Sing a song little birdy pt 6

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My eyelids felt thick as I opened them. It was still dark in the apartment meaning it was still late in the night. My mouth felt dry so I stretched onto my feet to get a glass of water. The floor was cold so I pattered quickly to the kitchen. I grabbed just a single bottle of water from the fridge and pattered back to the couch. The rain seemed to have slowed down when I woke up. There was the occasional pop of a raindrop on the window but not as much as there was before I fell asleep. I assumed Derek went up to his room.
My brain was too tired to think of much else so I hopped back onto the couch and cozied back into the blankets. My head started to spin as I was falling back asleep but I jumped up when an alarm started to blare. Derek thumped down the stairs and tried to find me in the dark. I ran over and turned off the alarm. When I walked back to him I reached out and gently placed my hand on his arm.
"I'm right here." I whispered
He reached his arm around and held onto my arm
"How can you see that well in the dark?"
"Your eyes will get used to it. Just give it a minute." I could hear Derek sigh "is there someone here?"
"I don't know. Usually I would be able to hear them."
"Okay... okay. Watch the door." I walked over to the table where my weapons were laid out. I loaded one for me and one for Derek.
"It's loaded and safety is off. So when you fire this thing it will go off. Can you see a little better now?"
"Yeah. I can. I don't hear anyone though."
"Shh." I put my hand on Derek's chest to still him
"Shh! Just be quiet. Don't even breathe." I moved both hands onto my gun and watched.
I turned to look at the windows and saw a shadow cross by.
"Derek. Don't you have a balcony?" I quietly asked
"Yeah. Why?" He turned to look at the windows.
I raised my gun and slowly stepped toward the door to the balcony but before I could make it the window shattered and two figures rolled in.
The whole fight became a blur, instincts kicking in. But somehow I ended up under one of the mystery intruders. My gun was pulled from my hands and thrown across the room. I tried to activate my powers to slide the gun back toward me but I felt a wall come up around me.
"There. Now there won't be any stunts pulled." My wrist suddenly felt heavy and I looked to see a metal band clasped around it.
"What is this?"
"It's something keeping you from being able to do whatever witches do." I was lifted onto my feet and held by the neck. I could then see Derek doubled over in pain.
"Not as easy when you're little wolf doesn't seem to have any abilities." Another attacker sneered.
"What the hell do you guys want?"
"We want you dead. You two are worth a lot of money."
"Not anymore. No wolfy powers, remember?" Derek snapped even though he was in excruciating pain
"Well maybe not you" the attacker looked in my direction and pointed with a shiny object "but she will make us rich. The only witch here in beacon hills for over a hundred years. You're quite valuable."
The figure stepped closer to me and in the dim light I could see it was a man. My eyes flicked around the room and hit the jackpot. Derek was starting to quietly rise from the ground and inch to the gun that was on the ground across from him. Since Derek was off to the side, the person holding me couldn't see him and the man in front of me was distracted.
"And yet you're not even going to get a chance to see what I can do before you kill me. What a shame." I growled
"Hmmm... you are right. But do you really think we are dumb?"
"Depends. You did just walk into a wolf's den."
Derek had gotten hold of the gun and was standing up
"Former... wolf's den." He chuckled
"Did you know that wolves are very territorial and possessive? At even a hint of someone trying to steal something of theirs they can get aggressive. Now they are usually harmless if you leave them alone, but once you've aggravated them, it's over." I couldn't help but smile.
"What are you getting at? This isn't animal planet!"
"Just one more thing. Did you know... that the wolf never really leaves a werewolf's body? They may not have abilities, but they sure as hell are still dangerous." I gave Derek a quick nod and Derek fired a single shot into the back of our mystery man. The shot was muffled but everyone could see Derek had definitely hit him. He crumbled over with a groan and fell silent as he hit the floor. Derek cocked the gun again and aimed at the person still holding me like an animal.
They reached for their pocket and pulled out a shiny object and pressed it to my throat.
"I wouldn't do anything risky or her head goes on my wall." Their body pressed into my back and held me tighter.
"Derek take the shot." I commanded
"I can't. I don't know if I might hit you."
"Just take the damn shot Derek! You can do it!"
"Oh, a lover's quarrel. How interesting. Yes Derek... take the shot. Do you risk the chance or do you let something else happen?"
"Derek look at my face. Even in the dark you can see me. Because even without your abilities you are still powerful. Use what you have and take the fucking shot."
Derek started to lower his gun. I felt the object, which I assumed was a knife, dig into my throat and I whimpered.
He pulled the gun back up within a second and fired. The muffled fire broke the small silence of debate and the pain had released from my throat. The attackers body slumped over, grazing my back as they fell over aimlessly. I stepped away quickly and ran to Derek. He pulled me into his body and squeezed me tight.
"See. You did it. You were perfect."
"I'm glad you're okay." He mumbled into my shoulder.
"I'm fine." I reached for my neck and covered the small wound the knife had carved into it.
"You're bleeding." Derek almost gasped.
"It's not fatal. Just a small cut."
"What about these guys?" He asked as he surveyed their limp bodies on his floor.
"They aren't dead. The guns were filled with tranq darts. So even if you did hit me, I wouldn't have died."
"That's why you weren't scared." He looked back at me, still holding me close
"Kind of. But I also trusted you to be able to hit the target."
"But why?"
"Like I said, the wolf never really leaves. You are still very agile and athletic. Just with less cheek hair." I cupped his chin with my hand and rubbed his cheek with my thumb "As for what to do with them, I say we throw them off the roof and make it look like suicide."
"Woah, dark."
"Got any other ideas?"
"Umm maybe turn them into sheriff stilinski. He knows about us so it's fine."
"Oh. That works too. But we should move fast. The sedative only lasts for like half an hour."
We worked together to shuffle them to the poles of the apartment and tied their hands around them. While Derek was finishing up I grabbed my phone to call stiles.
"Y/n? Do you know what time it is?" Stiles groaned
"Hey. We need you and your dad."
"Why? What's up?" Stiles seemed more alert now

"Well I'm glad you guys are okay. You guys got out of this situation pretty well all things considering." Sheriff stilinski complimented as two of his deputies escorted the now awake intruders
I flinched as the emt swiped a cotton pad over my throat.
"Sorry." He whispered
"It's okay. Just kinda hurts."
"Well I'll be quick. It doesn't look too deep so we will just put some gauze and a bandage over it."
I just nodded and watched the scene unfold. The apartment looked like a crime scene. It was in fact a crime scene but it didn't really feel like it."
The emt balled up the garbage and threw it into the garbage in the kitchen.
"Maybe you should take that bracelet off. It looks like it's irritating your arm." He suggested. I looked down and realized the cuff was still on. I tried to take it off but it wouldn't budge.
"Sheriff! Do you have any bolt cutters that can get this thing off?"
The sheriff shook his head in disappointment. I sighed and tried to pry it off again.
"Let me try." Derek gripped his hands around the cuff and readied his body to pull really hard. When he pulled it snapped off like it was a twig.
"Huh... Well that was easier than I thought." I shrugged
Derek's brows furrowed but I didn't feel like questioning him.
"So where are we going to stay now that my apartment is being taken over by cops?" Derek sighed and looked around in disgust
"Well I do in fact have a room at Liam's house."
Derek didn't seem too pleased with that solution but I knew we had no other choice.
"Fine." He grumbled
"I'll give you guys a ride there. Just in case anyone else tries to murder you tonight."
"Thanks sheriff."
We both followed him out and to his car. The back seat was surprisingly comfortable for being a cop car. If I was just slightly more tired I would have fallen asleep.
I was feeling slightly uncomfortable so I shuffled until my head found its way to Derek's shoulder.
"Tired?" He whispered down to me
"Yeah." I simply replied back.
"You can go to sleep. I don't mind."
"I'm gonna try to wait till we get into an actual bed."
When we got to Liam's house I tried to quietly open the front door and walk in. Derek and I crept up the stairs and I opened my door. I was startled to see Liam sitting on my bed.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now