One too many

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Derek walked around looking at all the kids screaming. They roared at each other in their costumes and made jokes about whoever they were. The sun had just gone down and kids were running around with heavy sacks of candy. Derek rolled his eyes thinking about how much work they'd be tonight. Derek was never one for taking care of kids until it sounded delightful. Tonight was not one of those nights. Derek didn't want to take care of wolf screeching children in masks.
Halloween had a particularly weird place in Dereks heart. He loved that he saw inclusion for people of his kind or area of life, but it was also weird to see kids dressing up like him when they had no idea how hard it was to be a werewolf. He loved seeing that kids were so excited to be werewolves but it made him uncomfortable as well. He didn't want people do suffer like he has, especially little kids.
Derek shook off the thought with a sigh and headed up to his penthouse

"Derek!" Y/n stumbled to the door when Derek walked in.
"Woah. Are you drunk?" He asked with a furrowed brow.
"What? No!"
"Why are you all dizzy then? You're stumbling."
"It's probably all the sugar I've had."
"What have you eaten?" Derek took a couple strides to the couch where a pile of wrappers sat on the floor in front of the blue velvet. "Oh my god y/n. You're gonna get sick."
"I haven't thrown up yet."
"Why did you eat so much?"
"I wanted to see how far I could go. Your face looks funny." Y/n tilted herself and squinted to look at his face.
"Y/n youre on a sugar high right now." Derek walked over and grabbed her by the arms. "You need to get to bed. Sleep off this sugar."
"No! No I'm not tired!" Her movements were slow, her reaction time was horrible, and she was fumbling over everything.
"Walk by yourself." Derek commanded. Y/n let go of his shoulder and her foot caught on her other heel and she went down. She braced for the floor but never fell. Derek scooped her over his shoulder like a firefighter and carried her up the stairs.
"Wait! Derek! Put me down! I'm gonna throw up! Derek seriously!" Derek put her down quickly and she ran off to the bathroom.
Derek cringed as she slammed the door closed. Derek had waited a minute or two till she came back out.
She groaned and wiped her mouth.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. I've gotten at least some sugar out of my system." She still fumbled over her feet.
"Okay, let's get you in bed."
"God my head hurts." She complained as she felt the sheets under her fingers.
"It's okay. Just close your eyes and I'll come get you later."
"O-okay Derek."

Your POV
I woke up later that night with a dull twinge in my head. My limbs felt heavy and my mouth was dry. I rubbed my eyes after I opened them for a second. I yawned and stretched out. I looked down and realized I was in Dereks bed. For a slight second forgot I basically got drunk off of candy and tripped over myself. I smelled my breath after remembering I threw up and scrunched my nose.
I hopped out of bed, being able to plant my feet easily, and walked to the bathroom. I took Dereks mouthwash and swished around two rounds of it. It made a much needed difference. I combed out my hair with my fingers and walked down the stairs. It was dark and the tv was on. Derek was watching a movie by himself. The giant window to the right of him was only giving moonlight and the small bit of light that the streets gave off, so it wasn't pitch black but I wouldn't trust myself to walk without flaw. I snuck up behind him, my eyes still tired and put my hands on his eyes.
"Guess who?" I laughed as I mumbled into his ear.
"Hmm... is it a ghost?"
"Is it... my conscious coming to haunt me?"
"No!" I laughed
"Well then I don't know why I should be scared right now."
"I didn't say you had to, you dork!"
"Oh! It's my best friend coming to blind me!" He laughed and tossed me around the couch to grab me.
"Aye! Hands off!" His fingers dug into my sides causing me to cry out. "That tickles! Derek! No! Derek can't breathe!"
He kept his hands on my sides but stopped from making my sides cry in overstimulation.
I took a deep breath in and out and I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.
"You are the one who should truly be scared." He wiggled his fingers in my face and I caught them.
"Ha! You are attack-less now!" He pulled his hands out of my grip and grabbed me to pull me on top of him. He shifted to now lay on his back and he placed me on his chest.
"What are we watching?"
"Ooo... bad scary movies. I'm in!"
"It's not bad! It's a classic!"
"Okay just because it's a classic doesn't mean it's not bad horror. Like it's not scary at all!"
"You're not wrong, but don't diss Halloween like that."
"Whatever." I rested my head back on his chest and be rubbed my back with his left hand. He stroked his finger up and down my spine. I felt my eyes get heavy again and the heat of his body pulled me somewhere safe.
My mouth fell open and my eyes shut lightly and soon I was asleep for the second time.

I opened my eyes for a third time and now it was pitch black in the loft. I shifted and a blanket tilted off of me. Derek must have pulled true blue blanket resting on the back of the couch onto us. I looked down at Derek who was now fast asleep. His eyes darted around under his eyelids which let me know he was fast asleep. I always admired his long lashes. They made me jealous sometimes. But I just couldnt stop seeing the green irises that were hidden under those lids right now. Those... those were my everything. Those emeralds made my tummy flip when he looked at me with so much care. Like earlier tonight when he looked at me after attacking my sides. He made me so tingly inside and I cant explain it. I love Derek more than anything but is it in a romantic way? I can't tell.
"What are you looking at?" Derek softly spoke as he woke. I was too lost in my own thoughts that I didn't see him wake up.
"Oh sorry. Nothing. I was kinda just zoning out."
"We'll go back to sleep. It's late."
"What time is it?"
Derek pulled over his phone and squinted at the numbers
"Two in the morning."
"Oh shit." I pushed my hair back and laid my head down again.
He wrapped his arms around me and sighed aloud, breaking the ominous silence.
"I love you Derek." I broke the silence and looked at him
"I love you, too, y/n." His eyes, those eyes, they looked at me again. I was impulsive and he knew that, so when I leaned up to kiss him, it didn't shock him. I pressed my lips to his. They were warm and slightly wet.
"I'm sorry." I admitted after pulling away "I shouldn't have done that."
"Did you not like it?"
"What? No no! I did! I very much did. But I shouldn't have."
"Why not?"
"Because you're my best friend."
"So... it's just weird. And i don't even really know if I have feelings for you. It's just you looked at me with your eyes and they are so green and pretty and it makes me turn to mush. I get so excited when you look at me."
"Sounds like you have feelings for me."
"No-I mean-I don't know. It's not like I don't want to have feelings for you and it's not like I do want to. I just want to know."
He looked at me with furrowed brows.
"You're over complicating things. Did you like the kiss?"
"Do you want to kiss me again?"
"Absolutely i do."
"Than you like me. Easy as that."
"Cool." He laughed
"Can I?"
"Can you what?"
"Kiss... you?"
I jumped up and kissed him again, just as delicate as last time, only this time I did it with full confidence.
"You taste like sugar." He smiled
"I think I had one too many." I chuckled and he just rolled his eyes
"You are the biggest nerd ever."
"But you love me."
"Yeah... I do." He kissed my forehead and I decided to go back to sleep afterward. His heartbeat pounded into my ear and I felt his stomach lift me when he inhaled.
I yawned and steadied my breath, falling asleep for the rest of the night

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now