Dont hide little wolf pt 5

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This is officially my longest running series on this book but this storyline is just too good! Don't know how many more parts this will be I'm just going where it's taking me! Anyway back to the series!
The sun was my worst enemy. It blasted through the giant wall of windows in Derek's apartment like it lived here.
I groaned and smushed my face into the warm and dark crevasse next to me. When the crevasse moved and grumbled I bolted back. It was Derek. I had completely forgot in my rage for the morning sun that he had held me to sleep last night. And we both agreed that it meant nothing but I had started to really like him at this point. And I also had no clue how he felt about me.
I got up again but this time I didn't make breakfast. I grabbed clean clothes and walked to the shower. I turned the knobs which I was now an expert of and sat in for a steamy shower. I grimaced to myself wondering if I stunk last night when Derek was cuddling me. I didn't shower at all yesterday and I didn't think it was a huge deal since I didn't run a marathon or anything but you never know.

I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth and put on my clothes. I wiped the mirror down and opened the door to let the hot air out. Derek was standing at the fridge while the coffee pot was getting ready to pour some cups.
"Making anything good?" I ask trying to make light conversation and hope it wasn't awkward as I grabbed a cup of coffee
"Thinking of just going out to eat. How does that sound?" He asked putting his empty cup down
"Sounds good to me."
Derek grabbed his keys and we walked down to his car and he chose the place to eat.
We sat in the tiny diner and looked at the menu sheepishly.
"So... sleep well last night?" Derek asked trying to get straight to the topic of interest.
"Yeah I did. How about you?"
"Yeah I slept well."
"Good. I'm glad." The conversation died "No work today?"
"No not today. My one day off."
"Ah, that's nice." The conversation died again and the air went stale.
"Okay so what was that last night?"
"What was what? We just cuddled."
"Yeah and I thought we both agreed that it wasn't a huge deal or anything."
"It wasn't."
"Then why are you so awkward?"
"Because-" I was going to let it all go but I knew it wasn't the right place "I don't know."
"If it was nothing it wouldn't be this tense."
"I guess I just haven't been like this in a while."
"Like what?"
"Happy? Safe? Secure? But then also sad and scared."
"Why are you scared?" He almost scoffed
"Because now I know what I am and that's another change. Another thing that I had to figure out that my parents didn't tell me. Another thing that makes me realise... how alone I am."
"You're not alone. You have me and the pack."
"I don't know them like I know you." It twinged my heart to say that. It was a slight admittance of my feelings.
"You could."
"What if they know what I am and they hate me? Then what?"
"Why would that happen?"
"Because they could think I'm weird."
"They have bigger issues than you being an absolute dork." He laughed
"Hey! I said weird! Not dork!" I couldn't help but let a chuckle escape.
"Look, they have dealt with thieves, and werewolves and evil spirits and banshees and a million other things. If this is the one thing that deters them, then that's honestly something you should be proud of. I'm not saying you should want them to hate you, just that it's so impossible, that if they do, you're more than supernatural."
I scoffed at the gesture and nodded in submission.
"Are we ready to order?" The waitress interrupted.
"Oh, uh... yeah... I'll do the..."

"I ate way too much." I groaned and flopped down onto Derek's bed.
"Yeah I stopped being shocked after your second plate."
I laughed and turned my gaze away from him and they landed on the framed picture of his parents.
I sat up and grabbed the picture.
"You moved it." I said
"Oh, yeah, I just thought it would be nice if they were closer to me."
"That's sweet."
I laid back down still holding the picture.
"Your mom was so beautiful." I ran my fingers over her features "now I know where you got it from."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. I just know why you're so attractive. You have the most gorgeous parents on the planet."
"Why do you keep saying that?"
"Saying what?"
"That I'm handsome? Or attractive?"
"Am I not aloud to compliment you?"
"No, it's not that, it's just... that along with the awkwardness of last night, it just makes me think that you have feelings for me."
I scoffed.
"You make it sound like that would be a crime!"
"It's not but-"

Third POV

"But what? Why is there a but in that sentence? I get you're without love but are you seriously going to look me in the face and tell me that me possibly having feelings for you is so wrong?"
"It's just that I haven't really thought about you like that." Derek knew he was lying.
"That's fine. But don't make it sound like you hate the idea."
"I don't hate it." He was starting to tell the truth... sort of.
"Then why did you make it sound that way?"
"Because... I don't know how to feel about it. But why are you getting so defensive? It's not like you actually like me."
"Wow... you really are blind to love aren't you?"
"Wait so you do?"
"I don't know for sure but I think so! But the more this conversation continues I'm starting to not. I thought there were moments but maybe I'm just delusional."
"You're telling me you haven't had a single moment where you felt something?"
He wanted to say "no. Not once." But that was a lie and he could do that. But he also could say "yes, many, actually." Because that would just confirm it.
And so he thought about things over and over again. What to say. And how he remembered the first time he felt the swell of affection for her. And what not to say. And when she dragged her fingers across his collar bone fixing his shirt. And what words should come out of his mouth. And the smell of the coffee she made him. And then he said what he never should have.
"Yeah. I think I did. But the more I think about it. I think you made me feel that way, because of your stupid little Cupid powers. I had my suspicions that you were tricking me. But now I know it's true."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now