Things that make your heart leap

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-Pouty lips-
"Derek!" I groaned as I rolled over in the cold sheets toward his warm body.
"What, princess?"
"I'm hungry!!" I whined
"I told you, I'm not getting out of bed until 9. This is the one day I get to lay in. I'm not getting up until then."
I huffed and flopped over, facing away from my annoying, stingy boyfriend.
"Baby." Derek warned
He got silence from me
"Baby." He called again, slightly more upset
Still, he got silence from me.
"Baby girl." He cooed.
I couldn't help myself when he called me that.
I flopped back over and pouted at him.
"You know what I do to pouty lips right."
He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on My rioting lips.
"I don't stop kissing till you stop pouting."
I tried to pull away from his love but he pulled me back in and held me there.
He continued to kiss me until I couldn't stop myself from kissing back.
"There you are. My happy girl."
"Shut up."

-Sharing is caring... well I don't care-
"Hey! Derek! We are leaving now!" I called from the main floor.
Derek jogged down the metal stairs and looked at me who was standing in between Scott and stiles.
"Where are you going?" Derek asked me.
"I'm going with Scott and Stiles. They agreed to let me help them this time!"
"Uh... sure." He said very hesitantly.
"You okay Derek?" I asked in slight concern. He is usually never nervous
"Can I talk to you... alone?"
I nodded and he took my hand and brought me upstairs.
"What's up?" I asked.
He pulled me into him and nuzzled his face into my necks
"Derek? What are you doing?" I squeaked.
"You know I don't share. Especially with other werewolves. You're mine."
"Derek. I know that." I chuckled.
"Mmm. Just... let me get my scent onto you." He groaned.
"Okay okay. Do you want me to wear one of your shirts?"
He nodded and he threw me a grey shirt I could throw on and tie back to my size.
"Perfect!" He smirked.
"Can I go now?"
"Mmm wait!"
"What now Derek?" I smirked and groaned at the same time.
"Kisses?" He asked
"Oh right!"
I wobbled back over and kissed him quickly.
"Love you Derek."
"Love you too pup."

-Secret Snuggles-
"Baby, can we cuddle?" Derek asked as the movie played.
"You want to cuddle? Since when?"
He shrugged and looked at me.
"I don't know. I just want to be close to you."
"You never want to do that either."
"Not around the pack, no. But alone? I'd love to cuddle."
"Okay." I agreed.
I scooted closer to him and leaned my back against his chest. I rested my head onto the crook of his neck and turned to watch the movie.
He slid his hand around my waist and kissed my head.
"I love our secret snuggles." I hummed
He almost seemed to snort
"Secret snuggles?" He asked looking at me with raised brows
"Yeah. That's what I'm gonna call them. Secret snuggles."
He let out a singular chuckle and put his head back on mine.
"I love our secret snuggles too."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now