Dont hide little wolf pt 7

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I'm in the car for like 15 hours so I'm gonna write a lot! Hopefully I'll get through this series and start another universe!
Also I'm so sorry for the slow burn but I PROMISE it'll be worth it!
The birds in the sky chirping zapped my ears into waking me up.
"Ugh! Derek." I groaned and rolled over to grab his warm body but my hands hit the sheets.
"Derek?" I asked more alert but my voice still groggy.
I sat up when I saw his side of the bed empty.
"Where the hell is he? And what time is it?" I looked over to the clock to see an hour of the day that I should not have waken up at.
"6am!? Holy shit that's way too early." I rubbed my eyes and laid back down with a huff.
The bathroom door opened letting a yellow light cascade into the dark room.
"I didn't know you were up." Derek quietly said
"Well the birds squawking outside woke me up." I spat toward the window. Derek let out a small breath of amusement and walked to his wardrobe. It was only then that I realised Derek was without clothes and only in a towel. I felt my face heat up and my body tingle.
"Do you-do you have work today?"
"Yeah I have to go in about an hour."
"What time will you be home?"
"Around 7."
"Okay. Anything I can do today?"
"Whatever you want. I can call Scott and see if you guys can all hang out. I don't really want you to be alone if you don't want to."
"Sure. I should probably get to know them."
"Okay I'll ask him." Derek pulled out a grey and blue shirt.
"Wear the grey." I pointed. He looked at me with a raised brow. "Grey looks better on you. It's your color pallet. That or green to match your eyes."
"Well I don't have any green so grey it is." I smiled at him and he started to button the shirt. "Okay so since you're the fashion expert, what tie?"
"The black one you have with the velvet embroidered pattern on it."
He smirked at me and nodded. He pulled the tie over his head.
"Can you teach me how to do that?"
"Yeah. Here." He put one around my neck and took me step by step through it. "Perfect!" He applauded when I had finished.
"Okay I'm gonna be late. I gotta go." He looked at his watch.
"Okay. Have a good day at work."
"Thanks. I'll see you later."
He kissed the top of my head quickly and then left.
I stood there for a moment. Why did he do that? What was that for? It all felt very domestic. Was this our life now? We weren't even a couple but we acted like it, and we haven't even kissed yet. I didn't really know how to respond.
I mean even last night we just slept in the same bed without another thought. I wasn't complaining though. He's incredibly warm and a great cuddler despite the spiky exterior he has.
I laid back down on the bed and slightly missed the warmth he created in his spot. I pulled a pillow to my chest and imagined it was him.
I'm really starting to grow attached to him.

Scott picked me up a couple hours later to head to his house to hang out. About half of the group was there, the other half was responsible and went to school.
"So, you and Derek seem to be getting pretty close." Lydia hinted.
"Yeah, he's a really good guy."
"Good in bed?"
"Lydia!" I gasped
"What? It's a reasonable question!"
"For your information it's really none of your business but if you must know, I wouldn't know. We haven't had sex. We haven't even kissed."
"Oh come on, who are you? The Virgin Mary?"
"No, I just actually care about him, not just his body. And if you haven't noticed he's not exactly the softest person when it comes to love."
"That's obvious." She snorted. "Well If there's no gossip then... wanna go shopping?"
"Scott, stiles, we are leaving this boring hang out to go shopping."
They let out a string of okays and whatever's not paying attention to us so we took that as a goodbye.

"We need to find you some better clothes." Lydia looked me up and down.
"Hey, what's wrong with what I've got on?"
"Nothing..." she grimaced.
"Fine, what do you think I should wear?" She pursed her lips and swiveled around to look at the selection of clothes and her eyes landed on a dress.
"That." Her eyes narrowed and she made a tense but quick beeline to the dress on the mannequin.
"No. Hell no. That thing looks so uncomfortable!"
"Just humor me please." She begged.
"Fine!" She got a dress in my size and pushed me into a dressing room.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now