Love is dead

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Dereks POV
I was just sitting on the couch when the warning alarm went off. I jumped up, sprinted over the table and shut off the alarm quickly. I froze and looked around to see if anything was happening. The alarm wouldn't go off without reason.
"Derek!" A voice shrieked before the big metal door slammed open. The door now wide open revealed y/n who was cut, bruised and stumbling all over the place.
"Y/n!" I shouted as I ran to her.
Her breath was uneven and I could tell she was in pain. I placed my hand over hers which was clutching her stomach. I removed her hand with my larger one still encasing hers to look at what she was covering. A giant hole in her abdomen was pouring blood. My panic started to set in. I was pretty level headed most of the time, but when it came to death and the death of y/n, I didn't know how to control myself.
"Come on! Come lay down! Let me help you."
She tried to walk but her legs seemed to turn to jello and give out. "Okay okay, up you go."
I picked her up making sure to not put pressure on her wound and I walked her to the couch.
"Cora!" I shouted as I ripped open y/ns shirt to get a better look at her injuries.
"What?" Cora asked as she practically fell down the stairs.
"Help me! She's gonna die! She's bleeding too much!"
Coras eyes went wide when she saw y/ns state and rushed over. She saw that y/n was seizing and her worry grew fonder.
"She's in pain Derek! She's gonna die!"
"I know that Cora! Can you help me?!"
"What do I do?"
"Hold pressure on this wound! She should be healing faster because she's a werewolf but I don't know why she's not!"
"Maybe there's wolfsbane in her body." Cora thought
"That could be. Check her."
Cora scanned her body and looked at a cut in her arm.
"Here! Look! Wolfsbane!"
"I'm gonna have to burn it out!"
I ran to the other side of the apartment and grabbed the blow torch.
I walked back over and started the torch
"Okay, this is gonna hurt but I promise I'm helping you."
I placed the torch on her wound where the wolfsbane was present and it started to singe.
She cringed at the pain and Cora held her hand.
The wolfs bane was finally gone and I threw the blowtorch away and held her close to me.
"Shhh... you're okay. You're fine! Look, you see me right? You're okay then! You're alive! That's all that matters."
She tried to look at her wounds but I wouldn't let her.
"No no... just look here. Look at me! I'm right here. We just need to let you heal."
She started to scrunch her face and I knew she was in pain.
I grabbed her hand and she squeezed it tight.
The veins in my arms started to darken and her face started to unwrinkle.
"There you go." I stroked her hair as she started to untense.
Her body started to heal itself and the cuts were instantly gone. Bruises would take a little longer but it would be fine.
"Thanks." She sighed as she started to turn onto her side to get more comfortable.
"Your welcome." I kissed her forehead which was glossed in sweat "do you want to get up to take a shower or do you just want to sleep."
"I'll-ill take a shower. I feel gross."
"Okay" i slightly chuckled.
She took it upon herself to stand up and she was good at it. She shook just a little bit other than that she found herself standing up straight and walking around normally.
She walked into the bathroom and closed the door in my face
"You stay out there!" She giggled as she pressed herself up against the door to make her speech more clear.
"Okay, I'll be downstairs."

Y/ns POV
My body still shook even as I hopped into the warm shower. It wasn't warm but hot, burning hot but it felt so good. I felt the dried blood, crust, crumble and fall off of my arms, hands, torso, and thighs. The dirt that was smudged across my face washed off too. I couldn't even tell the water was clear because of how much I was taking off of myself. I scrubbed my greasy head and washed my hair while I was at it.
"Ugh... stupid men and their 3 in 1!" I growled as I held dereks bottle in my hand. I begrudgingly put it in my hair and washed my body. I kinda started to get used to it when I noticed it smelled like Derek. I poured more into my hands and rubbed it all over me.
"God if I could smell like this all the time I would!" I groaned to myself as i washed off the soapy bubbles from my forearms.
I decided, with much deliberation, to get out of the shower before I actually shrivelled into a raisin. I stepped out and dried myself with a towel, still transferring a little blood onto the towel that I must've not gotten. I put on a different pair of clothes and walked out of the bathroom.
"Have you been sitting here the whole time?" I ask as I see Derek sitting next to the door.
"Yes. I have."
"You're such a dork."
"Am not!" His face went into grumpy mode which made me laugh a little bit.
"Yep!" I smiled at him and he shifted and roared at me "You're cute."
I booped his nose he blinked a couple times before realizing he couldn't scare me.
"Nothing?! Not even a little screech?" He asked defeated as walked away to pull a brush out of my bag and brush my hair. I paused for a moment, almost in a thinking state.
"Nope." I decided.
"Oh that's it! I'm scary! I'm mean! I'll rip you apart!" He chuckled as he fast walked in my direction. I put my brush down and ran across the bedroom "come here you brat!"
"No!" I screamed as I tried to get away.
He grabbed me around the waist and held me close to him.
"I'm going to bite you!" He threatened as he whispered in my ear. It tickled so I giggled in his arms.
"Are you laughing at my threats?" He looked astonished. I nodded and he scoffed "I hate you so much."
I laughed even harder and he has enough. He threw me over his shoulder and placed me on the bed.
"I'm going to tear you apart."
"Kinky!" I laughed again.
Derek rolled his eyes and gave up. He got up from the bed and walked to the door.
"Derek wait!" He turned and looked at me "Can you hand me that sweatshirt?"
He picked up the sweatshirt and chucked it at me.
He slammed the door shut and I shouted "I love you!"
"I love you too pup!"

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now