It was a mistake... sort of

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"Baby wake up." I groaned as a low sexy voice disturbed my even sexier dreams.
I opened my eyes to be blinded with light from the window.
"What Derek?" I asked slightly growling.
"Come on. Time to train." He patted the bare leg that poked out of the sheets.
I groaned loud and over dramatically.
I tumbled out of bed and changed my pajama shorts to leggings and put a T-shirt over my sports bra. I brushed out my hair and put it in a bun. I walked downstairs and saw everyone lined up and waiting. They all looked at me as I slowly trudged over.
"No no. Don't wait for me. It'll be a little bit." I said mockingly.
Derek started with Boyd and worked his way down the line till he got to me.
"Come on pup. Let's go." I looked up at him from my shoe and looked at the others who were panting and sweating like crazy.
I rolled my eyes and took his hand that he held out for me. He pulled me up and I stood in front of him.
"Okay try to pin me." Derek commanded
"Woah. Even we can't do that. Do you really think that's a good idea for a newbie?" Boyd warned.
"She'll be fine." Derek shrugged.
I looked him in the eyes and his flashed red as mine flashed yellow. I lowly growled as my claws shot out.
He scoffed and I lunged out. He moved out of the way and laughed. While he was distracted I wrapped my arm around his neck and kicked his feet out from under him, letting in topple over. As soon as he was on the floor, I twisted over and pinned down dereks arms with mine and pinned down his legs by wrapping mine around his. I growled and breathed heavily as he struggled but I put more pressure on and he gave up.
"I win." I smirked.
He scoffed and I got off of him. I pulled him up and he came flying at me.
Erica and Boyd flinched as he ran into me.
"Woah. How'd she do that?" Boyd asked.
"Beginners luck." Derek shrugged, trying not to show he was angry.
"What's wrong derek? Did someone pin you to the ground? Is the big bad alpha not the toughest anymore?" Erica mocked. I laughed and she high fived me.
"You're such a little-"
"A what?" I retorted.
He fumed and Boyd and Erica walked out of the room slowly, trying to avoid the attention of the angering alpha
There was silence as Derek crossed his arms
"How did you even do that?" He scolded
"I don't know. I just did what I was asked!" I defended.
"Yeah I know that but still. No new beta has event been able to take down an alpha before."
"Well maybe it's just because I get into your weak spots." I shrugged.
He smirked and he pulled me in for a hug.
"I'm sorry I got angry at you. I'm just so used to being the strongest and it's weird that my girlfriend doesn't need me to protect her anymore. It's scary." He said as he rested his head on mine.
"I know der. You just want me to be safe and in your control but I don't need you 24/7. I can handle my own." He sighed and tried to back away but I forced him back into a hug, pulling him down to me. I breathed in his scent and tried to feel of much of him against me as possible. I grabbed tighter.
"Okay babe. Too tight." He huffed.
I loosened my grip and but still held onto him. He pulled me up onto him and kissed my cheek.
I looked at him after I pulled away from the hug and I played with his hair while I looked into his eyes.
"Sometimes I think turning you was a mistake. By sometimes. I love it."
"So what are you saying?"
"I'm saying... it was a mistake." My heart dropped but his face changed "sort of."
I laughed as he looked at me with a funny look. I placed my head back into his shoulder and continued to smile.
He placed a hand on the back of my head with one arm and held me with the other.
"I love you pup." He smiled and muffled into my ear.
"I love you too der. So much."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now