Sing a somg little birdy pt 5

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I felt his lips press into mine. He guided me down till he was comfortably resting on the floor.
I didn't really know what to do. Part of me was really shocked, but most of me really wanted to melt into the kiss. I didn't fight it. I just waited till he pulled away. When he did he looked at me like he was searching for an answer.
"What is it?" I asked breathlessly
"Sorry. I should have asked first. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I don't know why I did that." Derek was panicking now. I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to escape.
"No no. It's okay. Really. I just... I didn't think you liked me like that."
"Do you like me like that?" He asked looking up at me. I was still leaning over him.
"I... I don't know. I didn't even think you considered me a friend. I hadn't even thought about more than that." I glanced away
"Even after our little heart to heart in the car? You really didn't consider us friends?" I sat up. Derek seemed like a magnet, following me to a sitting position.
"I don't know." I shrugged and looked at the ceiling mustering up the courage to tell the truth "you're hard to read a lot of the time. Sometimes I think we are heading down the path of friendship and then you say something that makes me question it."
Derek looked at the ground and sighed
"I'm sorry. I really am trying to work on how I react and say things. I guess I just get... flustered."
"I make you flustered?" I chuckled
"Yes. Because you're actually a good person who I have feelings for. And I just don't want to mess it up. There's a lot that happened in the past that makes me nervous about being in a relationship. I just want it to go right so bad... I want us to go right." He was still looking at the floor. I didn't really know what to say. I gently slid my hand over to the hand of his that was propping him up. I brushed my finger along his and he opened his palm for me to slide my fingers into. Our fingers danced with each other and I could feel a blush rising on my face.
"I don't know how I feel about you Derek. I know it's definitely not hate. I think I just need some more time."
"Okay." He whispered. I think he was hoping for a more sure answer, but I couldn't give that to him.
"I think I'm going to head home for the night. I'll text you when I get home."
"Okay. Have a good night." I stood up and gathered my stuff
"You too." I said zipping my bag and headed to the door. "Oh and Derek?"
"Yeah?" He asked brushing the dirt off himself as he stood
"I enjoyed the kiss... just so you know." I gave him a soft smile and closed the door behind me.

Derek and I tried to keep it casual. And by causal I mean totally ignore every instance of a spark that occurred between us. But it was starting to become hard to ignore. It was like trying to ignore a firework in your face.
We weren't even trying to get into these situations, they just happened. Our endless tension created these moments. Sparks that wanted to become flames. It was like constantly rubbing a blanket and then being surprised when you get shocked.
This static electricity went on for weeks. I knew Derek was trying to give me some time to think about what I wanted. But I think the universe was telling me what I wanted.
Stupidly I had gone over to Derek's apartment for a movie. Work was getting overwhelming and I just needed some time to relax. So the right idea was definitely to sit in a dark room on a couch next to a guy I was massively debating on kissing at any second. Totally relaxing... fucking idiot.
But Derek suggested it and for some reason I can't say no to him now.
It was crazy, two months ago I thought this man hated my guts and now I'm here sitting on his couch, sharing a blanket and snacks, and wondering if he'll kiss me again. But here I am and I was enjoying every second.
It was late by the time I got there. We had started the movie past nine and I was not a night owl. So about halfway through the movie I was fighting the urge to fall asleep. And the universe is conspiring against me so rain started to slowly patter on the windows.
It was dark in the apartment. The couch was warm from Derek's body heat. I was full from the snacks that we had eaten. I had everything perfectly aligned to fall asleep. My eyes were screaming to close for just a moment. In my state of desperation I convinced myself that it would be okay to lean my head on Derek's shoulder.
"Tired?" He asked lowly, only slightly shocking me awake
"Hmm..." was all I could get out of my throat
"I'll take that as a yes. Why don't you just stay here tonight? It's raining anyway. You shouldn't drive home tired and in the rain."
"Mmhmm." I agreed
"I'll head upstairs to my room and get you a pillow and another blanket."
I lifted my head off his shoulder and listened to his feet patter up the stairs. He came back down the stairs not too long after and he grabbed my head to rest it down on the couch. He slipped the pillow under my head and threw the extra blanket on me. The weight of the blanket lulled me back into my dreamy state. Before I could fully fall asleep I felt a small kiss land on my forehead but I was too tired to react in my sleepy state.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now