Neighborly love pt 2

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Should I do a part three to this with like the date, or her meeting the pack or them in the near future together?! Let me know because I actually like this story!

Third POV
"Hey stranger." Y/n called as she let Roscoe out into the backyard to run.
Derek looked up from his porch and saw y/n standing in the doorway, her feet still on the kitchen tiles while her head poked out.
"Good morning." Derek called back. "How's the pup?"
"Good. Full of energy as ever." She finally stepped out and Derek got off of the porch to walk to their connected fence.
Roscoe barked and ran over to the fence to see Derek.
"Hey bud." Derek smirked as he pet the dog who stiff on his hind legs to get pet.
"Wanna hang out for a little bit?" Y/n chatted as she crossed her arms.
"Sure. What time do you want me over?"
"Half an hour?
"Sure." He shrugged and turned to go back into his house, presumably to get ready
She stood on her porch and watched Roscoe run around. She was wearing a black sweatshirt with a small design on the breast. She wore black leggings which were the perfect length for her. She still didn't wear shoes, a thing most werewolves did actually.
She sat on her porch and watched Roscoe run around like a maniac. He lifted his head to the sky and barked as birds flew by.
"You're such a dork Roscoe." She giggled as she watched him play.
Y/n hadn't realized how much time had passed since she saw Derek last.
Derek made his way around to the fencing behind her and quietly jumped over.
He tiptoed to up behind her and grabbed her waist suddenly, pulling her up.
She screamed and laughed as soon as she knew who it was.
"You're such an asshole!" She hit his arm which actually made him wince.
"Ouch. Werewolf punch." He groaned
"Sorry. Sometimes I forget my own strength. But you shouldn't have scared me like that! I thought I was being kidnapped!"
"Okay okay! I'm sorry." He smiled
"Woah, is Derek Hale... smiling?! That's a phenomenon!" Y/n mocked
"Hey! I can smile. Just takes a certain amount of finesse."
"And I have that finesse?" Y/n stood tall with her hands on her hips.
"No." Derek stated bluntly.
"Rude." She frowned.
"Come on, let's go do something boring like watch tv or eat a bunch of junk."
"I already do that. I thought we could do something better? Like take Roscoe to the park?"
"Or we could do that." Derek nodded
"Cool. Let me go get him."

Your POV
I jogged back to the backyard to grab Roscoe.
"Roscoe! Wanna go to the park?! Come on boy. Let's go to the park!"
Roscoes tail was wagging so hard his butt started to shake.
"Come on mr mans! Let's get your leash on!" I clipped the leash to his collar and called for Derek.
He got in the passengers seat and I started to pull out of the driveway.
"So Roscoe likes to be off leash but we can only do that in the farther back trails so we will have to go back there. I don't like him on leash very long because it separates us too much." I stated while I kept my eyes on the road. I could see dereks knitted brows in my peripherals.
"What do you mean?"
"When you have a dog on a leash youre making him feel... well... like a dog. To me, Roscoe isn't just a dog, he's my pack, my best friend. I don't want Roscoe to think I'm trying to put him in a corner or a box of some sort. He's like me and I'm like him. He needs to know that I think of him as my inferior in pack rank, but equal in existence. Does that make sense?"
"Yeah" Derek nodded "It really does."
"Okay, cool. I'm glad you get it. You probably do because you're like me, but none the less, you get it."

We made our way onto the back trails, ones that winded through the middle of the forest. These trees were dense and overgrown.
"You're not gonna get us lost in here right?" Derek asked as he moved a branch out of the way
"Of course not. We know these trails like the back of our hands... or... paws."
"Right..." Derek will wasn't comfortable.
We came up on a fork in the road
"So now we have to take a left." I stated but didn't move "or is it a right? No it's definitely left... unless it's a right."
"You've got to be joking."
My face broke and I laughed seeing his concerned look.
"Of course I'm kidding. It's a left. I'm telling you, I know where I'm going!" I giggled
"Not funny y/n!"
"It's kinda funny." I mumbled still giggling.
"No it's not!"
"Damned wolf hearing." I growled. I leaned down and left Roscoe off the leash.
"There you go bud. All free."
Roscoe ran off and onto the trees somewhere.
"Woah! Where did he go?! He just ran off."
I shrugged and smiled
"He does that. It's fine."
"How are you supposed to find him."
"I don't, he finds me."
"Watch this."
I took a deep breath in and released a really loud whistle.
Derek groaned and covered his ears. Roscoe came bolting back and jumped up into my arms.
"See? Easy!"
"That hurts y/n!"
"It's because you're untrained to the sound. For Roscoe it's just a call. High enough and loud enough for him to hear."
Derek rubbed his head and I set Roscoe down.
"Okay go have fun."
He ran back off into the trees and scattered around. I could hear his little paws pattering against the grass.
Derek and I walked along the trail and chatted for a little bit.
"So tell me about your pack." I started
"Well, they are all basically high schoolers plus my uncle."
"Interesting." She giggled
"But we are all very close. And we have more than just werewolves, there's a werecoyote, a banshee, a kitsune and a stiles."
"What's a stiles?"
"A dork, nerd, loser, weakling, panic prone, skinny, defenseless, kid."
"Oh so not a species but a person."
"You got it." He smirked
"Why do you hate him?"
"Stiles. You seem to hate him."
"I don't hate him... he just... gets on my nerves."
"Why? Because he challenges you?"
We made our way around a bend and walked along an opening.
"Maybe. I don't know."
"Derek, you're used to being the leader, the one to speak the most, the one who has all the plans and all the answers. It's natural that as soon as someone comes along and starts to take your position, you get defensive. It's a werewolf thing, and a natural leader thing."
"How do you know so much anyway?"
"I listen to myself, and the teachings of werewolves. It really is interesting when you know about it."
"What do you know about werewolves and love?" Derek asked suddenly.
"Where's this coming from?" I chuckled
"Just curious."
"Well, a lot. Umm... werewolves, like most wolves, are very protective of their mates. They are passionate and usually mate for life. Most wolves have a keen sense on who their mate is. I think a lot of the times the whole alphas with alphas and betas with betas is bullshit. If a wolf needs to mate, they will. A lot of the time, werewolves already subconsciously know their mate before they even realize it."
"How long does it take to realize?"
I shrugged not truly knowing the answer
"I think that's more associated with human love. It's different for everyone. Some people fall in love in a couple days while some it takes years. I think we get the realization of love from the human side of us."
Derek nodded and sighed.
"Well we should probably start heading back, I don't know how long the suns gonna be up for." I mentioned
I whistled for Roscoe after giving Derek a warning to cover his ears.
Roscoe came back and I commanded him to stay on trail while he was still off leash. He listened and followed the path back with us.
"So, how do you know if you like someone?"
"Is this werewolf talk or just regular advice?" I laughed

Third POV
"Both I guess." Derek shrugged
"Well for a werewolf, it's inside you. In your mind and your soul. People mostly describe it as your wolf wanting someone." Dereks heart twinged when he remembered the previous incident with his wolf.
"Or not considering your wolfy half, just when you like being around them, when they make you smile, when it's easy to hang out with them. It shouldn't be hard." Y/n smiled
"Got it."
"Anything else?"
"No but can I ask you something?"
"I mean I guess."
"No like ask you something... personally."
"Oh... yeah... sure." Roscoe has run back when they neared the 'dogs must be leashed' section
"W-what... what are you doing this weekend?"
"Nothing why?" Y/n asked looking up as she clipped Roscoes leash back on
"Do you wanna... maybe... go to dinner with me?"
This shocked y/n.
"Like... on a date?"
"Yeah... I-I really like you."
She smiled happily as her inner wolf cheered
"Sure. I'd love to."
They quickly walked to the car and put Roscoe in the back.
They made their way back to the neighborhood and y/n dropped Derek off at his house.
Derek got out of the car but y/n had one more plan. She got out as well and called for Derek.
"Yeah?" He asked
She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek softly.
"I'll see you Saturday." She smiled
"See you Saturday." He smiled and sighed slightly. She walked back to her car and smiled down at her feet. Roscoe shook in the back with happiness and lapped kisses onto her face.
"I know Roscoe. I know. Looks like we are getting a new pack member."

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