Sacrifices we have to make Pt 5

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We reached the car and I got into the passenger seat of Derek's car.
Derek got in and turned on the seat warmer for my side.
"Derek I'm sorry if I made you sad. I didn't mean to upset you with my joke."
"It's okay. I know you're trying to process it all just like I am. It just hurts to keep thinking about it."
"Okay. I'll try to talk less about it."
"I just don't know how you could have died. Ever since we met we've seen each other. When would you have had time to die?"
"I remembered something in the woods."
"What is it?"
"When that arrow flew past me. It changed. It became metal. And then when we walked away, I saw myself get up from the ground and run. And then a little deeper into the woods I saw you meet me."
"Yeah that was the first night we met."
"I don't remember that. I thought the first time we met was at the school."
"The night of Scott's first lacrosse game of the season?" He asked furrowing his brows at the road
"Yeah. When I spilled my hot chocolate on your leather jacket and felt like an idiot."
"That was cute but no we had met the day before."
"That's why you seemed so friendly that day. Because you already knew me."
"You seriously don't remember meeting me the night before?"
"No. Not at all. Could that be a sign I died that night?"
"I mean it's possible but I watched you walk home. I saw you get into your house to make sure you were okay. You were being chased by a hunter after you-"
"Checked out your old house. I remember that from the flashback."
"Maybe we should go to your old apartment and take a look around?"
"Yeah sure. I think the key I have still works." I dug around in my pocket and found the key on my keychain.

We pulled into the open parking lot of the apartment complex and stomped up the stairs to my old apartment.
"Come on baby please work." I whispered to the key as I fit it into the lock "Yes! Sweet success!"
The door stuck most nights so I had to shove it open with my shoulder.
"It's weird how you're still so physical as a ghost." Derek mumbled
"I know right? I still have no idea what the laws of ghostism are."
"Yeah ghostism. Like the condition of being a ghost. Why what else would you call it?"
"Death? Being dead?"
"But I'm not really dead because I'm still here. Physically I mean yes. I am dead no heartbeat yadda yadda. But I'm still here so that's gotta count for some life right?"
"Sure. I guess."
"And you said you didn't want to talk about me being dead."
"Well we are in the place where you possibly could have died so I think I'm forced to."
I walked into where my bedroom was and flicked on the light but nothing happened.
"Huh that's weird."
"Huh that's weird." I grumbled to myself "that light always works." 
I huffed and walked to the junk drawer to find an extra lightbulb. I unscrewed the old one and replaced it. The new light clinked on and I smiled at my simple accomplishment.
I strode into the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet to get my toothbrush and toothpaste out of it. When I closed the mirror I jumped at the sight of a figure in my room. I turned quickly to see a woman lunging for me. I stumbled backward with her weight on me and felt my head hit the bathtub.
I snapped out of my memory with a gasp.
"What? What is it?" Derek asked looking into the bathroom.
"I remember more. Some woman attacked me in my bathroom."
"What? When?"
"When I got home. I went to brush my teeth and saw her in my mirror." I pointed to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.
"I hit my head on the bathtub and then she tried to choke me out. I scratched her face but from the blurry memories it looked like she already had scars on her face." I felt my own face as if it was hers when recalling the memory
"What did she look like?" Derek asked calmly
"From what I remember..." I trailed off and walked into the bathroom trying to create more memory. "She looked like... that's impossible."
"What? What did she look like?"
"She looked exactly like Jennifer."

"That's impossible! Jennifer? She just got here. She took over an English teachers position." Derek was pacing the floor as I sat on the floor in the living room
"I know but that's what I saw! That's my memory."
"What if your memory is wrong?" Derek stopped pacing and looked at me
"What if it's not?" I asked him looking him in the eyes
"If it's not, I'm gonna kill her myself." He growled
I stood and grabbed his bicep of his crossed arms.
"Hey. Come on. We are dealing with what we've got now. Let's not make it worse. I would still like to find my body if possible."
"Right. One thing at a time."
"So where should we go next?"
"Maybe we should call it a night and then get back to it tomorrow. I'm exhausted and you also look exhausted."
"I am." I nodded
"Then let's go home." He grabbed his car keys off the clean empty counter and I followed him out pulling the door closed.

I got into bed that night thinking about if anything would be different now that we knew I was dead. The sheets felt the same and so did the pajamas on my body. The way Derek dipped the bed when he got in felt the same. But what didn't feel the same was his pause before he turned to pull me into him.
"Are we gonna cuddle tonight?" I asked looking at him.
"Y-yeah. Come here." I scooted into him but he felt tense.
"Are you okay Derek? You feel stiff."
"I'm fine. Just go to sleep."
With my head on his chest I could hear his heartbeat rising.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I don't know. I guess I'm just expecting it to be different."
"What to be different?" I asked sitting up and propping myself up on my elbow
"Everything. The way you sleep, the way you feel, the things you remember. How am I supposed to know it's the same?"
I huffed and then leaned into him. I cupped his cheek with my hand and pressed my lips deeply into his. His chest relaxed and he placed his hand on top of mine that was on his face.
I let go of his lips and hummed.
"Did that feel different?" I asked tilting my head
"No. That felt just as perfect as always."
"Then there you go. Nothing has to be different." He smiled softly and raised a hand to rub my cheek.
"You always know how to make me feel better."
"It's a gift." I shrugged and laid back down on his chest.
I shuffled around for a minute before I got comfy.
"God! Ah! Y/n! Fuck your feet are so cold."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now