First snow; First christmas

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A boring Wednesday turned to a chore filled wednesdsy when problems kept piling up. The sink sprung a leak, the sheets needed to be washed, the fridge was running empty, the car was almost out of gas and so on. So y/n decided, since she was a do it yourself kind of person, that she would get it done. After a couple Google searches and a call to Sherif stilinski, she needed to head to the store to get a few new parts. She also decided that she would get gas on the way home and stop for some basic groceries. She knew she'd get actually groceries on Sunday so she didn't want to get too much.
"Derek I'm heading out." She shouted to aloud hoping Derek, wherever he was in the house, would have heard her.
She grabbed the keys to the car and strode out to the parking lot. She got into the drivers seat and shook her body.
"God it's getting cold." She grumbled to herself and turned the heat on as well as the seat warmer.
As she drove she made a plan of where she was going to stop. When she made it to her first destination she noticed the sky was getting darker.
"That doesn't look good." She whispered as she got out of the car and went into the store.
When she left the store and shoved the bags of groceries into the trunk of Derek's camero, she almost got pushed over by the wind.
"Jesus." She laughed. She quickly finished up putting away the bags and then sped to the gas station. She pulled into a spot close to the end. She got out of the car and opened the lid to the gas tank. The clouds in the sky grew and the world got darker.
"Man I hope it doesn't storm too hard."
She started to pump her gas and watched the screen as the money rose. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a white orb flash past her. She whipped her head to see more white falling from the sky.
"Holy shit... it's snowing." She chuckled to herself and subconsciously cuddled into herself.
She watched the snow as her gas finished pumping. When the pump clicked to tell her it was done, She shook off the pump and capped her gas tank. She closed the little door which now had some snowfall sprinkled on it.
She made her way home and set the groceries on the counter. She started to unpack but the shuffling of feet distracted her.
"Hey, what did you get?"
"Some basic stuff and the parts I needed for the sink."
He just hummed and pulled her in for a hug.
"You're freezing." He sighed and pulled her hands into his to warm them up.
"Well it is snowing."
"Hmmm yeah." He agreed not processing what she just said "wait what?"
She motioned toward the big window and Derek turned to see the thick snow falling.
"It's actually snowing." He scoffed.
"You know what that means." Y/n cheered
"No! It's too early!"
"Christmas decorating!" She bounced on the balls of her feet
"No christmas yet!"
"But it's snowing!"
"Yeah and it shouldn't be! We haven't even made it to thanksgiving yet!"
"Please! Please? Just a little Christmas?"
"No christmas! That's final!"

Derek and y/n sat on the couch untangling lights to put around the Christmas tree and mantle.
"I can't believe you convinced me to do this."
"We are just doing the basic stuff! We aren't even doing the tree."
"That would be way too far." He grumbled and set out the newly untangled lights
"You're just a grinch."
"I am not a grinch. I just like to do holidays in a timely fashion."
"No you just hate having fun."
"I do not hate having fun."
"On Halloween you scared the shit out of a group of third graders by roaring in their face when they said trick or treat."
"And they got both! A trick and a treat! And it was fun!"
"For you! You just hate joy. And love. And children."
"You also hate children."
"Okay. Fine you got me there but still."
"And I do not... hate love." He scoffed a matter of factly.
"You kinda do." She cocked her head and shrugged
"I really fail to see how I could hate love. I'm with you aren't I?"
"You refuse to go on dates, you reject all gifts I give you and you would throw up if I even suggested that we go ice skating next week as a date since the winter season is upon us."
"You wanted to go ice skating?" He asked and raised his gaze to y/n who was standing now.
"Yeah I did but I thought you'd say no so..." she mumbled. Derek stood up and looked her in the eyes.
"Look, I know I can get really weird when it comes to things like dates but I just get...nervous. I know I never told you much about my exes but it has a lot to do with them. But I really would like to go skating with you next week."
She threw her arms around her boyfriend who squeezed her tight.
"Do you even know how to skate?" She asked as she stripped herself from him
"Yes I know how to skate. I used to skate a lot as a kid."
"Good because I don't."
"So you wanted to do an activity as a date knowing you had no clue how to do said activity and expected me to know how to in order to do said activity?"
"Yeah that or I was just hoping we would have fun failing together."
Derek just rolled his eyes and a small smirk crept up on his face.
"You're hopeless." He grumbled and turned away from her to hide his obvious smile.
"No I just like having fun." She smirked at him
"Oh-you are not going to let that go are you?"
"Never." She smiled devilishly at him "you're a grinch and you just need to accept it."
"I'll show you grinch." Derek scooped her up by her waist and shuffled her to the couch. He let her go and then flopped down next to her. He grabbed her by the belt and pulled her on top of him. He adjusted until they were both comfortable and then sighed.
"We are staying here." He mumbled with his nose in her hair. He sighed deeply and grazed her arm slowly up and down with his fingertips.
She tangled her fingers in his hair and closed her eyes. There was light Christmas music playing and the lights were still tangled on the floor and only one string was halfway placed on the mantle. There was silence for a minute until y/n was urged to get up.
"I have to finish the lights." She whispered into his left peck
"No you don't. We can do it later. I just got comfortable."
"I'm not going to have the motivation to later." Her eyes fluttered open and she raised the top half of her body to look at him.
His green eyes glanced at her through his dark lashes which temped her to say to hell with the lights and lay back down. But she resisted the urge and landed a quick kiss on his lips before getting up.
He tried to protest by grappling her waist but she moved too quick for him to latch on. He let out a low growl and turned away from her.
It was a few minutes of him sulking alone before y/n needed the couch.
"Derek, I have to put the Christmas throw and pillows on the couch. You need to move."
He just ignored her, a small wave of tiredness and comfort taking over.
"Okay. You had your chance." Y/n chucked the pillows onto the couch and therefore onto him. She folded the blanket how she wanted and tossed it onto him.
He shuffled around and she gasped.
"The couch! It moved! It's alive!" She jumped onto the man who was turning onto his back and he let out a pained sound. "The couch is alive! And it's hideous!"
"Hideous?!?" He furrowed his brows. She tangled her fingers in his hair and laughed
"It's hideous and mean! And lumpy!"
"That's pure muscle!" He chuckled
She snuggled into him again and giggled to herself.
"At least you're warm." She nuzzled her cheek into his chest before leaning up for a quick kiss to his jaw.
The snow outside was heavy and becoming more noticeable despite the disregard from the couple on the couch. Derek only wanted her to look at him. These moments were rare for them to be in. They were always distracted by the supernatural or work or school or whatever it was. Y/n was juggling her last year of college, a part time job despite Derek's insistence that she quit because he had the money, and the pack that she landed in. She adored the moments like this where none of that mattered. All that mattered was her and him.
"I was gonna cook dinner tonight since I had gone to the store but I think we should just stay like this." She whispered trying not to disturb the peace
"Sounds good to me." Derek squeezed her tighter and inhaled the scent of her freshly washed skin.
It was a light perfume smell. His heart swelled when he remembered she changed her soap for him since the previous one was too strong for his senses.
It was quiet for another moment. There was a slight howl of wind through the cracked window that Derek promised he would fix before Christmas. Subconsciously, Derek threw a blanket over the lump of the couple hearing the wind. He rubbed her back and whispered in her ear
"Just stay right here. Right where I need you."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now