Sing a song little birdy pt 2

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"Okay so here is my room in case you need me for anything. And then your room is down here. Luckily we have a spare bedroom. We've never needed it before but I'm glad someone's finally gonna get to use it." Liam smiled as he showed her around
"And our room is just down the hall if you need us." His parents added hoping it would make the girl feel better.
"Thank you guys for letting me stay."
"Oh it's no problem at all. You know you're always welcome here. And I'm sure Liam is very excited to have someone from his old school joining him at Beacon Hills High."
"Yeah the only good part of devenford prep."
"How are you feeling about starting your first teaching job?"
"A little nervous but I think I'll be okay."
"You know you're very young to be a teacher." Liams dad smiled
"Well luckily I'm just helping out. Lydia's mom set me up with one of the English teachers who seemed like she needed an extra pair of hands."
"Well that was very nice of her." Liams mom beamed. "I'm so glad you're finding your path. We've always loved yours and Liams friendship. You make him a very productive person."
"Thank you. That means a lot to me."
"Of course. Now go get yourself settled in and dinner should be ready soon."
She just nodded and Liam helped her run all her stuff into the guest room.
"It's not much but it's what we've got." Liam nodded
"It's perfect."
"Do you want me to help you unpack?"
"Sure that would be great."
Liam opened one of her suitcases and started to sort things into piles.
"You know..." Liam piped up "I really missed you. It was weird not having my older sister around."
She grinned, loving that he still thought of her as his older sister.
"I missed you too Liam."
"It'll be great having someone with magic in our pack. Any cool tricks you can show me?"
"Sure." She motioned for one of her t shirts to rise and it started to fold itself neatly. It floated over to the dresser and placed itself inside the open drawer.
"You're telling me I didn't need to fold these shirts, then?"
"Not really, no." She chuckled
"Damn it." He sighed.
"But I like that you helped out. And it gave us a chance to talk."
"Yeah it guess it wasn't for nothing."

Your pov
The next morning was the first day of my new job. I woke up early and got ready trying to feel as confident as possible.
"Hey do you want to carpool today or drive separately?" Liam asked poking his head in while I slipped on my shoes.
"If you wanna go together we can."
"Okay. I'll drive. Meet me down in 5."
Liams car was nice thanks to his step dad. I'm kind of glad I opted for him to drive because my car was not this nice.
It was a short drive from his house to the school. The school was a lot more intimidating when I actually saw it.
"Don't worry, you'll do great. And besides the English teacher your partnered with is very nice. She could definitely use your help."
"Okay. I've got this. I'm just here to work." I nodded and Liam nodded back in reassurance. We both stepped out of the car and parted ways.
I found myself stumbling to the classroom like a baby deer. It was when I saw the teachers face I finally felt some peace.
"Oh you poor thing. They are gonna eat you alive here." Her gaze softened and she helped me in.
I got my stuff settled and tried to make some conversation.
"So how long have you been teaching?"
"Just a few years. I originally worked at a much smaller school in the Midwest."
"What made you come out here?"
"It was just someplace different." She shrugged "and besides I think it's made me a lot tougher. But even still I need help. These classes are much bigger than I'm used to. That's why you are here."
"I'll try my best to help."
"Good. I'm glad you're up for the task."
"So what do we have to do?"
"We are just getting ready for the first class of the day. It is my smallest class. If you'd put one of these on each desk."

The day flowed by and I called my first day a win. I met Liam by my car and he tapped the hood of the car.
"How was your first day?" He asked
"It was as good as I could hope for my first day."
"Does that mean it actually went well or you just don't want to admit kids suck?"
"No it actually went okay."
"Oh... good." He seemed surprised and got into the car. "So Derek said he needs us to meet up at his apartment after we get out. Scott and stiles are going to meet us there."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I could feel the irritation burning in my chest.
"What?" Liam asked looking at me
"Nothing." I grumbled already knowing my day was gonna be ruined
"Oh come on." Liam sighed, knowing what my sudden change in attitude was for "I get it, you two don't get along very well, but can you please just try to get along? For me?"
"Whatever. But if he starts it I'm not going to hold back."
"Fine. But be kind."
"I'll try."
We pulled up to the apartment building and got out. When we got in the elevator Liam pushed the button labeled "penthouse".
"Really? He lives in the penthouse? How narcissistic can one be to buy the penthouse?"
Liam looked down at his feet and mumbled
"He actually owns the whole building."
I gave a quick laugh and shook my head.
"Dickhead." I could feel the anger boiling over. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, remembering Liam's plea.
The elevator chimed, telling us we were at the correct floor, and the doors creaked open.
"Looks like Mr building owner needs to work on these doors." I mumbled looking at Liam.
"Y/n..." he warned
"Okay okay. Sorry."
The door opened and Derek glanced between us and his face dropped when he saw me.
"Didn't think you'd actually show up."
I opened my mouth to retort but the image of Liam's begging eyes flashed in my mind. I sucked an insult back down and restarted
"Well I'm committed to this pack so I did."
"Uh huh." He replied totally not sure why I wasn't clapping back. "Just come in."
We stepped in and Scott and stiles were sitting on the couch.
"Oh hey! Y/n I was wondering if you could maybe show me a few things. Just cause I would like to see if there's any way I could have magic powers? It would be helpful."
"I can definitely show you some stuff but unfortunately you can't just have magic. It's genetic. I learned my grandma was a witch."
"Son of a bitch." He mumbled
"I guess you're sticking to your bat." Scott patted stiles on the back who looked defeated
"Okay. This meeting is starting." Derek's voice raised to grab the attention of everyone here "first plan of action we need to figure out a way to stop the dead pool."
"I'm sorry... dead pool?" I asked
"Yeah, all the supernaturals of beacon hills are on a list and people can make a shit ton of money from the cash that was stolen from Derek's uncle from their vault when Derek's ex girlfriend aged him back to a teenager when she shoved him in a tomb under an Aztec temple in a city in Mexico that was destroyed by an earthquake." Stiles rambled and then inhaled deeply to regain all the air he had lost.
I just sat in my seat completely stunned and trying to comprehend what was just explained to me.
"It's not important. Just know that you could be in danger." Derek grumbled
"Oh great." I scoffed
"I wouldn't count on it though. You probably aren't worth that much."
"Probably more than you."
"I'd doubt it. I'm worth 15 million."
"Okay this isn't a competition!" Liam bellowed "we need to figure this out fast or we could be in serious danger."
"You're right." I leaned back in my chair and let them continue
Scott stood and started talking to the whole group and Liam leaned in.
"Hey. What did we talk about?"
"Sorry. He just gets on my nerves. It won't happen again."
"It better not. We need you two to get along. You guys could really help us."
For Liam I would try. I really would. But Derek was going to make this hard.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now