No more hurt

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Requested by Edeline9611
It couldn't have been going any worse for y/n. She had just lost her job, her boyfriend left her and now she had to move back to her childhood home with her brother who she was convinced could not have enough Adderall to save his life.

But above everything, she just happened to find herself tangled up with Derek hale. The werewolf sensei of stiles and his friends but with a little less emotional contact.
She had met him the second night she was home and it was a cold start but she seemed to break through his cold exterior as cheesy as it sounds. She saw him and completely disregarded the eye rolls and the grumbles that escaped his lips.
She never feared him until she saw it. His transformation, his secret, he was a werewolf. And the night she saw it was the night she became it.

It was a dangerous night. The air was cold but stale. The clouds had lowered in the sky to fog making it hard to see when they had decided to take a walk in the woods.
"So why did you take me here?"
"Because it's Where i come to think."
"You can think when it looks like this all around you?" She grasped her arms and hugged herself tighter
"It's peaceful."
"It's terrifying." She spat.
"Right." Derek chuckled to himself with a small smirk.
"What was that for?" She motioned to his mocking
"That! That little mocking face. Don't mock me! I'm scared. And I have every right to be."
"No yeah, I know. I just forget that people actually have to be scared of things around them."
"So you're not scared of anything?"
"No." He shook his head "what is there to be scared of?"
"I know how to fight"
"Falling into a ditch and dying."
"I watch where I'm walking."
"Wolves? There are no wolves in California."
"Okay... werewolves."
That one seemed to put a shock into his system.
"Werewolves?" He said with a slight quiver in his voice.
"Yeah. All the spooky fiction. Werewolves, demons, vampires."
"Vampires aren't real."
"Why is that what you pick to disprove?" She laughed
Derek stopped and y/n followed his movements.
"What?" Derek furrowed his brows and slowly reached for the girl slightly in front of him.
"Seriously Derek. What is it?" She whipped her head to look for what he spotted.
"I need you to walk behind me very slowly."
"What? Why?"
"Just... do it."
She looked back at him and took his outstretched hand and stood behind him, cracking small branches beneath her feet.
"What is it Derek? Tell me."
"Seriously Derek!"
"I'm serious. Stay here."
Derek let out a low rumble from his chest and his face started to morph.
"Scott?" Derek lowly asked stepping toward the now visible red eyes in the foggy distance.
"Why would Scott be out here?" Y/n whisper yelled.
A growl vibrated through the air in the distance and Dereks back started to tense up.
Footsteps raced toward us and Derek saw his opportunity to square up.
"Run y/n!"
She took no further delay and turned to run. She got maybe fifteen feet before another force knocked her off her feet from the side. Her head collided with the ground and her side stung. She let out a scream of terror and pain as she kicked and punched whatever was on her off.
The thudding in the fog stopped and the pressure on her body was lifted off. She finally opened her eyes and stopped flailing and she saw Derek. But not as she remembered. His face was covered in fur and his eyes were bright blue. His teeth had sharpened to fangs and he was much more aggressive. Derek threw the unidentified attacker off to the side somewhere where it scampered off.

Your pov
Derek fell to his knees and examined the side of my body which was now warm and feeling wet. I looked down to see three huge gashes.
I let out a cry of pain and shock and reached down to inspect it but Derek pushed my hands away.
"Hey you're gonna be okay. Can you trust me?"
"I-I don't know! You literally just turned into some monster and then I got attacked. I don't know what to think."
"Okay then just lend me this trust. And i can return it when you're okay. Deal?" I just nodded my head hoping whatever deal I just made would keep me from bleeding out.
"Okay. I need you to close your eyes and give me your arm."
"Why? What are you doing?"
"I'm going to bite you. It's going to make you like me but it's the only way to keep you from dying. It's going to shoot a lot of healing agents into your blood."
"What? No! I don't want to be like you!"
"Just please! Trust me." He looked me in the eyes and I got caught by them. I saw a sense of worry coating his pupils so I knew he had no other choice.
"Okay just do it."
"Close your eyes." I did as he said and soon I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I screamed and writhed around trying to calm my body of the pain.
The sounds of the forest became wobbly and when I opened my eyes Derek's face became hazy.
"You might pass out from the pain. But I'm here. I'm not going to put you in any more danger. No more hurt. "
I felt my fingers get tingly and it traveled to my head before my vision got dark. And then my head went light and I was out.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now