Over again

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Requested by anonymous
Derek sat there hair dripping as his claws still lay inside Boyd's torso. He looked up in dispare as the light fled from Boyd's eyes.
What the hell have I done? He tried not to cry
Derek's eyes glimmered. He himself wondered if it was water trickling down from his hair or tears that pooled into his eyes. He felt Boyd's skin on his fingertips as Boyd's labored breathing became slower and more erratic.
He was dying. And there was nothing anyone could do.
The looming presence of the alpha pack made sure Derek got the message they were sending. They did this only with actions, whether that was a punch in the face, a pole through his torso, or making him kill his own pack mate. And Derek had been through much pain. But it was all physical, the emotional pain came sparingly. Rarely ever did it hit him this hard. The last time he ever felt like this, like it was his fault, was with... her. Sometimes she was all he remembered and sometimes he wish he'd never remembered her. This was a moment where he wished he didn't.
He didn't want there to be another situation like hers. Where he just had to sit there and watch them die from his hands. Someone he loved, someone he protected.
He swore he could see her reflection in the greying of Boyd's eyes. But he knew he was just crazy.

The alpha pack felt satisfied with their actions and left them in the flooded room.
Derek searched and scanned Boyd's body as it fell limp. Derek removed his claws from his torso and felt the wave of sadness flood over him and encapsulate him like a hug. Derek felt paralyzed. He wanted nothing more than to console people who had lost a friend. He wanted to save Boyd who had just taken his last breath and fell mindlessly into the pool of water beneath him. He wanted to do so much, but he couldn't. He didn't know how. He was so paralyzed by what he just did that he didn't have the brain capacity to move. So he sat there in his knees while Cora cried over Boyd's sopping wet body. She let out a scream that ran a cold chill down Derek's frozen body. She had lost a close friend and it was his fault.

Y/n wasn't there the day Boyd died. She was out of town on her own supernatural mission when she received the call. It wasn't from Derek but from Issac, whom she only assumed was calling him for money or to help him with school work.
But when she processed the words from the other line, she almost crashed her car.
"What?" She cracked as she pulled over.
"He's dead. He died last night."
"H-how?" She felt the panic rise in her chest. The familiar tingling of her fingers and legs pressured her as her ears listened on.
"The alpha pack, they used him as an example."
"What the hell does that mean?" She started to fill with rage.
"They..." the line went quiet.
"Issac?!" She called in concern
"They made Derek kill him."
Her heart sunk when she heard his name in the middle of that mess.
"Holy shit," she mumbled slapping her hand over her mouth as to not sob into the phone.
"They lifted him... they lifted Boyd onto Derek's claws and held him there."
Tears started to drip down her cheeks as she listened to the description of the events
"They just... posted him up like some fucking doll." Issac started to cry, his voice cracking while his mind flashed with images of that night. "He kept telling Derek it was okay but the way Derek looked last night was more emotional than I've ever seen."

My car turned off as I kept my phone to my ear even after Issac had ended the call. I was pulled over on the side of a forested road.
I fell silent. Only imagining how Derek was feeling right now. He may not have been an emotional man but it was hard for him to let things go.
The tears kept flooding as my throat started to tighten. Not only was I crying for Derek but I was crying for myself. I'd lost Boyd. I'd lost a friend. In the small months I had known him he was the best hug I'd ever gotten. He was the first smile and the last goodbye. He's the one who sent me on my way for this trip. And I don't get to say hello when I come back. He didn't get to say goodbye before he left. And that's what hurts.
I finally dropped the phone from my ear as my entire body started to lock up. I set the phone in my passenger seat as I hiccuped another cry out. I looked out the windshield absentmindedly. And before I could even think, I was slamming my steering wheel. I screamed a long loud scream as my hands pelted the steering wheel. I closed my eyes and started to throw punches into the air.
"Fuck." I choked out as I cupped my hands over my face.
I still cried, but managed to swallow the lump in my throat. My fingers started to move but shook excessively. I turned the car back on and drove home.

I slammed my body through the door, starling Issac who was on the couch.
"Hey." He whispered standing up. I rushed to him and pulled him into a deep hug. I felt his body relax and he let out a squeak of emotional pain.
"It's okay. I'm here. I'm here." I comforted as I stroked his hair. "It's going to be okay. I know it." Be pulled away and nodded as he wiped his eyes.
"How's Derek?" Issac shrugged.
"He hasn't left his room since it happened."
"Has he been eating?"
"Not sure. We've brought him stuff but don't know if he's eating it."
"Okay." I sighed with a nod. "I'll go talk to him."
He agreed and I walked up the stairs to his room.
"Derek?" I called lightly. I wasn't worried about him not hearing me, he always knew when I was home.
"Derek? You awake?" I knocked on his door and opened it. Derek was sitting on the other side of his bed looking out the window. His back was to me.
"Derek, I heard. I'm so sorry. Do you want to talk?" He didn't respond. I tiptoed closer to him. I turned to see his face. He just stared blankly at the glass. His hair was disheveled, his eyes red and puffy from tears. It smelled like he hadn't showered since.
"Derek." I softly cooed as I sat down. "Derek look at me." I stroked his cheek and he turned to me.
"I-" he could barely even form a word "I killed him. I killed Boyd."
I said nothing but pulled him into my embrace. His body was stiff, he didn't hug back and he just cried.
I wanted until he calmed down and pulled away.
"Derek, talk to me. How are you feeling?"
"Like... like I want to die. How could I do that?"
"You were forced to Derek! You were forced."
"I-I should have... resisted. I should have begged for mercy. I should have clawed her fucking eyes out. There were a million things I could have done... and I didn't. I just sat there. And let them. I was so paralyzed with anger that I couldn't. And the way he looked at me when he was dying, after they left, the way his eyes showed no anger or disappointment for me. I couldn't stand it." Derek cried into his hands. I rested my head on his shoulder and rubbed his back.
"He just took it. He just let me kill him."
"He knew Derek. He knew it was his time. He knew you didn't have a choice. He loved you Derek. He doesn't hate you."
"WELL HE SHOULD!" Derek stood quickly "HE SHOULD! HE SHOULD BE INFURIATED! I KILLED HIM! I watched him die while my claws were still in his skin. And in those moments all he had to say was that it was okay, but it wasn't. It never ever was." Derek picked up his lamp and smashed it on the ground after a second of silence.
I ran up and grabbed his impulsive hands. I held them to my chest and his hands went limp after squeezing for a second.
"You couldn't have done anything honey." I whispered to him hoping to talk some sense into him
"I should have tried." He sighed
"I know you wanted to. I know you wished you would have. But you couldn't have. There was nothing you could have done. Sometimes things are just out of your control. You have to be okay with that." I shook my head.
"I can't be, it can't have happened again."
"Again?" I asked quietly.
Derek sighed and let go of my hands. He walked over and sat down on his bed.
"There was this girl..." he started. I sat down next to him as he spoke slowly "her name was Paige. She was my girlfriend." He looked at me. I just nodded at him
"Was she your first girlfriend?" He nodded
"She was one of the first people to know about me, about being a werewolf. When she found out, she got hurt. They tried to kill her but she was suffering..."
"So you helped her rest." I finished
"Yeah. I couldn't just let her gasp for air like that. And when Boyd was raspy like that it took me right back." I rested my hand on his back and rubbed slowly. It was silent for a while. I surged my hands over his body and wrapped my arms around his neck. I just held onto him hoping to make him feel better.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you." I whispered
"Thanks. It still hurts just a little bit." He rested his head on mine.
"That's understandable." I kissed his cheek and sighed aloud. "We should go get something to eat." I suggested trying to lighten the mood.
"No." He rejected "I can't. I can't go outside just yet."
"Please? Even for five minutes. And I can hold your hand, and I'll listen to whatever you have to say. And I'll even buy you a small pack of those really sour candies you like."
He looked up at me, debating if it was worth it, and then nodded.
"Okay, but just for a couple minutes." I cheered and put my shoes on.
I ran for his hand and pulled him along. We got in the car and he looked sad as I scanned his figure. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Hey, I love you." We both locked eyes and I could see a glint of relief in his. He grabbed my hand and squeezed lightly.
"Thank you. I needed that. I love you too."
"You'll be okay. I know it won't be quick but you'll be okay in the end." I nodded in reassurance. "And I'm sorry about Paige. She sounds awesome."
"She was. She would have liked you."
"Come on. Let's get going. I'll get you some candy."
"Thanks baby." He chuckled
I reversed slowly and pulled out of the driveway, hoping to get him a little more joy in his soul. As much as Derek can have joy in his soul

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now