One Hale, not the other

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EmilyRoberts357 requested this story!
Hope you enjoy!

The pack was standing and walking around the apartment and talking amongst themselves making quite the riot.
I sat and huffed as the noise grew louder and louder. I was used to telling them what to do. Being three years older than them, I was put in charge when Derek wasn't around.
They started squealing and messing around. It started to get out of hand and I didn't know if I could let things go on any longer.
"OI! LETS CHILL OUT WILL YOU!?" They all quieted down and looked at me. "You are all so loud! Don't make me go seventh grade teacher on you."
"Sorry y/n." Scott mumbled
"Rounding up all the kids?" Peter smirked as he walked in
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"Go away Peter."
"Oh come on. You know you're into me."
"You wish." I scoffed
Derek walked into the room with his arms crossed
"What are you doing here?" Derek asked Peter grumbling
"I'm just here... admiring the scenery." He said motioning with a show hand to me.
Derek grumbled to himself and walked to the kitchen.
I turned back to the group and asked them where they were all going as they packed up.
"School?" Scott sassed
"Oh... right." I nodded as I forgot about that part. They were all still in high school. God what id give to go back to that time. Not high school, let's be clear, just that age.
"Have a good day guys! I love you all!" I shouted
"We love you too!" Lydia shouted back.
"You really are a mom to them huh?" Peter asked
"Yeah. I guess." I shrugged
"Well you could be my mommy."
"Woah! Okay! Talking about not that." I walked to the kitchen and asked Derek what was up.
"Just making lunch. What about you babe?"
"She's going on a date with me later." Peter winked at me.
"No I am not."
Peter moved closer to me and I backed up to the counter. 
He put his hands on the counter by my sides and cornered me.
"Oh come on kitty cat" he basically purred "you want me."
I was starting to feel flustered now. Even though I definitely didn't want him, being in a submissive position like this took a tole on me.
"Uh-I-well-uh-" I couldn't figure out how to reject him while I was like this.
"See? Now you're getting it. Did you realize how much you actually do want me? Not the big old brute over there?" He flicked his head motioning to Derek
"Okay that's enough." Derek shouted. He walked over, grabbed his uncle by his shirt and pulled him out of the apartment.
"She's uncomfortable with that! Stop it!" Derek scolded his elder as he closed the door.
Derek huffed and walked back to me. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.
I smiled and hugged back.
"What's this for?"
"Nothing," he shrugged still hugging me "just wanted a hug."
"Okay." I giggled
I walked to the couch after the hug and sat down. I flicked on the tv and watched a show after scrolling for a while. Derek sighed and sat down next to me. Putting his arm behind me on the back of the couch.
I shrugged, not thinking anything of it.

Later that night I hopped in and out of the shower. I had washed my hair so it was dripping wet. I scrunched my hair with my towel and watched as Derek fumbled with his shirt. He slipped it over his head and ruffled his hair to fix it. I noticed the stern look on his face. Not that it wasn't always cold in some sort of way, but this time it was different, more like an angry stern rather than a neutral stern.
"You okay?" I asked gently as I put my towel down.
"Huh?" He asked hearing my voice "yeah. I'm fine." He shook his head
"Are you sure?" I pried harder walking closer to him
"I'm fine. It's not a big deal."
"So there is something wrong." I nodded
"I never said that."
"No you said 'it's not a big deal'. That means there is a problem, but you don't want to talk about it."
He scoffed and smirked while he sorted out the sheets on the bed.
"Nothing" he shook his head "just thinking of how amazing you are. Being able to read me like that. It makes me realize how lucky I am to have you."
My heart fluttered and my brain have an internal aw. That's when it clicked in my mind.
"Wait Derek. We're you jealous?" I smirked
"Of Peter hitting on me. We're... or are... you jealous?" I giggled
"No. I am not jealous... I'm... I'm not." It seemed like he was trying to convince himself of his mood more than me.
"Derek," I warned, letting him know I wasn't buying it.
"Okay! Maybe I was jealous! It makes me angry! He tries to take everything from me. And when it comes to you, no one can take you from me, especially not Peter." He seemed to growl in the back of his throat. I've seen Derek possessive before, and over me too, but this was so much worse than it's ever been. I guess Peter being family gets under his skin more.
I walked over to him and he stood up straight to look at me.
"Derek look at me." I cooed. I placed my hand on his face and he squeezed his eyes shut at my touch "I will only ever be in love with you. Not Scott, not stiles, not even Peter. You." He opened his green eyes and they shimmered at me.
"Promise?" He asked worriedly
"I promise." I nodded
He leaned down and kissed me quickly before getting into bed.
"Wanna cuddle?" I asked wiggling my brows at him
He smirked and rolled his eyes at me.
"Sure." He agreed. I hopped into bed next to him and cozied up to his side. He turned to me and sighed. He put one of his large hands on my waist and rubbed my hip with his thumb.
He pushed his nose into my damp hair hair and inhaled deeply.
"You smell good."
"I did just take a shower!" I giggled
"That shampoo you started using is great."
"Because it's less pungent?"
"Yeah. I thought I was gonna pass out with the last stuff."
I laughed and snuggled into Derek more, putting more forehead against his left shoulder.
"Can you breathe in there?" He asked looking down at me.
"Not really but I'll suffer." I shook my head.
"Get out of there." He chuckled and pulled my face out of the nest I'd made between his shoulder and the mattress.
"Hey! I was comfortable!"
"And suffocating!"
"The pain is worth the love I feel."
"Yeah well you're not gonna feel any love if you suffocate and die."
"That's true."
"Come on, close your eyes and go to sleep."
"Fine." I shifted out from under him and he turned onto his back.
I crawled and put my body over his. I laid across him and pressed my ear to his chest.
"Goodnight." He said out of the blue.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now