Stupid little crush pt 2

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It had been a couple years since the last time y/n and Derek had spoken. The cut off during bad blood left a bitter taste in both of their mouthes especially for y/n.
She had moved away with her parents when they lost the house and her dad had lost his job. They moved across the country in order for her dad to find a new position. She had become happy, or at least content, with her new life. She was now in college while also holding a job as a student teacher. She taught history because her mom got her into history when she was little. Her mom had unfortunately passed away shortly after they moved due to contracting a virus that damaged her already frail body. The reason they had struggled so hard is from her moms medical bills. Her mom had become sick when y/n started high school and had passed away when y/n started college. Every day she dedicates her lesson to her mom.
Meanwhile in beacon hills, the pack had more than enough to handle. They had started on a new problem... vampires. Now this wasn't a twilight situation that was happening, it was bloodthirsty fanged murders. One vampire could drink the blood of three people in an hour which meant a whole pack of them was a problem. Derek and Peter were tired of controlling a bunch of unnerved teenagers. They also were running thin because they had no clue what they were talking about. They had no history on vampires and surely no experience on how to kill them.
They all sat in Scott's living room, the air was thick as they deliberated on how they were going to continue. Scott and Derek were sore as they sat down. The rest of the supernatural creatures were exhausted and stiles was tending to his huge wounds.
"We are in shambles. We need help." Stiles complained.
"From who?" Derek asked.
"I think I know someone." He nodded "but you're not going to like it."
Stiles pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed her number. He set it on speaker and let it ring.
"Hello?" A curious voice rang.
"Hey... um how likely are you to come back to beacon hills for a little bit? We are in a bit of a pickle and we need your help. We know your mom was a huge history freak so you might be able to help us."
"Do I get free food and a place to stay?"
"Can someone pay me for the hours I'm gonna miss at work?"
Everyone looked around in disappointment but then everyone's eyes gazed at Derek who everyone knew was loaded.
He scrunched his brows and everyone gave him a look of "just do it"
"Fine I will."
"Sounds good to me." The girl on the other line nodded as she palmed the steering wheel to turn into the school parking lot.
"Okay, when can you come?" Stiles asked waiting for some grand answer
"How about tomorrow? I found a flight that leaves tonight after I get off of work. I can be there by mid day tomorrow."
"Sounds perfect. Thank you so much y/n."
Dereks heart dropped when he said that name. It couldn't be could it? He hadn't heard that name in so long his heart ached when he did.
"You're welcome stiles. Bye everyone."
"Bye y/n!" They all waved off in unison.
The line has cut and Derek was still frozen in place. He was gonna see y/n again and he didn't know how to handle that.
Derek went home that night knowing she was on her way to them in that moment. He paced around his apartment wondering how he should react to her when they first saw each other again. Should he be casual? Should he apologize immediately? What if that's too strong to start? What if she hates his guts? What if she wants to pretend it never happened? What if she wants to talk about it and wants to beat him up? All these questions flooded Dereks head one after the other but they never found answers. Derek laid in bed that night grasping answers for how he was supposed to do this. His anxiety had never been higher for a person. Not because she scared him but because he wanted her back. He missed their friendship. He missed the consolation she gave him when he was having a bad day. He missed the way he would make her smile. He missed her smile. He admits to himself every day that he was stupid the way he ended things.

"Stiles?" A voice shouted from the front door. The pack stood around stiles wood table in the kitchen.
"Y/n!" Stiles bounced up and down and then bolted for the front door.
"Oof! Stiles! Ouch!" She laughed as she made hard contact with the young man. He let her go and then realized she looked much different than he remembered
"Holy shit you're hot!" He laughed. Y/n let a small laugh slide from her mouth before looking at him
"You look like... a man!" She gasped. "Wow... I remember when you were baby faced. And now you have facial hair! When did you grow up?"
"When you left us for like four years."
"I know. I'm sorry I left you guys."
Everyone else had walked into the door way now, they watched as y/n chatted with stiles.
"We are here too!" Scott laughed. She scoffed and moved on, clicking her heels to the floor as she gave a deep hug to everyone.
"So what is a girl like you up to?"

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now