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"Come on Derek!" I mumbled as I paced in his apartment.
I bounced my leg nervously as I furiously sat down in the chair behind his desk.
I sighed multiple times as the blood rush of anticipation washed through me.
I was waiting for what seemed like hours for him to walk through that big metal sheet he calls a door.
I couldn't help but do all my usual nervous habits and then some.
I started to freak and got the urge to clean.
I dusted and changed the sheets. I cleaned the floors and organized his desk.
I changed the lightbulbs and milked the frick out of organizing the cabinets.
After that I continued to pace in the open area which led to the huge door that he would shove open and push my fear away with the door.
I sat on the floor and sighed as I picked at my already ruined nail polish.
Silence made the air heavy
It made tension even more thick
Being alone made the air thick, almost hard to breathe.
It also made the tension heavy.
The tension of waiting to see if he'll even walk through that door.
Or maybe he'll come back unharmed
Or with just a few scratches and bruises
Or maybe he'll come back dying, bleeding out.
Or maybe it won't even be him who will come through that door.
Or maybe he will but someone will be carrying him across the threshold.
My panic started to set in more.
My lip quivered as I felt the urge to cry
I couldn't even imagine what it would be like without him.
He's means so much to me
And I'm so new to this whole 'supernatural' thing.
I am already anxious enough as it is, but doing this every time he goes out on a mission?
I'm screwed.
I still sat on the floor, cursing myself for cleaning it because now I don't have any dust to draw in.
I was lost in my own little world when I heard the door creaking.
I shoot up and see derek walk in, seemingly unharmed.
I shout in excitement and I run to hug him.
I throw my arms around him and he hugs me back with a smirk.
"You are obviously new to this whole supernatural thing." He chuckled.
"Sorry." I said letting go of him.
"It's okay, but I'm not gonna die from one mission."
"You don't know that." I said as I wrapped myself around him again.
"Oh baby, you really are always anxious aren't you?" He smirks
"Does it show?" I half rhetorically asked.
He kissed my forehead.
"Well I think it's cute." A voice piped up.
I turned to see Scott smiling from the doorway.
Derek rolled his eyes and pulled me to his side.
"And why's that McCall?"
"Because it means she loves you. And by the looks of it she loves you a lot. Don't you, newbie?"
I nodded and looked down with a smile.
"See? Don't let her go Derek. I think she's the first real girl you've gotten. See you around newbie."
"Bye Scott." I replied weakly.
Scott closed the door after he left and Derek engulfed me in him.
"Come on! Couch cuddle time!"
I giggled as he laid me on top of him in the couch.
He furrowed his brows and felt the couch.
"Is the couch slightly damp?" He asks
I chuckled nervously and shrugged
"What can I say? I'm a stress cleaner."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now