Sacrifices we have to make Pt 2

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"So as soon as she comes through that door, I need Scott and Derek to grab her. We will confront her and capture her." Stiles nodded
"Okay. Let's do this." Scott tilted his head in question but went along with it
"She should be here any minute."
In the hallway, a figure passed a light.
"Heels." Derek whispered confirming that it was Jennifer.
The clicking of her shoes got closer and soon she crossed the doorway into the classroom.
Scott and Derek grabbed her and held tight.
"What the hell is this?" She asked
"Just give up the innocent act." Stiles spat
"We know you're the one behind the sacrifices." I added
"Sacrifices? Really? And when do I have time to do that? On my lunch break?" She scoffed
Stiles dug into his pocket.
"Ya know. Deaton told us about what you've been using. He also said you can use it, but it can also be used against you."
"Mistletoe?" She growled and stiles flooded her face with mistletoe powder.
She cried out and her screams turned to shrieks as her face grew shredded and disfigured. Out of shock Derek and Scott removed their hands from her and she twitched back to normal.
She broke for a run but I tracked her closely and took her down to the floor. I pinned down her arms and pinned her ankles with my feet.
"Get off of me!" She hissed and tried to pry her arms from my hands.
"Scott! Derek! Need some backup here! She's got some power." I shouted looking away. When I turned back Jennifer had shattered a nearby window with her newfound powers. I ducked to avoid getting hurt but she took it as an opportunity to get away.
I scrambled onto my feet as she did and Derek and Scott met me and helped me up.
"I've got power alright. This is power." The glass started to tremble on the floor and a large shard rose from the ground. Before anyone could think the shard was flying and colliding with my right shoulder. I cried out and gripped my arm.
"No!" Derek boomed and turned to see the damage. When we both looked back Jennifer was gone.
"We've gotta get you to a hospital." Derek's brows furrowed.
"Yeah. Yeah okay." I was starting to feel dizzy and my vision was blurring.
"We'll take you to my mom and she can help." Scott encouraged
They helped me back to stiles car where stiles sporadically jumped into the drivers seat and stepped on the gas.

Third pov
Y/n laid comfortably in the backseat with her head on Derek's lap. Her eyes fluttered. Derek stroked her hair and continuously talked to her to keep her awake.
"How's she doing?" Stiles called to the back seat
"I can't tell. She's slowing down but I can't tell if she's bleeding very hard. It's dark."
"Do you feel any blood?"
"Then I think she's okay. The glass is acting as a plug. It's reducing the bleeding." Scott recited remembering some bits of information his mom had told him. "But keep her awake and aware. She'll get the best care if she's conscious."
Y/ns head wobbled in Derek's lap as her breathing got slower.
"Guys how much longer? She's starting to let go."
"Like two minutes."
"Can we make it like one minute? She's really not holding on much longer."
Stiles sighed and stepped on the pedal harder.
They pulled into a parking spot and Derek lifted y/n into his arms. She was starting to slip away into sleep and Derek shook her slightly to keep her awake.
"Keep your eyes open y/n! We are almost there."
He tracked the group into the hospital and shouted for a doctor. She was immediately put onto a gurney and Melissa caught up to them.
"I got this one. You are busy. I can take her."
"Okay. Thanks."
"Come on." She motioned for the group to come with. She wheeled y/n into a room and cut open her shirt.
"Okay. It looks like she's been stabbed inferior to the right clavicle. It doesn't look like she's bleeding though."
"W-what?" Derek questioned in confusion
Y/ns eyes fluttered shut and Melissa picked up the pace.
"Y/n? Y/n? I need you to stay with me. Y/n? Can you hear me? Okay well let's do this." Melissa picked up a pair of pliers and started to pull on the shard of glass. She pulled the piece out and quickly reached for some gauze but when she turned back around she didn't need them.
"What?" She whispered
"What? What is it?" Derek asked and looked to her.
"She's... she's not bleeding."
"How is that possible?"
"It's not. Even for werewolves."
"I've never sensed that she was supernatural." Derek crossed his arms and furrowed his brows
"I'm gonna take her vitals." Melissa shook her head
She set up a station for vitals and checked her breathing.
"She's breathing fine. Check her pulse." Melissa took off the stethoscope and put her fingers on the inside of y/ns wrist. Everyone was silent for a moment but then she hummed.
"What is it?" Scott asked
"I just... I'm having a hard time finding her pulse. Just give me a second." Melissa put the stethoscope back on and pressed it against the left side of her chest.
"She doesn't have a pulse."

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