Vampire moments

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This is a series of different tiny imagines of vampire moments in a werewolf/Werecoyote/Kitsune/banshee/stiles group.
"You have to stay awake during this meeting. It's important." Derek commanded. I yawned as I saw the sun come up as my eyelids got more heavy.
"I will make you drink coffee if I have to!" He lightly threatened.
"EW! No! I hate coffee!"
Derek smirked as he handed me a glass full of a red liquid.
Derek's face morphed as I chugged the irony drink.
"I don't know how you can do that."
"You'd understand if you were a vampire." I laughed.
"True true."
"Now come on. The rest of the pack will be here in a minute."
A couple minutes later the pack showed up.
Everyone was sitting around the coffee table and I was curled up with Derek.
My eyes slowly got heavier and heavier as his voice rang through my ears.
"You might want to keep your little vampire awake." Theo smirked.
Derek lifted me off his shoulder and forced me to hold myself up.

Third pov

"Isn't she supposed to be asleep right now?" Scott asked as he checked his watch "it's literally one pm. She should be fast asleep by now."
"I know but I can't keep being the middle man to inform her when she wakes up." Derek shrugged
"Well it seems like she's gonna sleep either way." Stiles pointed to y/n who was asleep on the arm rest of the couch.
Derek leaned over to wake her up but hesitated and then left her.
"You're right. She has to sleep just as much as we do. It's not fair to have her stay awake just because she's different."
"Good because she is out cold." Lydia said as she poked y/n in the face.
"Hey! Stop that! She's peaceful!" Derek slightly growled.
"Okay then. I'm backing off." Lydia put her hands up and scooter away from the sleeping girl.
"I'm gonna take her to bed. I'll be back."
Derek walked off with the vampire in his arms and he set her down to sleep in his bed.
"Goodnight my little bat."

"Derek. Derek" I whispered as I shook my best friend in the arm.
Derek groaned and turned over. He opened one eye while the other was squeezed shut and he peered into my now red eyes.
"What time is it?"
"Two am, why?"
"No y/n. I'm supposed to be sleeping right now."
"O-Oh. I just thought you might want to play, or talk, or just sit here with me... awake... like me."
"No. I want to sleep. Like a good werewolf should."
"Well what should a good vampire be doing?" I asked
"Sitting downstairs reading the four books I got you from the library."
"But I already finished them."
Derek sighed in anger and i didn't even have to be a werewolf to know that.
"I-I'm sorry if I am annoying. I guess I just don't know what to do all alone. I'm not used to having people around me who are asleep at this time."
Derek sighed again but a little more sympathetic then angry this time.
Derek opened the blankets and told me to get in.
"What are we doing?"
"You are going to use that awakeness to put me back to sleep. So you're gonna tell me what happened in one of your books and I'll fall asleep to that."
I nodded my head and let Derek lean into me.
"Okay so the book started off with a little girl and she was running away from a witch cult that her mom was in..."
Derek fell asleep in seconds and had no trouble staying asleep.

"Derek! My mouth hurts."
Derek threw me a slab of meat and I sat in the corner gnawing on the slab.
The pack came in and instantly smelled the raw meat.
"Oh god. What is that?"
"It's meat. For the teething vampire over there." Derek said as he pointed to me.
I could tell Derek felt bad for me because his brows drooped for a second before going back to their original form.
"I thought she already had fangs." Scott stated
"She does, but they are growing bigger."
"BIGGER??" Stiles squeaked as his eyes went wide.
"Yes stiles, bigger." Derek was frustrated with stiles every time stiles even breathed. Derek crossed arms and looked at me.
Derek rolled his eyes and sat everyone on the couch.
"She's teething, it's not something to take lightly."
"I mean it's kinda funny." Stiles smiled.
"Or I could take away that slab and let her teeth on your arm." Derek threatened as he raised his eyebrows.
"N-no. I think I'm gonna keep my limbs, thanks."
"Then shut up."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now