up his leather jacket." Stiles interjected.
"Well... not entirely..." Lydia hinted
"What do you mean?"
"Any man would be willing to give up his clothes for a girl he likes. It helps malarkey territory."
"Mark territory?" Scott asked with a head tilt.
"Well, werewolves, much like wolves, are creatures who can smell very well. They are devoted to having scents telling them what is what. Where things are, when things were last seen, who they belong to."
"Oh, so if Derek wanted to tell other werewolves that she was his, he would give her his jacket because she smells like him."
"Exactly." Lydia nodded.
I was turning redder by the second. In my head I knew it was his jacket, but I didn't know his intent of giving me the jacket. At first, I thought it was just to keep me warm, but now I can't get the thought out of my head of if it was something more then that.
"There's no way that's the case. He wouldn't do that." I shook my head.
"It's obvious he likes you! You guys are so close and you guys don't have any boundaries. He clearly is in love with you."
"I-" I couldn't think of a response so I just looked down.
"Hey, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. We are all in relationships here." Scott reassured me.
"It's just... I've never really been in a relationship and technically we aren't dating yet. We are just really close and open with each other."
"You guys hug and kiss all the time."
"Kiss on the cheek!" I pointed out "that's completely different."
"Just admit it! He likes you! And you like him!" Lydia shouted as she closed her locker.
"Shhh! Could you be any more loud and obvious?!"
"Actually yes... I could be."
"Well dont." I rolled my eyes
"Come on. Let's go to class." Stiles grabbed my arm as he dragged me to the next class we shared.

After school I closed my locker but not before dropping all my heavy text books. I cursed under my breath at the heaviness of the books and sighed to catch my breath.
I fixed my hair and straightened my shirt out before walking out of the school. I pulled out my phone to call Scott since I seemed to lose him.
"Hey can you give me a ride home today? I thought my mom was getting me but she just called saying she was gonna be late."
"Yeah i can come around and get you."
"Thanks I-" I looked up from the ground and saw a black shiny car pull up.
"Get in. I'll take you home."
Derek Hale. My heart started to race. I put my attention back onto the phone where Scott was saying "hello?!" Over the line.
"Oh sorry, never mind! I got a ride! Thanks anyway though!" I hung up the phone and walked to dereks car.
"Well look at you. Staying warm?" Derek sassed bluntly as he looked at the jacket.
"Oh yeah! Sorry. I forgot to give it half last night and this morning I was running late so I didn't have time to look for a jacket and I saw this one on my desk so I just decided to grab it and go. I promise I was planning on giving it back the next time I saw you. I just wasn't planning on it to today." I was rambling. I'd never felt this way in his presence before. It was always so calming and fun. Now it was nerve wracking.
"Ya know, people are gonna get the wrong idea with you wearing that."
The wrong idea? Does he mean he knows people are gonna think we are dating? He thinks that's the wrong idea?
My heart kinda sunk with that thought.
"Why do you look so sad, y/n?"
"Oh... no reason." I shook it off.
"I can smell the depression on you. Tell me what's wrong. I'm your best friend." I shook my head again and looked out the window. "Woah what happened to you? Usually you're sobbing in my arms by now when you're upset. What's going on?"
We had made it to my house and we were sitting in the driveway.
"I gotta go." I mumbled trying to open the door. Quickly, he reached over, pulled the door closed and locked the door with the child lock so I couldn't get out.
"You're not leaving this car until I get an answer." I contemplated telling him. "Come on, pup. You tell me everything."
"When I went to school everyone isn't he pack found out it was your jacket. Lydia ended up going on this whole rant about how you could possibly be giving me this jacket because it's a way to get your scent on me so no other werewolves try to take me because I smell like you since I have your jacket on. The pack said that you'd never give your jacket up unless you loved me and that's the reason you gave it to me. I told them I thought it was just because I was cold and forgot to give it back to you, but they are right. You'd never let someone take your jacket for this long and the fact that you did concerns me. Not in a bad way, but in the way that I think they are right. And so now I'm having the huge internal debate about if you do love me but then I also can't tell because we are already so open in the first place that if you were to do something even remotely romantic I wouldn't know because it just seems normal. But then I started hating myself because I thought 'what if I'm over thinking this and if I tell him and I'm wrong that's just embarrassing' so I tried not to say anything but now I don't have a choice so all I really want to know is if you love me or not."
Derek looked at me with a raised brow.
"You done?"
"Yes. I think so." I nodded and sighed.
"The come here." Derek lifted my chin and leaned in to kiss me on the lips. It was gentle but longing. I could tell what he really meant by the kiss. When he pulled away I didn't know how to move. Even part of me forgot how to breathe.
"You okay?" Derek asked cautiously.
I turned to face the windshield and breathed in heavily.
"What the fu-" I screamed before getting cut off by Derek putting his hand in front of my mouth.
"Was that really necessary?"
"Yes. It felt good. Now... can you please explain in words what just happened so my brain can process it?"
"I just kissed you."
"And you kissed me back."
"Because we both love each other."
"Makes sense."
"That's it."
I sat there and nodded silently, staring off into the abyss for a while.
"How's it going over there, pup?" He asked smirking.
"Not very well... I think I'm imploding."
"Should i kiss you again to reset you?"
"Yes, absolutely you should." I laughed. He leaned over and kissed me softly.
"I will never get over that." I giggled

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now