Dont hide little wolf pt 2

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About a week had gone by and my antibiotic was running out. The hotel I was staying in started to wonder when I'd leave even though they didn't say it out loud. Luckily I had enough money to cover about a week or two. It was after that time I should start worrying about where to go. I decided that today id go back to the hospital to get my stitches removed. I didn't really know where else to go to get it done so I assumed Melissa or Doctor hale would be able to do it. The wound no longer hurt, my range of motion was back to normal, there was no infection and no bleeding so I assumed it was time. I called a cab, and hoped fare wasn't expensive, which took me to the hospital.
I paid the man who drove me and walked in. It was a little crazy, people being walked around, patients sitting in agony waiting for a room and people begging to be seen.
"Y/n." A chipper voice called. I turned to see Melissa walking hastily toward me.
"Hi, i uhh, came back to see if you guys could take out my stitches."
"Oh yeah, umm, actually we are kind of crazy right now but I could send you to a different place to get them removed."
"Oh okay. That's alright."
"Here give me your phone I'll give you my number and send you the details."
I handed over my phone and she tapped away.
"There. I saved my number. And sent a message to myself so I can send you those details." She started to walk away "Do you mind waiting a second? I need to help someone."
I just nodded and let her get on with whatever task she was doing.
She walked back briskly and nodded.
"Okay, sent you those details." I nodded back and tapped my hands on my legs.
"You okay? Why are you still sitting?"
"Oh well... I don't really have the money for another cab ride today. Just gaining the energy to walk there."
"I get off in a couple hours, if you don't mind waiting I can take you."
"Sure. That would be lovely."
The time passed slow. I just watched people from a distance. Even helped out in any civilian way I could and the hours ticked by.
"Let me go grab my stuff and I'll be back to take you."
She turned on her heels and collected her things. She sighed and patted for her keys. I followed her out to her car and gently tucked myself into the passenger seat.
"So this guys name is Deaton. He's a friend but also a medical professional."
"What kind of medical profesional?" I asked looking over to her as she parked in front of a building. I looked back to where she had taken me and read the sign "Oh."

"Deaton? I have a favor to ask." Melissa called as she walked into the barren animal hospital.
"Melissa! What a nice surprise! What can I help you with?"
"I have a patient who needs some stitches removed. Our hospital is incredibly packed."
"Sure! No problem at all. Come on back."
I followed him back hesitantly. I sat on the table that was standing in the middle of the room and looked around.
"Don't be scared. I promise everything is clean and despite what it looks like I do know how to take care of human medical issues. That's what happens when you're a healer of a pack of supernatural creatures."
My eyes widened as he lifted my shirt to look at my stitches. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. My only question is... what are you?"
"I wish I knew." I scoffed.
Deaton started removing the sutures and sighed
"Well it is quite interesting. I'm not even a werewolf and I know you reek of supernatural powers."
"Wow, that obvious, huh?"
"Very." He pressed his lips into a line and nodded.
"So you know Doctor Hale?"
"Oh Derek? Yeah I know him."
"His first name." Deaton nodded "Derek Hale. He's got a pretty large reputation in this town."
"Really? And what is said large reputation?"
"Well his parents were the center of this town. His mother was one of the most loved people here. And his parents together funded the most support of people in need. The Hales were already filthy rich to begin with and then Derek became a doctor."
"You said was... are they...?"
"Dead? Yeah. His family died in a house fire when he was a teenager. Only one of his younger sisters and uncle made it out alive."
"Shit... that's horrible."
"Yeah. It made him pretty emotionless."
"Emotionless? Are you sure we are talking about the same guy? He was so sweet."
"Well that's a first." Deaton chuckled. "There you're done. And you're looking pretty good. It's a pretty clean scar that's going to form."
"Thank you." I ran my hand over my side and shuddered at the end result.
"No problem." Deaton put his tools down "so you met the pack yet?"
"No, I haven't had the chance."
"You should. They are pretty phenomenal."
"That's what Der-" I cut myself off "uh, Doctor Hale was saying."
"Well then it must be true. If two smart people have said it." Deaton laughed.
"I guess. Where is everyone?"
"I think they are all at Scott's house tonight. Derek shouldn't have left work by now. Might be able to catch him to get a ride."
"Sounds good. Thank you again."
"No problem y/n." He waved as I stepped out of the door.
"Wait how'd you-?"
He just winked at me and let me go.
Melissa drove me back to the hospital to catch up with Doctor Hale. I saw him standing next to his car.
"He drives a black Camero?" I grumbled to Melissa.
"Hey, if you make the money you better spend it." She shrugged. I just tsked and rolled my eyes.
"Okay. Thank you for the ride but I better catch up with Mr Car man." I laughed.
"Have a good night."
I got out of the car and jogged across the parking lot.
"Doctor Hale!" I called. He looked up from his open car door and his eyes widened
"Y/n! How nice to see you! How's the side?"
"It's better. Just got the stitches removed today from a friend of yours."
"Oh really?"
"Doctor Deaton."
His eyes widened knowing what that entailed. It was quiet for a moment before I shuffled on my feet and then spoke up.
"Oh I was wondering if I could take you up on that offer to meet your pack. I would totally do it myself but one I didn't have your number to ask for more information and two I don't have a car or enough money to get cab fare. Also... I don't know anyone so it might be weird if I just show up by myself."
"Ah. Yeah." Doctor Hale chuckled and looked down "guess I didn't think that one through."
"It's alright. So do you mind?" I pointed to his car.
"No absolutely! Join me!"
I got in the passenger seat and whistled in an impressed tone.
"So how much did this cost you?"
"About 40k."
"From your doctor money or from your inheritance?" He looked at me puzzled and slightly offended. "Deaton blabs."
I defend myself knowing how creepy it sounds.
"Of course he does." He shook his head and looked back to the road "and I think that's a little personal isn't it?"
"Well I already know a lot about you."
"Well I know nothing about you."
"Okay. I'm 21, I am an avid believer in destiny, I like to think I know a thing or two in my profession and clearly... I like to absorb information about people like a sponge." I looked at him and he didn't say anything. I can imagine he was confused. "I can go on. I know three languages, I am horrendous at bowling, and I've only ever been in love once. That enough?"
"Wow... you really can talk."
"Yes I can Doctor hale."
"Call me Derek."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now