Cupids crux

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Third POV
Derek watched from his window as the sky slowly turned a dark blue. He grasped every detail about his view and tried to commit it to memory.
"Well if it isn't my all powerful nephew." A voice, along with a small series of claps, boomed behind him.
"What do you want Peter?" He growled
"I want you to just enjoy my company for a minute."
"Not gonna happen... ever." Derek turned, crossed his arms and shook his head with a pouted lip.
"Come on dear nephew."
"Stop calling me that."
Derek turned back to the window to see a small flash of pink.
"What was that?" He asked with a furrowed brow. He scanned the window again and didn't see it.
"What was what?" Peter asked now scanning the view as well.
"There was a flash. It wiped past the window really fast."
"I didn't see anything."
"Well you weren't looking."
"I think you're just going crazy nephew."
"No... that was real."
Derek picked up on his feet and grabbed his jacket.
"Where are you going?!" Peter called as Derek made his way out of the building.
"I gotta find what made that haze."

Dereks POV
My jacket covered my back as I made my way down the street.
It went right. And fast. It could be far by now. I gotta run.
I picked up my feet and ran through the street. I followed my idea to the woods. I paused before thinking.
It's possible it got scared and ran into the woods. It's gotta be supernatural right?
I nodded and ran into the woods.
I looked around for something, anything, but I had come short. I was about to turn around when I saw a blob of pink on the ground.
"Blood?" I questioned.
I leaned down and touched it. It was warm and had the consistency of blood. I brought it to my nose and inhaled.
"Definitely blood. But pink? What could have given that?" I shook the liquid off my hand and wiped it on my pants. I followed the trail I now had.
I was twisted and turned around. Around trees, under bushes, through passages, it was all a diversion.
Finally I came across a big clear where a shape of leaves have been cleared from the ground.
I heard a small rustle to my left and I saw a small movement.
"Hello? It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. My name is Derek. I think I saw you fly across my window."
A figure moved from under some brush and I saw a pair of eyes. The figure stood and it was a woman.
"Who are you?"
"My names y/n."
"Are you human?"
"Are you?"
I flashed her my eyes and hers widened.
"An alpha." She whispered.
"Yes. What are you?" I retorted
"I don't think you'd believe me if I told you." She laughed
"It's easy to believe anything."
"Im Cupid."
I scoffed.
Cupid. I mean come on.
"Cupid?" I joked
"So are you here to make people fall in love or something?"
"No... that's not what I do. I can determine love for couples. Who loves who and who doesn't. I can take away love but I can't give it."
"Show me. How are you Cupid."
She stared at me and then looked me up and down.
"You've been heartbroken twice. Once you blamed yourself and the other you blame her."
My eyes went wide. I realized she was talking about Paige and Kate.
"How'd you know?"
"I told you. I'm Cupid."
I had to believe her. There was proof.
"Fine. Let's say you are Cupid. What are you doing here?"
"Well... looking for you apparently. I was called, told that there was an alpha in Beacon hills who could help me."
"Help you with what?" I questioned

Your POV
"Help you with what?" He stared at me skeptically
I grabbed at the right side of my shirt and yanked it up to reveal a nasty patch of bumps.
He said nothing but looked at the patch.
"I don't know what's happening. But they won't go away and sometimes they pulse. It hurts really bad."
"Well I have no idea what the hell that is, but I'm sure we could help."
"We?" I asked tilting my head.
"My pack."
"How bigs your pack?"
"Moderately sized." He nodded
"Well... I'm open to anything. I'm desperate."
"I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Wait!" I called "I don't have anywhere to stay."
"You can stay with me."
I followed his footsteps and walked all the way back to a large apartment. It was empty and sad on the inside. I didn't like it very much.
I stood inside and watched as Derek walked around to a desk that was in the middle of a pretty empty room.
"So... you're single right?"
"Yeah..." he answered hesitantly "why? Is this another Cupid thing?"
"Yeah. Kinda. I just also know no woman would ever live like this." I motioned around and laughed. He gave me an eye roll with a small laugh
"Yes I am single."
"All I can say, don't be desperate. Know your worth and really try to see people when you are into them. You seem to attract a lot of two faces. Don't let yourself be worth nothing."
"Thanks... you're not wrong by the way."
"Never am when it comes to love."
"Upstairs and to the right. That's your room."
I jogged up the stairs and to the matching empty room.
I looked around and saw a picture posted up on the side table.
I leaned forward and reached for it but a twinge of pain radiated through my side.
I grabbed the photo and Derek walked in. I rubbed my side and looked at the picture.
"That's my mom and dad." He said noticing I was looking.
"They look so happy."
"They were. All the time."
"Your mom is so beautiful. And your dads really handsome. No wonder you are almost perfect." I didn't know that I said that out loud. "That was weird. I'm sorry."
"No no, it's okay. Thank you." I looked into his eyes and he looked at me.
"You're welcome." My side radiated and I closed my eyes tight.
"Are you okay?"
"My side burns so bad. It's like fire is spreading."
Derek lifted my shirt and saw the bumps spreading and now my side was bright red.
"It's getting worse."
"I still don't know what it is." I shook my head
"We will see deaton tomorrow. He's basically all knowing. Your problem doesn't seem to be imitate so we should be good for the night. But if it gets exponentially worse, let me know right away and we can go in. I think you just need some rest for now and a good meal."
"Okay. So what are we getting?"
"What's do you want?"
"I could really go for a burrito." I nodded looking at him.
"Sounds good."

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