If only you were here

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A bit of a shorter one today loves! Exam week is here and I have zero time but wanted some derek fluff in my life.
"Derek it's so cold in my apartment." I grumbled and turned over in my sheets trying to keep all my body heat close to my chest.
"Well turn the heat on then." He sassed over the phone
"I did. There's just zero insulation in this place."
"Sounds like you need to bundle up more."
"I already have a pair of sweats on, a t shirt, a sweatshirt, fuzzy socks and three blankets."
"I find it hard to believe it's that cold."
"Well that's because you're like a furnace. You just have infinite body heat. If only you were here to warm me up." I hummed at the idea
"Well if you'd move out of that damn apartment and in with me like I asked you to, you'd have both problems fixed."
"I still have four months on my lease." I reminded him as I scooped more blanket under my chin
"I know. I know. I'm just saying. Think about it."
"I am." My voice squeaked. I knew what it would mean to move in with Derek. That we would be more official than official. It was one thing to see him every weekend and go on dates and say I love you. But it was a whole other thing to live together.
I genuinely had considered it though. My lease was going to be up and I didn't want to renew it here. I didn't have much stuff so moving wouldn't have been a huge deal. But moving in with Derek. That was a huge deal.
"You still there?" His voice asked from the crackly line
"Huh? Yeah. Sorry."
"Where'd you go?"
"Somewhere far away." I joked
"Don't feel pressured to-"
"No it's not that. I mean that's what I was thinking about but it's not... it's not a bad idea."
"Okay good. Feeling warmer?"
"A little. Yeah." The conversation fell off and I searched for something to talk about. "I thought about getting a pet today."
Derek groaned and sighed. I could hear his eyes rolling out of his head.
"You're not moving into my house with an animal."
"Why? Because there's already one living there?" I sassed back
"Oh ha ha."
"Come on that one was good."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"I sleep very well knowing I'm funny." I giggled to myself.
"I'm glad."
I looked over at the alarm clock as saw it had hit midnight. Knowing I had a busy day tomorrow i called it.
"Okay. I need to go to bed."
"Okay. Goodnight."
"Night." Derek hung up and I turned over and curled up to get warmer.
After half an hour of tossing and turning I started to drift off and warm up a little bit. I turned onto my side once again and found a warm spot in my bed. So I relaxed and finally fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sunlight in my eyes. I must have forgotten to close the curtains before I fell asleep. I groaned as my eyes burned and turned into my dark mattress. My hand flew over my body as I buried myself in and felt something that wasn't fabric. I raised my head and opened my squinted eyes to see a person laying face down in my bed. Before I could freak out I noticed a familiar tattoo in between the shoulder blades of this person. I took a sigh of relief and rested my forehead on his back.
"Derek." I called hoping to wake him up.
"Hm?" He asked as he woke and turned to me with a groggy face.
"What are you doing here?"
"You said you were cold."
I just scoffed and planted my body back onto his. He turned onto his back and pulled me on top of him.
"You are very warm." I agreed. "But I can't stay in bed all day. I have a lot of stuff to get done."
"I travel all the way here and you can't even stay in bed with me?" He groans and squeezes me tighter
"Unfortunately not." I raised my head and repositioned my nose into his neck
"This is like the worst deal ever. I finally get a girlfriend who doesn't want me dead and I can't even see her!"
"The world is so cruel." I propped myself up and kissed his check and then his lips.
His hands moved down to my waist and I rejected his advances.
"Like I said Derek. I have things to do."
"This is so unfair!" He chuckled
"I promise we will find a day where we can just rot in bed together. But today is not that day."
I patted his chest and sat up.
"You're leaving me already?" He grabbed my wrists and whined.
"Yes. I have to run errands today."
He pulled my arms around his neck and leaned up to kiss my jaw.
"Just five more minutes." He dragged his nails lightly up and down my back and kissed my cheek.
"I am stronger than this. I can resist." I groaned and sat back up.
"I wish I didn't teach you to be a strong independent woman."
"Look at the monster you've created." I laughed at him and threw the blankets off. I stood up and stretched out feeling all my muscles work again.
Derek let out a heavy breath into my pillow.
"You can stay here if you want. I'll only be gone a couple hours."
"Okay." He answered with his face still in my pillow.
"Bye Derek." I said as I threw on my jacket.
"Bye." He sighed and I closed my door, containing my sleepy werewolf in my room.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now