What is she? Pt 2

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"What are you here for, Derek?" Deaton asked as Derek had just stepped in the clinic. Deaton hadn't even looked up from his needle soaking in some sort of medication that he would inevitably inject into a animal.
"I have a question. And you seem like an old, wise man who may have some answers."
"I'm only 46 Derek." Deaton scolded calmly.
"Hey, I said you were wise." Derek smart mouthed.
"What do you need?" Deaton set down the needle and looked at the pokerfaced man.
"I have a question about something. For a while I've had this feeling-"
"I'm here!" Scott interrupted.
Derek just rolled his eyes and averted his eyes back to Deaton.
"I have this feeling. And it's different from having a crush on someone. It's like... toxic."
"Maybe she's your soulmate." Deaton pondered.
"She cannot be my soulmate!"
"Well everything you've explained to me leads me to believe that she is your soulmate."
"Who's his soulmate, now?" Y/n chuckled as she closed the door behind her.
Derek froze and Scott's eyes went wide. Even Deaton didn't know what to say.
"W-what are you doing here?" Scott stuttered to avoid the previous topic of conversation.
"I'm here to pick up my friends dog. She went away for a while and left me I charge." Y/n reminded.
"O-oh well... let me go get the dog for you!" Scott said and scuttled away quickly.
Deaton looked at the two of us and looked in the direction Scott went.
"I should... probably go... supervise! Yes! Scott may need help!" Deaton shuffled away with the same manner Scott did.
Derek looked at the confused dog sitter and turned to her.
"So what's all this about a soulmate? Derek Hale has the ability to have feelings??" Y/n mocked as she shuffled closer.
"I'm not telling you anything." Derek clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes away from the view he as on her.
"Come on Derek. Not even a little hint?" She pried.
"No, absolutely not."
"Please! Please please please."
"Nope, I don't think so." He shook his head.
Y/n got closer and gently poked dereks rock hard stomach.
"Pretty pretty pretty please?" She looked up at him with puppy eyes.
"No, no way."
She scooted in closer and rested her chin on his chest as she looked up at him.
"Not even a tensie wensie little itty bitty bit?"
Derek was just encapsulated by the girl begging for an answer that he completely forgot what she was asking for.
He subconsciously pushed a little bit of hair behind her ear and smiled.
"God, no wonder you're my soulmate. Cause you do things like this and I can't help myself anymore."
Derek has only intended for himself to hear that mumble of an out loud thought, but since y/n was basically reverse mitosis-ing with Derek she heard it too.
Y/ns eyes went wide with the new found information and fixed her hunched position to look at him.
Derek has realized what happened and his eyes went wide too.
Before Derek could process he saw her come closer and place her lips on his softly.
Derek almost felt that he was going to melt.
He also felt he was going to explode like a firework.
Y/n let go and looked into his eyes.
"This must be some really weird dream." Derek whispered.
"This isn't a dream. I just really like you."
Derek just smiled and pulled her back in for another kiss.
Y/n and Derek stood there kissing for a good minute before they both thought the same thoughts.
Derek slowly but surely sandwiched the girl in between him and the table. She sat herself on the table and Derek scooted his way in between her legs.
Derek propped his hands on the table on either side of her and leaned in to kiss her again.
She ran her hands through his hair and smiled into the kiss.
Soon enough the kiss was abruptly stopped by a voice.
"Oh come on guys! We do surgery on that table! Give the animals some respect and sterility!" Scott scolded and his body shook in disgust.
"I'm guessing you found out?" He added as he picked up a clip board presumably with the friends dogs information on it.
Y/n cleared her throat and jumped off the table.
"Yeah. I did."
She looked at Derek with a smile on her face and he just rolled his eyes.
"Well I'm glad you two have figured out your sexual frustrations, but next time, don't do it on the table. That's very unsanitary... for everyone involved."
"Noted." She added.

Deaton walked in the the dog in his arms and he handed the dog to y/n.
"There you go! Sorry it took so long, the poor thing didn't want to leave."
"It's alright. We were able to kill some time." Y/n looked at Derek and he winked back.
"Anyway, I should drop this baby off at my friends house before it gets too late!"
"Alright well thank you for stopping by!"
"Of course!"
Y/n waved at the two boys who took such good care of animals and she walked out next to Derek.

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