A hospital visit

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"He's been asleep for four days now. How could we possibly know he's gonna be okay?" I asked harshly with a quiet tone, hoping he wouldn't hear me even though he's been in a coma.
"We can't but all we can do is trust that he will be. Besides you're over tired, you haven't slept properly in four days, you need to go home."
"No! No way, I'm not leaving him."
"Why not?"
"What if he wakes up and I'm not here? What the hell do I do then?"
"You come back and say your praises. Go home y/n, you need sleep."
"No, I'm not going. And you can't make me."
Scott sighed and put his hands on his head. He looked away with a shake of his head and back at me. "Fine. I can't make you leave, but you need to get past this and think about yourself. You look in just as bad of shape as him." He cocked his head toward Derek who laid motionless in the white hospital bed.
"I need to stay here for when he wakes up. The nurses are gonna need his information."
"I know his information."
He nodded
"Full name."
"Social security number?"
He furrowed his brows
"Why would I know that?"
"I know it."
"Okay, fair enough. Slightly creepy but fair enough. Just... consider it?"
"I'm fine Scott. Leave me alone." I almost growled at him.
Scott was always a guy who thought of everyone, even himself. He always made sure to keep his entire pack in check and healthy. He knew how to take care of everything one way or another but he never figured out how to deal with me. He always had a hard time coming up with the words to say to me to convince me to do anything different than what I wanted. Scott and I had very different methods of how to do practically everything so when it came to the arguments, it was between us two the most. He learned some days that the nitpicking wasn't worth it and to leave it alone. I think today was one of those days.
"I will. I'm gonna go and sit at the food court. I'm hungry." He nodded as he responded softly.
I just nodded and he gave an awkward nod back as he stepped backward out the door.
I sighed and walked over to dereks bedside. There was enough room for me to squeeze my butt down on the edge of the bed. I looked down at his resting face, his lips still pursed from their natural size and his skin sparkling ever so delicately. Only Derek could look hot while in a coma.
I opened my mouth to start speaking but somewhere the words balled up and got caught in my throat.
I cleared them away and started to speak again.
"Derek... I know that this is probably useless and you can't hear any of this at all but I just wanted you to know that..." it was hard to find the words I wanted fo say to his unconscious body that didn't sound creepy or absolutely rude but I was never the best at words "you can't stay like this forever. At some point you have to wake up and get back to life."
I knew in an instant that was not what I wanted to say. I mentally cringed but then reminded myself he wouldn't hear it anyway so I just gave up on hating myself for my previous words.
"That's not what I meant. What I meant was you have to wake up. So many people need you. I-We need you Derek. You have a pack. You have a family. You're needed... wanted." It was quiet while I strung all the words and phrases in my head together and tired them up with a pretty ribbon
"Youre important Derek... to me." I started to confess everything and when it did, that string of words that I wanted to cut loose, came out all in that pretty little ribbon. "I can't imagine a world without Derek Hale. The hardheaded, grumpy, mumbling, and protective asshole. You make us better, you make me better Derek. There isn't a day that goes by that you don't save my life or keep me from flubbing things up so badly I could die." I slapped my leg after throwing my hands up in the air. I looked at his still stone cold face and shook my head.
"I don't know what the point of this conversation was but..." I moved my hand slowly to the crook of his elbow and rested my hand on it. "I want you to know that you do have a reason to come back. At least I hope."
My words trailed off. I decided it was best to stay quiet for a little bit, not having any other synchronized words to say.
I placed my head on a propped up hand and sighed as I felt my eyes get heavy. To be fair Scott was right. I hadn't slept soundly in days. I'd wake up to every scratch, every squeak and breeze and creak. I would hope that every disturbance was him trying to get my attention, but it never was. So for right now, I decided some sleep was nice.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now