Dont hide little wolf pt 8

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I believe this is going to be the last part for the series! I will be writing more and as always requests are open and wanted!!

"I'm okay." Derek breathed heavily and cupped my face.
My chest relaxed and I saw his green eyes clear up from the haze.
"You scared me shitless Derek!"
"I'm sorry little wolf. But you saved my life." He rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I nuzzled into his hand and kissed it quickly.
"Who's the doctor now, huh?" I laughed trying to lighten the mood.
"You are." He smiled.

After another hour the blood in the bag was empty and Derek was moving around. "Damn. My shirt." Derek sighed.
"Well, luckily I have this." I smiled as I remembered the bag I had brought in with me in a panic.
He opened the bag and huffed.
"A green shirt?"
He just chuckled and unbuttoned his shirt. His hands were still shaky so I stopped him.
"I'll do it." I took over and unbuttoned his shirt. I slowly peeled it off not wanting to hurt his side. I got the other shirt and pulled it onto him. I buttoned his shirt from the top down just as slow. His breath shook whenever my fingers touched his skin. When I got down to the last button I knew he needed to tuck his shirt into his pants. My hands hovered over his belt.
"Can I?"
He just nodded and i unbuckled his belt. His breath hitched as I touched his lower stomach. I tucked his shirt in the back first and then to the front. I pulled his black pants over the shirt and then buckled his belt again. His fingers grazed over mine as I rebuckled his belt.
"Come on. We should probably get to the group."
He nodded and I helped him stand.
"Can you walk?" I asked. He nodded and I let go of him to walk.

We were released not long after. Patients went back to their rooms and some nurses and doctors were sent home including Derek.
I made sure things were easy to get without reaching too high and noticed Derek staring at his side in the mirror.
"Why aren't you healing?"
"I don't know. But it usually doesn't look like this either. When we heal it doesn't scar. This is." My stomach dropped knowing it was me.
"It was me." I mumbled. He turned to me.
"It was me. I did that."
"When you were unconscious, I started crying. And when they fell onto your side they started sizzling. They were closing up your wounds."
"So your tears have healing properties?"
"I guess." I shrugged.
"I've only ever heard of that from phoenixes."
"There's a lot we don't know about me."
"That's true."
"Maybe deaton would know?"
"We can always ask."

Third pov
"So you're saying that she really does have healing tears?" Derek gaped
"But how?"
"I don't know. I'm more knowledgeable on supernatural creatures. She's closer to a-a Demi God. For all we know she could be more powerful than all of us combined."
"A Demi god?
"Yeah. Cupid was the child of two gods. So at minimum she's a Demi god."
"Wow. I'm a god."
"Yeah dont let it get to your head." Derek mocked.
"Whatever!" She sassed back and shoved him.
"I assume we will just have to let her powers come in on their own time. There's nothing to force out. But I will say that there's good reason to believe that her powers could be lured out by acts of love. Love is in her blood so it may be like a magnet for her power."
Derek furrowed his brows at that theory. And then he thought about his accident. If her power was amplified or drawn out by love then... and then it hit him.

The drive home was quiet which was confusing to y/n as she had no reason to believe the drive needed to be quiet.
"Are you okay Derek? You've been quiet." She asked as he parked and got out.
"Are you sure? Usually you only get quiet when you're starting to panic."
"I'm not panicking!" He shouted which made y/n flinch.
She decided to let it go and silently trickled into the apartment.
She sat down at the table while Derek picked up things out of anxiety.
"Derek?" She squeaked "I know you probably don't want to talk about it but you know you can talk to me right? Whatever it is. I'm not going anywhere."
"Do you love me?" He blurted
Her mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. She closed her mouth and thought for a moment.
"Would that be bad if I did?" She looked down at the floor.
"I need to know." He pleaded.
"Y-yes." She said almost so quiet she questioned if it even came out.
Dereks knees went weak and he felt like he could throw up.
"But I didn't think it would be a big deal. I mean it wasn't a secret since we had that big fight."
"That was different. It was a maybe. We were still figuring things out. But now it means something. You mean something." Derek kneeled in front of her and saw that she was crying. "Hey hey. Don't worry. You're not going to scare me off."
"Do you think that I'm doing this to you? That all the feelings you have aren't real?"
"No no no. That was stupid of me to say. I was just angry... and scared. Everything I feel for you is real."
He wiped a tear from her face and gave her a reassuring chin push to look at him.
She put her hands on his face and then dragged them slowly down his body till they settled on his sides.
She wiggled her fingers and felt something off. She looked down at her hand to see blood on his side.
"Shit your wound reopened. Come on. I got this."
She pulled him to the bathroom and made him sit on the counter. She told him to lift his shirt so she could inspect.
"You do realize I am a doctor. I can do this myself."
"Shut up." She didn't take that at all and continued to wipe blood from his side. She pushed gauze onto his side and wrapped it.
Derek stared at her. His eyes taking every atom of her in. He couldn't help but stare. The way she was hunched over looking after him. The way her eyes danced over his torso. The combination of her in front of him and her hands on his body made his body flush.
"There. I'm banking on your healing abilities here to work." She softly removed her fingers and looked back up at him. There was a look in his eyes of want.
She stood up straight and he put his hands on her waist and pulled her into him.
"What? Is there something you need?" She searched his face for anything but he was quiet and his face was hard to read. His eyes focused on her lips.
"Kiss me." He quietly commanded.
"Are you sure?" She mumbled back.
He nodded and pulled her closer. She leaned in, her hands on either side of his body, and pulled his lower lip in between hers. There was a spark in the space between their bodies. The kiss was deep but soft. Passionate but not violent. It was everything they had both wanted. When they both parted Derek kissed her forehead. He nuzzled down into her neck and she grabbed the back of his head and leaned into him.
"I love you." He spoke against her skin.
"I love you too." She turned to kiss his head and breathed in the smell of his shampoo.
After a couple minutes of silence and comfort within each other they parted and headed to their now shared bedroom.
"I need a nap." Y/n sighed and laid down on Derek's side.
"Aye! Scoot over to your side!"
"But this side is so comfortable." She joked.
"Move over." He shoved her and she latched on as he picked her up and moved her. "There. Now you're where you should be."
She giggled and snuggled into him.
"I'm sure I'll end up on your side somehow anyway."
"Oh I know. But I can try to contain you."
"You cannot contain me!" She wiggled around.
"Okay okay! Stop moving! We are supposed to be sleeping." Derek grumbled and repositioned her to be more comfortable.
She ran her fingers up and down his spine and sighed.
"Goodnight y/n." Derek grumbled somewhere in the tangle of their bodies

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now