Stupid little crush pt 1

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Being in highschool sucked. Especially when the person you're hopelessly crushing on isnt in high school. Having a crush on someone older than you is not fun. It's a hopeless one sided romance.

"Stiles and Lydia are off this weekend. They are going on a trip." Scott motioned to them who were walking down the hall together
"God they are so cute together." I groaned and banged my head against the locker.
"You could be in a relationship too."
"No I couldn't be. He's too old for me."
"I'm not talking about Derek. I'm talking about moving on from him! Find someone here."
"I've already tried! Many... many... many times. Nothings the same. It's just him." I shrugged
Scott sighed and looked at the ceiling
"I don't know what to tell you. It's gonna kill your internally to not tell him."
"But it's gonna kill me physically if I do tell him."
"It's up to you but I would tell him if I were you. You guys are good friends."
"But we aren't that close."
"But you're not strangers either. Dereks a lot more understanding than you think."
"Uh huh." I stared at him blankly. "Try that again."
"Dereks... sometimes understanding... in his... own way."
"That's better."
"You should still tell him. What if he likes you back?"
"He doesn't. And never will."
"You're acting like a child." Scott scoffed
"I'm not! I'm protecting myself. It's never gonna end up good so I'm preventing from anything happening."
"Fine. It's up to you." Scott closed his locker and walked with me to class.

"Y/n?" A voice echoed through the empty apartment.
I snapped my head and saw Derek clamoring down the stairs. "Come on I need you with me. We are tracking down Kate."
"What?! Why?"
"Because I'm tired of her."
Needless to say that didn't go well. Kate ended up catching Derek and rendering him useless. I was taken with Derek. Me being human, it didn't take much to render me useless. Kate roped my hands behind my back and tied my feet together.

I was thrown to the side and my shoulder hit the wall. It would definitely leave a bruise.
"That hurt." I complained.
"Suck it up." Kate spat at me. I looked around and saw Derek tied to a metal fence in the center of the room.
My eyes went wide in fear. For a second I thought he was dead but I saw his head move so my heart settled down.
"You're a bitch." I seethed
"What are you going to do about it? Tell your poor little parents? They've got enough to worry about since you guys are going under. I wouldn't be surprised if mommy and daddy made you pack up and leave."
I felt the lump in my throat get bigger and try to push out of me but I choked it back down.
Kate gave her long essay of how she just wanted Derek to cooperate but of course Derek didn't comply. This was going to be a long day.
I rolled my eyes and looked at the ceiling. I saw a small piece of glass sticking on the wall at the top. I looked at Kate and Derek and saw that she was busy. I shimmied my body up to standing position. My feet had become untied in the scuffle to the basement. I titled my leg up to knock down the piece of glass. It landed softly onto a tarp under it which made me sigh in relief. I picked my shoe off with my other foot and slid my sock off so I could grab the glass with my toes. It made me cringe to think this might hurt me but I think Kate would make me hurt even more.
I picked it up and pulled my foot to my hand as fast as I could. It was a struggle but i made it work.
I started to slowly slide the glass back and forth between the ropes, breaking the seams inch by inch. I heard a snap and looked to see the rope had fallen loose.
Kate snapped her head around but only saw me still standing with my hands tied up. She gargled in anger and turned back to Derek.
I slowly pulled my hands down and fisted the shard of glass. I stepped closer and closer to Kate's back. I lunged at her and pressed the glass to her throat. She screamed out and reeled back, pushing herself into me.
I tried to shove the knife into her but she threw my arm down. It dug into her arm and she cried out before grasping her wound.
She attempted to assault me back but I moved out of the way, knocking her in the head with my elbow. She stumbled and desperately clung to a shelf. The shelf gave way and collapsed, hitting her in the head and falling on top of her. I stood for a moment watching, seeing if she was unresponsive. She hasn't moved for a minute or two so I decided we were okay.
When my heart started to settle I felt a sharp burn in my leg. I hissed and checked what was happening. My leggings were torn where the blood was dripping from and my hand was now covered in the crimson worry.
"Come on Derek. We need to get out of here."
I hobbled over to Derek and tried to shake the chains he was tied up in. I scanned for some sort of release but I couldn't find one.
"You're gonna have to find something to break them."
I looked around and saw an axe. I hopped over and grabbed the handle. The head was heavier than I expected so I let out a sound of surprise.
I heard motion from under the toppled shelf and saw Kate trying to move from under the wood.
I walked over and tried to smash the chains but the axe didn't do much.
"Y/n!" Kate screeched "I'm gonna kill you!"
"Y/n! Go! Get out of here!" Derek shouted.
"No." I shook my head "I'm not leaving you!"
"Go now!" Kate threw some slabs of wood off of her. "Y/n! Now! Leave me!"
"No! No I'm not gonna do that!"
"Y/n, I know you find it hard but you have to leave!"
"Derek! No! I can't! I'm sorry but I'm in love with you. I can't bring myself to just leave you!"
"You're little crush doesn't mean anything! You're not in love y/n, you're 16!" Derek snapped. I looked at him with wide eyes, my hands still gripping the axe with white knuckles.
"You might as well leave y/n. Doesn't seem like Derek cares too much." Kate threw the last piece off her and then started to stand.
I picked my feet up ran out of the basement.
I ran quickly through the house and out the front door. I jogged through the neighborhood and back to dereks house. I made it in the apartment and everything started to flood in me.
My breathing which was already fast from running started to become quick from emotion. I coughed as tears ran down my face.
You're not in love, you're 16.
I left him. I left him to die. He doesn't care about how I feel.
I left him in that basement. How could I? I panicked.
I scrambled to search for my phone in my pocket. Luckily Kate didn't take it. I pulled it out and quickly dialed the first person I could think of.
"Scott?!" I cried
"Y/n?! What's going on?"
"It's Derek! He was taken! He's at kates house, in the basement! You have to save him Scott. Please."
"O-okay. Calm down. We are going to save him. I promise."
"Okay. Okay." I nodded knowing he couldn't see me but it helped.

"He's going to be fine y/n." Lydia cooed as I sat down and put my face in my hands.
"It's not just that." I shook my head
"What is it then?"
"I told Derek about my crush on him."
"Really? What did he say?" She gasped, grabbing my hand. I looked at her, my eyes welling back up with tears. "Oh. Not good then."
"He told me that I wasn't in love. He told me my crush was stupid because I was only 16."
"Dont forget. Derek was in love at your age too. He's probably just scared you'll end up the same way he did. Paige died and that was tragic to him."
She pulled me into her chest and rubbed my back as I cried.
The door rolled open, clamoring as it rattled.
Derek and Scott walked in with cuts all over them.
"Scott!" I ran to him and threw open my arms. I looked him in the eyes. "Thank you." He threw me into him and squeezed.
"You're welcome." He kissed the top of my forehead and rubbed my arms.
"Y/n." Derek cracked. "Can I talk to you?"
I begrudgingly accepted his request and walked off with him to another room.
It was quiet for a minute. I crossed my arms and looked down at my feet.
"Are you okay?" I asked lowly, looking up at him.
"I'm fine. I just wanted to talk to you."
"About what?"
"About what I said."
"Derek you don't have to. You don't have to apologize or take it back or anything,"
"No I-"
"I'm serious. Don't. Don't make me feel worse than I already am." I shook my head and walked out of the room.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now