First date

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Third POV
Derek wasn't the most romantically inclined person. When it came to love he was lacking it or it was strictly sexual. His form of affection was very hard physical contact. He wasn't gentle, he wasn't soft, and his words would get all jumbled in his mind when he tried to express his affectation verbally. Derek was not the type of person to buy flowers and chocolates, but y/n was okay with that. She preferred that actually.
Y/n on the other hand was very romantic. Her style was cuddling and small things of love. She didn't like getting gifts or superficial things but loved small things that showed love. Like cooking dinner or a kiss on the forehead.
In this relationship y/n was definitely the control of the relationship, so when it was time for their first date, y/n had tried to plan it all. To her surprise, Derek said he had everything figured out already. She was shocked most definitely, but wasn't complaining. It was nice to see him try to do something sweet for her.

Your POV
The night rolled around where Derek and I were supposed to go on our first date. He had told me basic details. 'Dress nice' 'wear heels' 'it's a dinner' things like that. So at the end of the day last night I had a pretty good idea of how I needed to look. I had finished getting ready the second Derek knocked on my door.
I rushed down with my purse wedged under my arm and my shoes just slipped on my feet. I opened the door and said hi with a wide smile.
"Hey. You look so beautiful."
"Thank you. You look beautiful too." I laughed.
He let out a small smirk "well thank you. Ready to go?"
I fixed the back of my heel and nodded.
"Okay." He took my hand and walked me to the car. He opened my door and waited for me to get in. I hopped in the passenger seat and clicked my seatbelt. He was in the car and ready to go when I was.
"So are you now gonna tell me where we are going?"
"I told you. A restaurant! Dress nice."
"I did."
"As I see. So what more do you really need?"
"A name, a location... the solid concrete evidence that you're not a mass murderer saying you're taking me on a date but you're actually taking me to a back alleyway to slice off my fingertips and leave me for dead."
"Damn... dark."
"It could happen."
"I think you've been watching too many crime documentaries."
"Probably yeah." I agreed with a swift head nod.
He turned into a restaurant and pulled quickly into a parking space with one hand palming the wheel.
Derek put the car in park and pulled out his sleek black phone and started typing.
I looked through the windshield up at the restaurant sign.
Grace's?? He is taking me to graces?! This place is so expensive, I would have to sell my soul to eat here.
"Why are you parked?" I asked aloud
"We are here. I just have to text the chef to let him know we'd are here and then the head of front of house to make sure we get the table we need."
I just nodded, astonished at the date idea.
I got out of the car, Derek waited for me to stand up and then he took my hand. We walked to the front door. The door was opened by a man in a black tux.
"Welcome Derek, it's a pleasure seeing you again."
"Nice to see you too Cameron."
"This must be your lovely date. How gorgeous is she?"
"Very." Derek smirked as he looked at me.
We were walked to a table and handed menus before being left with waters.
"Derek this is too nice. I can't let you spend all this money on me."
"It's already happening so shut up and don't complain. I'm trying, okay?"
I smiled at his demands and realized that this was how he showed affection. While I wasn't much one for people paying for me, I decided to let it slide for him. I thanked him and then a waiter came over with a thinner menu.
"Our special is our house red wine or our imported white wine from Italy."
"We will do a bottle of the 64 French red."
"Coming right now." The waiter nodded.
I looked over the menu, my eyes always constantly dragging over to the prices, and then they'd go wide at all the numbers behind it.
"Don't look at the price. Just order something." Derek lowly said, not even looking up from his menu.
"Yeah but Derek, everything is so expensive here."
"Like I said, it doesn't matter. This is my treat."
"Derek-" i groaned
"No groaning bitching or moaning. Pick something and stop complaining."
I finally gave up and just accepted what was happening.
I had happened to steal a glance of the wine menu when I red 64 French Red Wine... 45.50
"Holy shit." I whispered to myself.
"Everything alright pup?"
"Yeah!" I reassured.
He looked back at his menu and I screamed internally.
He spent 45 dollars on a bottle of wine?! I knew he was rich but I didn't know he was rich rich.
"Are you two ready to order?"
"Yeah I think so." Derek nodded looking at me. I gave him a simple nod back.
"I'll do the mushroom filet mignon with a side of fruit."
The waiter looked at me.
"Um I'll do the grilled chicken club with a side of fruit as well please."
"Would you like a maple sauce on your chicken club?"
He took out menus and told us he would be back soon. We thanked him and he walked off.

The dinner was amazing. Well worth the price. It was totally outrageous, the bill even more so after dessert and other drinks, but worth it.
After dinner, my outfit seemed smaller and my makeup was starting to fade.
"Ready to go home?" Derek asked.
"Yes I am."
"Let's get going then." He stood up and waited for me to take his hand. I grabbed it gently and he helped me up. We walked back to the car after the door was held open by the same guy in a tux. We said a couple words to the chef before leaving, just compliments on his cooking and we got into the car. Derek turned the radio on, still on a smooth jazz station.
"I never took you for a smooth jazz kinda man."
"Well I grew up around all this. That's the reason we have all the money we do. When you know people and go places where rich people are, you listen to this stuff. I don't actually like it, it just reminds me of my family."
"I understand that. You miss them don't you?"
"A lot." He nodded as he tapped the steering wheel to the beat of the slow song.
"I'm sorry Derek. I don't know what it's like because I'm very fortunate to have my family, but I understand that it must be really hard. Especially when it happened so tragically and when you were younger." I put my hand on his that was on the gear shift. I gave a light squeeze and sighed.
"It's alright you know." He said after a short silence. I looked at him who kept his eyes on the road. After I didn't say anything he decided that he needed to add more clarification "It's alright about my family. I'm alright. It was a long time ago and I've learned how to deal with it."
I nodded at him and looked out the window. It was now completely dark, the stars in the sky started to twinkle through the clouds. I rolled down my window and rested my head on the door.
"It's so nice out." I smiled.
Derek rolled down his window, swapped his hands on the wheel and stuck his hand out the window. His black rolled up sleeves to the elbow started to flap in the wind.
"It is nice out. Tonight was perfect."
"It really was. Thank you."
"You're welcome pup."
I looked over at him while he kept his hand on the wheel and out of the window. I felt the breeze blow across my cheek. I curled up and threw his jacket over my body. I looked back at the road and in a couple seconds I was asleep.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now