Youre all the family i have left (daughter!reader) Halloween Special

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"Lydia's here!" Y/n called to the family dispersed about the house as she ran to the door and opened it.
Y/n made eye contact with Lydia and they both smiled.
"Hey y/n." She pulled the young girl into a hug and y/n squeezed her tight.
"Come on in. You can help us set up. I hear you used to throw the best parties so I trust you."
Lydia just laughed and pushed her hair behind her shoulder with her lips pursed.
"So who's all supposed to be here?" Eli asked as he walked out of his room with his eyes glued to his phone.
"Well us. Scott and he's bringing Liam and his mom. Deaton said he might pop in. Sheriff and maybe Perish if he can get the night off. And Malia might stop in."
"Peter's not coming?" Lydia asked unaware of the chaos she was about to cause.
"Who's Peter?" Y/n asked tilting her head in curiosity.
"No one." Derek snapped.
"She doesn't know who Peter is?" Lydia inquired sensing a bit of urgency from Derek for the conversation to stop
"I don't know who Peter is. Who is he?"
"He's no one." Derek scolded through his teeth,
"He doesn't sound like no one. He sounds like someone who you want to be no one."
"Just tell her dad. He's not going to stay hidden forever." Eli sighed
Derek clenched his jaw and let out an angry sigh knowing it had to be done.
"Peter is my uncle."
"Your uncle? That's it? Why don't you want me to know about him? Is he some psychopathic alcoholic or something?"
"More like just a psychopath. He's extremely narcissistic and selfish."
"So was he grandmas brother?"
"Yes. But he is nothing like your grandma was." Derek basically growled at the insinuation that Peter was anything compared to his mom.
"Well then I'd like to meet him." Y/n was sure she could handle him.
"You really don't." Eli shook his head
"No I think I do." Y/n was confident

More people started to file in and y/n met Liam for the first time. He looked a lot younger than he actually was, much like the rest of the pack. He was also the youngest of the group -at the year before he entered his 30s- and also the only chance y/n had at conversation she would understand. Adult conversations that floated around in the Halloween air confused her, so she hoped Liam would give her even a sliver of conversation that she wouldn't want to use the melon baller sat on the table to scoop her eyeballs out in boredom from.
She got to talking to him for a moment before the door opened again and the squeaking of the rusty hinges let them know someone had arrived. It was a temporary convenience but Derek knew after they left he would have to break out the WD-40.
Malia stepped in and a man who looked slightly older than Derek followed her.
"Malia." Derek greeted with a small and a quick hug.
"Hey Derek." She rested her chin on his shoulder before letting go. After they had separated Derek glanced at Peter and sighed.
"Hello nephew." He leered.
"Hi." Derek grumbled and turned back to the sea of people that were already present.
Peter looked around at all the familiar faces but stopped short when he saw a young girl he didn't recognize.
"And who are you?" He lowly questioned and walked closer to her.
"Y/n." She stated bluntly, already picking up on the energy he was giving off.
"Hmm... bitter. I can already tell. I get it, my presence can feel humiliating."
"The only humiliating thing I can sense is your receding hairline."
Malia snorted and Derek looked down to cover the smirk desperately trying to crawl onto his face.
Peters jaw tightened. He hadn't heard an insult thrown at him in a while and reverted to his old attitude.
"How old are you? Like 16?"
"I'm 18."
"You're still in high school. I assume you don't know much so let me educate you. I am and always will be the best werewolf you'll ever meet."
"Yeah I'm not going to take knowledge from someone who I could have outsmarted in the seventh grade."
"I've killed people. Many people."
"And how old are you? 50? Because I wouldn't threaten someone when you're about to be geriatric." Y/ns voice started in a low growl.
"Geriatric?! I'll show you how geriatric I'm feeling." Peter stepped closer and y/n clenched her fist.
"Don't touch her." Derek stepped between the two and broke up any tension. They both stepped down and sighed.
"Ya know. I don't like you, but I respect you. You've got some balls of steel for doing that." Peter said as he fixed his jacket.
"Well I don't like you... and I don't respect you either." She bluntly stated.
"Is she yours?" Peter asked as a joke, assuming she was just Eli's friend.
"Yes." Derek crossed his arms and didn't break eye contact with his uncle. Peter chuckled and patted Derek's shoulder not understanding he was serious. After Peter stopped laughing he noticed Derek's unwavering face.
"Oh my god you're serious."
"Uh huh. She's my daughter."
"Who's the mom? Where's the mom?"
"This is not the best time." Derek grumbled and changed the subject.
"So she's actually yours?" Peter turned to the girl and looked her up and down. She had her arms crossed and her lips were tight in annoyance "Yep...definitely yours. No DNA test needed."
"Can you just go sit down so we can get this over with?" Derek grumbled to Peter and motioned for the couch.
Peter rolled his eyes and sat down next to Eli who shuffled closer to Scott who was on the other side of him.
Derek sat down next to Lydia who paired with Liam. Malia, Melissa, and a late arriving deaton stood behind them.
Y/n moved to the front of the room and waited for everyone to settle in.
"Well hi everyone. Thank you all for coming. I am really happy to have you all here. It makes me feel very special to have you all come to the Halloween party that I put together contrary to what my dad may say. He likes to think he did most of it but I just needed him to lift everything." Everyone let out a small laugh "I am very humbled that everyone has openly accepted me into their lives despite how crazy the drop in was. So to show my appreciation I decided to throw a party and make many... many sugary treats.
"Did you make your cookies?" Liam asked
"Does everyone just know about my cookies?!" Y/n questioned.
"Scott told me they were apparently the best. I just want to know what the hype is about."
"Yes I have made the cookies."
"Well without further ado, we have barbecue in the kitchen, snack platters on the island and treats here and on the island as well."
"Where's the cookies?" Liam asked again. Y/n motioned down to the platter and Liam snatched a cookie.
"I can't imagine these are that good. I mean like literally everyone has been talking about them."
Liam took a bite and paused. "Holy shit."
"I know right." She smiled while wiggling her eyebrows.
"Holy shit what do you put in these?! Crack?!"
"Maybe." She shrugged "but you'll never know."
"Y/n!" Derek's voice boomed over the music that had been turned on by Scott. He waved her over. "Let's take pictures."
Derek and Eli pulled y/n into the Photo Booth Derek had set up for everyone.
They took a few pictures and then the group joined in and took a lot of joint pictures.
The song that was previously playing had faded out and a bubbling sound started.
"Oh yeah! Monster mash!" Y/n laughed and Eli pulled her out to dance around together.
They shuffled around and formed a conga line and sang along to the song.
"They did the mash!"
"The monster mash!"
"The monster mash! It was a graveyard smash!"
They danced around some more, everyone out of breath by the end of the song.
"Okay I need to take a break!" Y/n laughed as she plummeted onto the couch.
Derek sat down next to her also gasping for air.
"Why are you breathing heavy?! Aren't you supposed to be like super fit or something?!"
"Aren't you supposed to be 20 years younger than me?" He retorted
"You got me there daddio." She gave him finger guns.
"Never... ever do that again." He shook his head
"Yeah that was weird. I don't know...why... I... did that..."
She wiped her hands on her pants hoping to rub off the awkward thing she just did.

The party went along. Throughout the night everyone complimented y/ns cookies and felt the festivities. It wasn't long before the moon was out and everyone decided to head home. They all thanked the family one by one and left.
Lydia was the last one to leave because she wanted to help clean up. She pushed cups and plates into a garbage bag as y/n put all the extra food into containers
"I'm sorry about your mom, y/n."
"How did you-"
"Banshee thing."
"Oh...right... well thanks. I appreciate it."
"How are you feeling?"
"Better. It still hurts when I see or do things that remind me of her. But I have my dad and Eli now which is more than I've ever had. And they love me and spoil me so it makes things a little better."
"You know Derek would do anything for you. He talks about you all the time. I still think he has a hard time understanding how to raise a girl but you bet your ass he tries."
"I know. I see him text you a lot to ask questions. Thanks for the advice on letting me drive his car." Y/n and Lydia both laughed.
"He really does love you." Lydia nodded and y/ns brows knitted in adoration.
"Come on y/n, time for bed."
"Dad I'm 18."
"Yeah you're 18 and it's almost 1 am."
"Oh shit." Y/n put the containers in the fridge and sprinted to her room.
"Hey! I don't like that word!" Derek yelled as she closed her door
"It was two words!" She loudly sassed back.
Derek rolled his eyes and sighed
"She's your daughter." Lydia sighed
"Yeah... she is..."

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