Hes your son pt 1

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Eli walked in through the door followed by Derek who slammed it behind him. Derek and his son were both eerily quiet which meant something had gone wrong.
Derek struggled to take off his jacket and when he went to put it on the hanger, the hook fell off the wall. Derek, before turning around, took a deep breath in hopes he wouldn't explode like he used to.
He kept picturing all the lessons y/n had given him after Eli was born. Derek said he would never act like that to his son. So as Eli grew up, Derek got better and better at controlling his anger.
"Okay, can we just stop before either of us does something completely embarrassing?"
"I think that qualifies as pretty embarrassing." Eli sassed back with a small but not so unnoticeable smirk on his face.
"It was coming loose anyway." Derek grumbled hoping to take a little bit of the shame off of him.
They continued to argue back and forth without either of their voices raising too high. It wasn't uncommon for arguments to be held between these two. Mostly because Derek was trying to pry something out of his son that Eli did not want to discuss. Y/n had no say in the matter because she was not a werewolf. And while she loved her son very much she argued that it was Dereks responsibility.

Derek scoffed at the counter ready to give up.
"Okay if this is about the other thing let's talk about the other thing."
"I don't want to talk to you about anything." Eli was hoping that he would piss off his dad so much that he would give up. But y/n had done such a good job helping Derek manage his anger that it was now quite hard to rattle Derek.
"Eli, you're a Hale."
"Then I'll change my name."
"It won't change the fact that you're a werewolf!" Derek's tone was getting deeper
"And what if I'm not?!" Eli finally exploded "what if I'm the first ever hale to not be one?"
Eli's voice cracked as he was on the brink of tears. He was more scared of disappointing his father than anything. Yes he was afraid of what he was capable of and how he'd look but he was more afraid of if he couldnt do it. Eli was a teenager and an awful one at that at times. But he always loved his dad and just wanted him to be proud of him. So when Eli played lacrosse and when Derek brought up Eli's abilities all Eli could see is the disappointment in his fathers eyes.
Eli couldn't stand to look at his dad anymore so he stomped off into his room and slammed the door. Derek took a big breath after a scoff and leaned onto the counter.
Y/n, in hearing the commotion walked out from the laundry room to mend the bond that had been broken.
She walked over to Derek after setting down the laundry bin and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her chin on his shoulder.
"I see it's been a rough day." She whispered into his white shirt.
He turned around and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.
"You have no idea."
"What was it this time?" She asked letting go of him to go back to her laundry.
"He's just not listening to me. We have to talk about it at some point."
"I know Derek. But you know how he is."
"Yeah he's a stubborn little shit."
"Yeah and who do you think he gets that from?" Y/n stared down her husband.
"Well I mean I wasn't going to say you but you asked." Derek joked which earned him a slap with a towel. "Okay okay! Sorry."
"You know what I mean. He's just like you Derek. In more ways than just your powers. And I know you want him to talk about it but it makes him uncomfortable."
"Yeah because he hates me. And every time he sees himself like that it just reminds him of the monster he has for a father." Derek mumbled as he looked out the window.
"You can't actually think that Derek. Can you?" Y/n stood and walked to her husband with her brows furrowed in concern.
"Of course I can. You know I terrified him when he was little."
"Derek." Y/n sighed "That was so long ago. And you can't keep blaming yourself for it. You did what you had to. You protected your son."
"And I traumatized him in the process."
Y/n turned Derek to her so he'd look her in the eyes.
"You know better than anyone that Eli loves you more than anything. And you know better than anyone that you love him more than anything. You are an amazing dad Derek. Don't let your mistakes make you forget how hard you work for him." She grabbed his hands in hers and gave them a squeeze.
"Now I know I said that this was going to be your thing but if you want I can talk to him. See where his discomfort is coming from."
"You're always here to save the day."
"Yeah that's usually what moms are for."
Derek pulled her into his chest and kissed her forehead. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and sighed into her.
Derek loved his family. He loved his son even though he was a pain in the ass. He loved his wife. She always knew how to fix things and always knew what to say. He loved that she was there to look after his son and to look after him. He believed that this family was all he ever needed. And that's why he knew she had to say something.
"I can make dinner if you want to go talk to him." Derek mumbled into her neck.
"Okay." She rubbed his back and he released her from his grasp. "What are you making?"
"I don't know. Anything you want?"
"Not particularly. Surprise me." She smiled.
He just nodded and walked back to the kitchen.

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