Youre all the family I have left (Daughter!reader) pt 1

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This is a Derek x daughter!reader.
Also this story just makes me realize how old I'd be in this timeline and it makes me sick.
Not long after Eli was born did derek find himself in a weird position. He was left without a mother for his child. Eli's mom walked out on them in the middle of the night. Derek was awoken late one night to Eli crying over the baby monitor. Usually at this time is was moms turn to get the baby and feed him but when he looked to the other side of the bed, she was gone. He assumed she had gotten up and he missed her, but after Eli kept crying for many minutes, Derek got up to tend to Eli.
After Eli was settled he went to search for her. He searched around the house but she wasn't there. The car which she owned was gone from the garage and when Derek looked for her belongings, those were gone as well. Derek knew that he was alone now.
Fourteen long years later, Eli was still cranky. Now he just had the hormones and issues of a teenager to fuel his dad's exhaustion.
"Eli you can't keep doing this! I had to step out of work for this."
"Well you didn't have to! I was fine!"
"You weren't fine! You were illegally driving a car."
"Whatever!" He groaned and walked to his room.
Derek sighed and shook his head but knew he should drop it. Derek left to go back to work and Eli was left alone.
About twenty minutes later Eli heard the doorbell ring. He got up from his chair and opened the door to see a girl about his age. She stared at him, almost in shock.
"Are you Eli?" She asked with a quivering voice
"Yeah. Can I help you?" He snipped.
"Oh uh, yeah. My name is y/n. And I think... I'm your sister."
Eli paused for a moment raising his brows in question.
"Yeah. Your dad is Derek Hale right? He had me a couple years before you. I'm your half sister."
"Sorry but I can't help you." Eli felt like this was a joke so he tried to shut it down.
"Wait! Please!" Y/n begged. She scrambled to open her bag "Look!"
She pulled out a picture of her as a baby next to Derek who was holding her close.
"That's me. And that's your dad right?"
"Where did you get this?" Eli scoffed as he ripped the picture from her hand
"My mom gave it to me. She said that I could find him."
"Why though?"
"Because I kind of need you guys right now. My mom... she passed away a couple weeks ago. My grandparents are useless and my mom doesn't have any siblings. You guys are my only family."
Eli knew whether it was a lie or not, she was good. And if it wasn't a lie, and she was really his sister, then she needed help. So against his better judgment, he let her in.
"So if you're really my sister, why didn't my dad tell me about you?"
"Because he walked out on us." She shrugged. She said it so casually. But Eli found it so hard to believe that his dad had walked out on someone. After what he went through being a single parent, Eli could never imagine his dad that selfish.
"So is he here?"
"No, he's at work right now."
"Where does he work?"
"He owns an auto shop."
"Really? My mom taught me about cars. We never had enough money for a good one so I know everything when it comes to fixing them."
"Cool. I just duct tape everything."
She gave him a pitying look and nodded.
"So when is he supposed to be home?"
"I don't know. Usually around 6:30?  Might be bringing home dinner. It's Friday so we usually eat out." Eli felt weird telling his life to some girl who claimed to be his sister but he also didn't want to make it weird by not saying anything.
"Sounds good." She nodded. Y/n paced around the house awkwardly looking at all the pictures. She felt slight pain in her chest seeing all the happy pictures of her dad and Eli.
"You guys look so happy." Y/n hummed
"Most of the time it's not like that. We argue a lot."
"I don't know. I guess just trivial things."
"I used to argue with my mom a lot when I was your age."
"How much older are you?"
"Three years."
"So you're eighteen?"
"Yeah. My birthday was a couple weeks ago."
"So why did you come here? You could have just lived by yourself."
She just shrugged and turned to him.
"I kinda thought it would be nice to learn about my dad and brother. See what it's like for you two."
"Really nothing special." Eli started to sweat remembering the supernatural stuff. He wondered if she knew or if she was one. She technically was him. She had a chance of being one.
"This is special. Your family is special." Eli started to sweat hoping she wasn't meaning what he thought she meant. "You two seem so close. I would love to be close to dad."
"My dad."
"Our dad."
"You haven't seen him since you were how old? He's my dad, he raised me by himself, he's just someone who made you."
"Your mothers not in the picture?"
"No. She left us."
"I'm sorry. I know how hard that is."
"Yeah, I've gathered." Eli murmured.
Eli's phone buzzed in his back pocket. He checked it and cursed to himself
"What is it?"
"Oh uhhh... nothing" he tried to make up an excuse "just... my dad needs help at the shop."
"I can come with."
"No!" He snapped "I mean... no. Just stay here." He lowered his tone and ran out the door.
He hopped in the extra car and tried to start the car but couldn't get it. While he stole the jeep -which was manual- a lot, he still had trouble with it.
Y/n ran to the driver side seeing Eli in a hurry.
"Move i can drive. My car was a manual I can do it."
Eli looked at her while he debated it for a second hovering his thumb over the belt buckle.
"Come on! Clearly it's important whatever it is! Just let me help!"
Eli sighed and finally gave in. He got out of the drivers seat and moved to passenger.
Y/n pulled out of the driveway and asked Eli where to go.

"Here turn here!" Eli shouted and pointed to the open gate in the lot.
She made a harsh stop and they both jumped out of the car. Eli bolted for the back of the lot.
"Dad!" He shouted picking his feet up to make it there. When he finally got there he saw his dad pinned by two other people. Eli shifted and punctured the back of one attackers neck with his claws. The injured man sprung up to defend himself leaving Derek with a more even fight.

Y/n saw Eli run but he was a lot faster than her. When she finally made it to the commotion, she was surprised to see more people like her. She wasn't alone. She didn't know if she should help or not so she stayed back and watched. It hurt to see her family being injured but she thought she'd make it worse if she stepped in.
For a moment she saw Derek get distracted which earned him a stab in the back. Derek shouted in pain and doubled over. Y/n gasped and tried to cover her sound. Derek crumpled himself up trying to bear the pain. After a few seconds his body shrunk into a black mass. He was a wolf. Y/n stumbled backward and headed into the shop where she could be alone. She couldn't believe she had other people like her. And her dad was the reason she was this way.

The fight outside had ended when Derek rattled one guy with a killing shake and Eli had scared the other off. Derek pattered back over to his clothes that had slumped off of him and turned back. He redressed himself before walking back into the shop.
"Who were those guys?" Eli questioned as he followed his dad into the shop.
"Some thugs who jumped me. They tried to steal a car and since I was here alone they tried to take me."
"Are you okay? That stab was pretty bad."
"I'm fine now that I've transformed."
Derek sighed and put the keys to the attempted steal back into the lock box. Y/n, without paying attention had wandered over to the office. Eli had taken notice to the aloof girl.
"Hey dad I've got some more news for you."
"Yeah? What is it? Couldn't make my night any crazier."
"Uh I think I could." Eli braced for an outburst. Y/n had turned around at the sound of voices and noticed a familiar figure.

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