Right here with us

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Requested by anonymous
So excited to start Christmas writing! Schools out so I should have more time for writing!
"Derek! Derek please help! Dying! Like actively!" I grunted as the box in my arms got heavier and heavier. My biceps started to tremble and derek just rolled his eyes as he came over and lifted the box from my arms.
He walked it over to the table and set it down.
I gasped for air and rested my hands on my legs.
"Holy shit. I need to get in shape." I heaved air into my lungs.
"What the hell is in that thing?"
"Christmas... decorations... one box... of six." I almost gagged as I inhaled for my life.
"Six?!? The hell are you doing to my house?!"
"Oh no no no. You mean our house. And I am not doing anything, we are doing it."
"Oh no no no. You mean you are." He mocked me and grabbed his jacket.
"Where are you going?!"
"Literally anywhere but here."
"Love you pup! Bye!"
The door closed and I huffed as I pulled out a long string of garland.

I heaved the other boxes into the living room and started to slowly unpack. Since Derek has the interior decorating skills of an actual dust bunny, I didn't have to worry about taking anything down.
I wrapped garland around the spiral staircase, set up the tree, added new pillows to the couch, placed some trinkets to the stand the TV was propped on and set down my Santa rug by the door and matching blanket onto the couch.
Christmas music played lowly as I walked into the kitchen. I set a smaller of the six boxes onto the counter and started to decorate. A snowman hand towel, obviously, and a peppermint scented soap. I made sure the smell was dull for dereks senses and finally found the perfect one.
I threw some more garland on top of the fridge and pulled out some Santa and present magnets for the fridge.
I hummed along to the songs as I warmed up some water to make hot chocolate. I grabbed the mugs and started to add in the powder
"Ouch!" I hissed as the water splashed up onto my hand. "Ah! Hot! Ah my finger."
I whined and tried to get the pain to stop.
I ran it under some lukewarm water from the sink and then moved on once it felt a little better.

"Damn. I still need to get the garland all the way up there." I sighed looking at the top of the big penthouse window. "I'm fucked."
I stomped to get the ladder and started at the bottom. I was about three quarters of the way up when I couldn't reach comfortably anymore.
"Shit." I cursed as I started to stretch myself.
"Hey be careful!" A worried voice called. I reclined my body in and looked over to see derek rushing to me. "Why are you on a ladder by yourself?! That's dangerous!"
"Uh because my boyfriend left me to do it on my own."
"I would have helped you with this if you told me."
"I don't need your help." I huffed and tried again. I almost rounded the upper corner of the window but just couldn't stretch any more.
"Y/n You're going to fall. Let me do it."
"No! I got it!" I stretched once more and finally hooked it. "YES!"
"Okay now can you get down please?"
"No! I'm finishing these decorations. And you're helping me with the tree." I snapped at him.
"Okay geez. Fine."
"I just don't get why you're such a Scrooge. Christmas is wonderful! It's warm and happy. Full of surprise and love." I grumbled as I stomped down the ladder. "And speaking of warm there's hot chocolate in the kitchen for you. If you even want it, you grouch."
"Wow. Why are you so angry?" Derek bitterly questioned as I dug into another box.
"Because of you!" I huffed and threw down the stuffed Santa before storming off into our bedroom.

"Can't even believe him. What an ass." I mumbled as I picked up our room in anger. I was anger cleaning. This was a new low. "'Why are you so angry?' Because of your stupid face! I hate it! It's so punchable! So punchable with those dark mysterious eyes and those gorgeous cheekbones and amazing skin and... UGH I can't even stay mad at him and that pisses me off!" I chucked a black t shirt into our laundry bin with a fury.
"Y/n?" Derek meekly called as he opened the door.
"What?!?" I snapped.
"Just... wanted to say the hot chocolate is good."
I sighed and my body trembled.
"Well thank you." My voice quivered.
"And... if it helps... I'll be downstairs waiting if you want to decorate the tree."
"Okay." I shortly responded.
"Okay." He whispered and backed out of the room.
When the door closed my shoulders slumped. I had rarely, if never, seen derek like this. He just looked defeated.
Derek had never been angry at me. One time he got a little short with me but he immediately regretted it. Whenever derek was upset with me he just got sad and gave me the silent treatment. When I was upset with him his ears went back and his tail tucked in between his legs. He was always a grumpy and cold man but I think he secretly feared me being mad at him.
It was hard for me to stay mad at him. I know most of the time our distance was due to miscommunication and lack of initiative to solve our differences but we were very different when it came to our feelings. But for now I decided it wasn't worth it and I went downstairs to help him with the tree.

"These two boxes are for the tree. I just need you to get the stuff at the top." I said unenthusiastically.
I pulled ornaments from the box after stringing the lights and handed the ones I wanted to go on top to him. He did a wonderful job, not that I would tell him, and did everything eerily quietly.
When I dug into the middle of one of the boxes I pulled out a jar with a small Polaroid in it. I held it and my heart started to hurt. I turned the bottle to see the smiling faces of me and Derek.
"Whatcha got there?" Derek asked as he looked over my shoulder.
"It's our move in day photo." I dryly said. I swallowed the lump in my throat and turned it to him.
"That's a good memory."
"Yeah... it's the only picture I have of you smiling." My face morphed to sadness as I remembered how happy we were that day compared to today. The world never felt right when derek and I weren't okay.
"Here! I found the other one." Derek held up the other glass jar with the small Polaroid in it. It was of his parents, holding him when they were our age.
I held out my hand to take it and noticed the bottle shaking in dereks hand.
I looked to his face to see his eyes glistening.
"You okay?"
"Yeah... I guess... I guess I just realised why I'm not very happy right now."
"Christmas just... makes me miss everyone. Like I'm still supposed to have Christmas with my family. My parents were supposed to meet you this year. I would have had my siblings here. And I could spend so much money on them. And they would love you." Derek looked down at the two jars in my hands. "And who knows? Maybe my parents would have even met a grandchild by now."
"Oh derek." I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist. I rested my ear on his shoulder.
"Christmas for everyone else reminds them of what they have. Christmas for me reminds me of what I don't have. What I'm missing."
"Derek. You have so much. You have me, you have Scott and stiles who are practically your kids. You've got the rest of your pack who love you so endlessly. And despite his annoying... everything, you've got Peter. He is family. Even though it will never make sense to me how you guys are blood."
Derek actually let out a small huff in amusement.
"I just miss my parents and my siblings."
"Well Cora's still here."
"Yeah but she's not with me."
"But she's alive. And that's a Christmas miracle within itself."
"Yeah you're right."
"It's okay to mourn all of the loss. It's okay to be sad around this time, but you also can't just miss all of the love around you. You do have people in your corner. You just have to be willing to accept them."
Derek squeezed me closer and sighed.
I glanced over at the tree and smiled.
"Could you help me with the star?" I whispered and looked up at him.
He nodded in silent agreement and I handed him the star. He reached up, his shirt slightly pulling away from his skin. We used yellow white lights this year on the tree which made his skin glow.
"Has anyone ever told you you're the most beautiful man in the world?" I smirked.
"Once or twice." He shrugged. I laughed and placed myself back into his arms. My back pressed against his chest and my arms holding his against me.
"You know... I think I did a pretty good job." I complimented myself. Derek rested his chin on my shoulder from behind.
"Yeah... you did." Derek kissed my cheek quickly then replaced his chin on my shoulder.
The music switched to a new song. One that I had loved since I was a child.
"Wanna dance?" I wiggled my brows at him. He rolled his eyes but still accepted the invitation.
I turned to face him and be placed his hands on my waist. I shuffled in closer and wrapped my arms around his neck. I played with the hair on the back of his head which made him shiver.
"Like petting a dog." I chuckled.
"I will bite you like a dog too."
"Kinky." I joked. He scoffed and clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Okay okay. Sorry sorry."
We did a little bit of a shuffle as we danced around the living room.
The window across the room started to frost as the moisture from inside collected on the cold window. The lights from all the decor in the apartment reflected since the sun had gone down. The slow music danced in the air and the smell of peppermint wafted throughout the room. It got quieter, the room became more enveloping and the music stopped. But we didn't stop dancing. I rested my head on his chest and pulled him in closer.
It was against all my will to let him go. I just wanted to keep him close. He smelled good and his body was radiating heat like no other.
"You're like a giant teddy bear." I hummed in content and he inhaled my scent.
"You smell like heaven." He whispered.
"We should stay like this forever."
We continued to sway, the soft music picking up to a song that neither of us had any care for since we were so involved in keeping each other close.
The room inside was home compared to the cold outside world. But while we sat inside, the dark and dismal world started to give way to a small speckle of winter. It sputtered at first but then picked up to a small dusting. It floated gently to the ground in preserving amounts, only covering the ground in a thin layer.
But it didn't matter to us because we had everything we needed right there with us.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now