Mothers day

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I woke up next to Derek who seemed to look solemn.
"What's wrong Der?" I ask pushing hair out of his face.
"It's Mother's Day."
My heart sunk as I knew exactly why he was sad. He had no mother to celebrate with.
"Oh baby. I'm sorry."
He clenched his eyes closed as a tear fell from his eye.
I'd never seen Derek cry before. He wasn't one to cry but when it came to his family, he was such a softy.
"Baby. I know today sucks. I know it brings up old memories. But you got me. And I'll always be here. And soon we will have our son family and then you can celebrate me!"
He cracked a smile and I giggled. He pulled me closer to him and sighed.
"I love you baby." He spoke softly.
"I love you too."

The rest of the day we decided to do some fun activities.
We went out and ate and I ate a lot.
Derek was appalled at how much I could eat.
"You're gonna get sick." Derek laughed as I finished.
I smiled and we left.
After that we just walked around town till we got home. We were watching a movie when I felt sick.
I ran into the bathroom and threw up.
Derek knocked on the door and I opened it once I cleaned myself up.
"I told you you were gonna get sick." Derek shook his head.
I nodded my head not believing that that was what it was.
"I'm gonna go get some fresh air."
I did go outside but I also went to the store. I bought a test and went back home.
I locked myself in the bathroom and took the test.
"Pup, you okay?" Derek asked as he knocked on the door.
"I'm fine." I called back.
I heard his footsteps dissipate from the door and I checked the test.
Holy shit. I was pregnant.
I started to cry. I put the test behind my back and walked out to Derek who was in the kitchen.
"What's wrong, beautiful?" He asked walking up to me.
I handed him the pregnancy test and he looked at me wide eyed.
"Is this real?" He asked.
"Yes. It's 100 percent real."
Derek was silent for a minute and he scoffed.
"Are you mad?" I ask cautiously.
"Mad?!! No no no no!! Not mad! Not mad at all!! Are you kidding??! I'm so excited!" There was a big relief washed over me.
He lifted me up and kissed me longingly.
"I guess I have someone to celebrate now."
He kissed me again and laughed as he buried his nose into my neck.
"You already have a mother smell." He smiled as he kept his face in my neck.
"I love you Derek." I said as I grabbed his hair lightly.
"I love you too." He lightly purred.
"Happy Mother's Day." He laughed.
"Thank you baby."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now