Scaring the big bad wolf

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"Boo!" I jumped out at the wolf with a frown on his face.
"What?" He asked, not even rendering I was trying to startle him
"Ugh! One day I will get you!" I groaned and walked off.

"I'm gonna go scare Derek!" I giggled to Lydia who just rolled her eyes.
I walked into the kitchen.
"You're not scaring me." Derek grumbled as he cut a tomato to put on his sandwich
"Damn it!" I stomped and hit dereks shoulder with a flat palm
"Ouch!" He complained. He looked at me with furrowed brows and with just his eyes he told me off.
I rolled my eyes and walked off, upset with my second failure.

I decided later in the day that I would try a new tactic. I would lay on the ground with a pool of fake blood around me and pretend I was dead. I poured the bottle on my white shirt and got onto my knees. I kicked a shelf with my foot and it toppled over, making a loud bang. I flinched at the sound and remembered I had to scream to concern him. I let out a high scream and then laid down on the floor after chuckling to myself
"Y/n!" Clomping feet hit the stairs which let me know he was coming up to find me. "Y/n! You okay?"
I decided not to respond and pretend I was dead. I closed my eyes and parted my mouth slightly.
He opened the door quickly and saw me on the floor
"Get off of the floor. What are you doing?"
"You weren't scared?!" I laughed as I got up.
"No, I can hear your heartbeat and I can tell the blood is fake. It smells horrible."
I lifted my shirt and smelled the fake blood. My nose crinkled in at the horrible smell.
"Yeah no that's bad." I said without any breath in my lungs because the smell had snatched it from my body. "But I'm still mad I haven't gotten you!"
I stomped my foot and crossed my arms
"If you get me, I will give you a thousand dollars." He said with a smirk
"You're that confident?"
"Oh yeah."
"You just dug your own grave."

Later I decided my special effects had to be stepped up. I needed something that would actually affect the wolf senses. I walked to the clinic and and tracked down deaton for help.
"So what's your plan?" He asked with his entire forehead wrinkled in concern
"I need that stuff deaton. I need to scare him. A thousand dollars is on the line."
"A thousand dollars?!" Scott chimed in. He was here but not in this conversation. He heard it all but now he was invested
"Yeah, Derek said if I could scare him, he'd give me a thousand dollars."
"Okay. I'm in. I'm helping what do you need?" Scott put down the broom he was using and walked over.
"Good. You're useful. When this whole thing goes down. I need you to pretend you don't know this is a prank or what has happened today. Got it?"
"Got it."
"Deaton, can you get me those things and service me death?" He took a big long sigh and rubbed his eyes.
"Yeah I guess." He started to walk away but he turned back "for the record I think this is stupid and I hope he crushes you."
I shrugged it off and walked to my car to open the trunk.
"Here you go." Deaton said with a big box. I opened it and found all the contents I asked for inside.
"This is gonna get him for sure." I nodded with a smirk riddling my face
I turned to deaton who held out a small pill.
"Now be careful with this! This can and will actually kill you if you're not careful. I gave Scott the antidote to give to you when you're ready to wake up."
"Okay got it."
"Now you only have ten minutes otherwise the antidote won't work no matter how much your given."
"Got it. Antidote with Scott... ten minutes." I very briefly recapped.
"I can't believe I'm giving this to you for a stupid prank."
"And a thousand dollars!" I reminded him as I jumped in the drivers seat
"Whatever! It's stupid! Don't make me regret this!"
"I won't let you down!"

I got back to the loft and luckily Derek decided to go out for a walk so I had time to scheme.
"Okay so after he walks in and does his whole wolfy check, he's gonna get worried. If he makes any noise at all, run up and act scared. If he doesn't, I need you to casually walk upstairs like you don't know what's going on. When you help me, I need you tell him to get some water to slip the pill in my mouth. Then pull out this water bottle and I'll swallow the pill."
"What if he doesn't leave?"
"Make him."
Scott nodded at my command and walked out of the room to the living room.

I sat down on the floor with my ripped shirt and the bag of blood. I made sure it was human and real in order to not let Derek know it was a prank. I took a sigh as I looked at the tiny forest green pill in my hand. This had the power to kill me? That's scary. I started to doubt myself but then I remembered the thousand dollars. I was swindled easy by money.
I laid down and grabbed the water bottle. I poured the contents of the blood on me. My face turned sour and my brows knitted together tight.
"This is disgusting."
I held my hand up to not get any blood on it and texted Derek.
I texted When are you gonna be home? I'm hungry. Are we making dinner or are we ordering out?
It took a minute or two for him to respond but he replied with I'll be home in ten minutes. We can just order out. I don't feel like cooking. Please don't order junk, I hate that.
After that I decided not to text him back. I hoped that would slightly concern him.

I heard the metal front door open which meant he was home. My phone dinged and I saw a text from Scott above three texts and a missed call from Derek.
Scott's message read he's home! Get ready!
I took the water bottle, popped the pill in my mouth and threw the water bottle into the hidden spot we planned.

Third POV
Derek opened the loud door to his apartment and saw scott sitting on the couch.
"What are you doing here?" Derek asked
"Oh, I was hanging out with y/n but she wasn't feeling well so we came home early! We might go back out but I told her she could stay as long as she wants."
"Wait she hasn't come back down yet?"
"How long has it been?"
"Like half an hour."
Derek didn't say anything more but ran up to his room.
"Y/n?!" He hoped to god for a response but there was none. "Y/n?!"
He opened the door to his room to see y/n laying on the floor.
He paused for a moment of doubt but when he heard no heartbeat and smelled the iron of real blood he panicked.
He folded to his knees and shouted.
"Come on y/n! Get up!"
Scott heard this and took it as his call to run up.
"What happened?!" Scott asked, acting to be panicked.
"She's not waking up. There's blood everywhere. It's real. She's not breathing."
"What do you mean it's real?"
"She's been pranking me all day. She tried to be dead but I could tell it was fake. This isn't fake! She's dying!"
Scott rushed over and knelt down.
"Go get her some water."
"What's that gonna do?"
"My moms a doctor! I know what I'm doing! Just go get her some water!"
Derek sprang up and ran to get her a glass. Scott took the pill out of his pocket and pulled the water bottle out. He tilted her head back and poured it all down her throat in a meaty concoction of life.
After a second, y/n gasped and opened her eyes.
Derek came in not a second later.
"Y/n!" He gasped and pulled her into him. "Oh my god! You're okay! Are you okay?! You're okay right?" He patted her down multiple times before looking her in the eyes for an answer.
"Yes I'm fine."
"I was so worried about you. You scared me. Don't ever do that again." He pulled her head into his shoulder and hugged her tight but delicate.
"I won't."
"We need to get you bandaged! Where are you bleeding from?"
Y/n started to laugh as she held her side.
"What's so funny?"
"You, Derek."
"What about me?"
"You... you just got pranked."
She busted out laughing and Scott was now smiling from ear to ear.
"You just got owned! I'll take my thousand dollars now thank you." She threw her head back which was still being cradled by dereks hand.
"You set this up?!" Derek growled.
"Yeah. Genius right?!"
"How'd you stop your heart like that?"
"I took some pill deaton gave me. Temporarily kills you."
"Temporarily kills you?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"I wanted to get you good! And this is the only way I could do that!"
"I hate you and that smirking little face right now! You're an idiot!" Derek couldn't help but let out a small chuckle of approval.
"No I'm in fact the opposite!"
"Don't ever do that again! Okay? I almost had a heart attack." He cupped my face with his hands and I nodded.
"I promise."
He threw me into him and groaned.
"I hate you." He growled
"Yeah but you also love me."
He let me go and helped me stand up. He wiped his hand which had blood on it, on my shirt and walked away.
"Yeah?" He turned back around
"You owe me a grand."
"You said if i could scare you, you'd give me a thousand dollars. I want my money."
He chuckled and shook his head.
"Come on. Let's go to the bank."
"Wait really?"
"A deals a deal."
"Dope!" I grabbed my jacket and started to walk out the door.
"What are you doing?" He asked
"We are going to the bank?"
"Like that?" He pointed to my shirt and I looked down. I still had blood on myself.
"Oh yeah. Uh. One minute."
I ran up the stairs to change. I wiped myself down to make sure I was blood free and headed out the door.
"I'm ready to be rich!"
"Whatever you dork."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now