Little wolfy nightmares

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Derek laid in bed with his girlfriend beside him.
Like Derek, y/n had been born a werewolf but unlike Derek, she grew up wild. Most werewolves were civilised. They lived in cities and had normal lives with bank accounts and whatnot. But not y/ns family. Y/n grew up wild. Out in the woods, every full moon wasn't scary, it was beautiful.
Also unlike Derek, y/n was born with the ability to turn into a full wolf. Y/n had her first full transformation at the age of ten. Every full moon after her tenth birthday was a full transformation. And not only did she gain that ability but gained the ability of controlled turning through every stage, even to the point where she could have a tail and still act as a human.

Y/n laid curled up next to Derek as she dreamt. She dreamt of many things like Derek and rabbits as her wolf and human form collided. Y/n soon however started to get antsy as her dreams turned to nightmares.

Nightmares were always dangerous for werewolves but fully formed werewolves even more so. While they did have control, in fear a person can shift uncontrollably and do pretty heavy damage.

Derek was startled awake by y/ns twitching. He looked down to see her brows crunched together and her nose wrinkling. He knew that she wasn't having a pleasant dream. He thought about waking her but was too scared to try in case she flipped out. Instead Derek laid there and watched as her legs twitched like a dog while it dreamt. Soon the nightmare started to get heavier and she started to turn. Derek quickly decided that this was the best time to wake her.
"Y/n. Y/n wake up. You're dreaming. Wake up."
The girl soon growled as she jumped up.
She breathed heavily with a growl in the back of her throat. Her shifting turned back and she looked at Derek with tired eyes.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled.
Derek didn't respond but pulled her back down to his chest.
"Just breathe in my scent and fall back asleep." Derek knee many tricks to calm down a wolf spirit when it's in high alert. Particularly one is smelling scents that are associated with calm happy memories. Derek smiled as he felt her breath on his neck.
He knew that y/n was calm when he heard her breathing and heartbeat steady out. He knew she was asleep when she started snoring. Derek chuckled softly at her loud snores and soon fell back asleep too.

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