Its my turn

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I woke up to noises of pain coming from the bathroom. I roll out of bed and knock on the bathroom door.
"You okay Derek?" I ask.
He opens the door and he's about as white as a sheet of paper.
"What the hell happened to you? You didn't get shot again did you?" My senses kicked in as I was ready to kick someone's ass "who do I have to fuck up?"
"No one hurt me y/n. I'm just... sick." He sighed.
My heart hurt as he said that and his face turned mellow.
He couldn't have gotten sick if he was a werewolf, but that's the thing, he wasn't a werewolf. After Kate had fucked him up, she had completely drained him. And how he was human and susceptible to sickness like me.
"Oh, handsome." I cooed as I touched his ghostly face. His brows furrowed in pain.
"Come on. Let's lay you down. I can help." I said pulling him to the bed but he didn't move.
"No, I don't want to be a bother." He shook his head.
"Baby you're not being a bother. You're sick and I can help you. It's part of my job as your girlfriend."
He smiled at me and let me take him back to bed. He laid down and I smiled. I walked out to go get water and a thermometer.
I came back in and told him to put the thermometer in his mouth.
It beeped and I have him the water as I checked it.
"Wow. 100.9 degrees."
"Ugh that's bad isn't it?"
"Yeah. Sorry baby but you've got a fever." I pouted at him and stroked his cheek. He sighed and I grabbed his empty cup to refill it.
I walked back into his room and asked him some symptoms. He said he had a stuffy runny nose and his head hurt and his tummy kind of hurt.
"Well I think you might just be sick. Nothing too bad. I think you just have a cold."
"A cold can be this bad?"
I laughed at his unknowing of sickness. Me and my terrible immune system had had almost everything imaginable.
"Yes handsome. Let me go get you some medicine and I'll be back." I kissed his forehead and walked out of the room once more.
I came back in and he was under the covers and trying to get comfy.
His eyes were closed when I made it to the end of the bed.
"You're so cute, baby." I awed.
He just groaned and took the pills that I had given him.
"Get some sleep. I'll come check on you in an hour. Okay?" I asked.
He nodded with his eyes still closed and I walked out to let him sleep.
The only reason he let me help was because he knew he was usless without me and I think he knew it was finally my turn to let me help him.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now