Wild wolf

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Derek's pov
I was sitting at my desk with my hands in fists under my chin as I thought.
I heard the door slam open and Scott hustled in and looked at me worriedly.
"Derek. We have a problem."
I rolled my eyes and got up.
"We already have enough problems. Now what happened?"
I followed Scott outside and trough the woods until we saw the rest of the pack growling at something. Well, not something, someone.
"Who are you?" I growled.
"Names Theo."
"Yeah, this douchebag got out of hell for two days and now he's starting trouble." Stiles cracked.
I glared at stiles and clenched my jaw basically telling him to shut up or I'd tear him apart.
"I'm not trying to start trouble, I found someone who looked like she needed help. I thought you guys could help her."
I looked over and saw Theo pull a girl out from behind her.
Theo whispered something in her ear and then lightly pushed her toward the pack.
I checked her out and I saw her shaking. Her cloths look like she'd been put through a shredder. Her hair was knotted and insanely long. None the less she was very pretty.
"I'm Derek." I said trying to get her attention. She jumped a little and looked at me.
"We aren't gonna hurt you." I slowly walked over to her and put my hand out. She lightly growled at my hand coming closer to her.
"What is she?" I heard stiles ask.
"I don't know. But she doesn't look to have known very many people. Or the people she did know weren't very friendly." Scott replied.
I titled my head at her and she sniffed the air.
"Theo. Do you know anything about her?"
"No. I just found her. I was sleeping in my car and she stumbled across me. She just wanted something to eat but... other then that I don't know anything about her."
I was right by her and her growls were loud now.
We gotta enclose her. Capture her and then get as much as we can from her.
The wild wolf looked at Theo who nodded. I ran up behind her
"I wouldn't!" Theo shouted.
I grabbed her around the waist and around the neck.
She roared and bit down on my arm.
I let her go and she ran away.
"Well shit. Everyone go home. I got this."
I walked into the woods and looked around for her.
I saw her sitting by a tree. She turned her head quickly and started growling when she saw me.
"It's okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you earlier. Can you tell me what your name is."
"Y/n." She mumbled.
"I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean to frighten you. I promise I won't do it again. Can you tell me about yourself?"
"Do you have food?"
I pulled a sandwich out of my bag and handed it to her. She ate it and then told me about how she never had a family and she never had a pack after that. She was completely alone.
"How old are you?"
She shrugged "like seventeen." She guessed
"Well. Do you want to come stay with me? I have a bed you could use and all the food you could think of."
She nodded and I helped her up.
"Thank you Derek."
"You're welcome."
She attacked me in a hug and rested her head on my chest. She was warm.
I felt different toward her. I felt... fuzzy inside. I inhaled her scent and it sent a shiver down my spine.
I'm so infatuated with the wild wolf.

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